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Started by Kat Kanning, April 07, 2012, 05:40 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

60 degrees in Denver yesterday
20 and 1 inch of snow so far today
we will bottom out at 5 degrees tomorrow

Russell Kanning

a few inches of snow in Utah and back across windy Wyoming and I am back in the sun in Colorado. :)

Russell Kanning

Illinois but without the bitter cold. :)

Russell Kanning

Russell Kanning

Russell Kanning

finally out of the snow and rain here in PA.
I will be watching the big game tonight with my Tebow shirt on. :)

Russell Kanning

6 inches of snow today and my light truck were a bad combo

Jim Johnson

Bad as in, "ow, I crashed" or bad as in, "this thing won't move in the snow"?

Russell Kanning

Had some successful maneuvers and once got stuck where my empty trailer was putting so little pressure on the right side...... So spin spin spin. Had a tow truck get us started again. Later the tow truck was sliding back down to us:-!

Russell Kanning

For Tesla car fans
We just brought interiors for them up from Mexico

Pat K

87 deg. About 90 percent humidity, it was a warm day.

Russell Kanning

now we are in decent weather in ID
we have a funny truck problem ..... the batteries are not being charged
the alternator is being turned by the belt


Quote from: Russell Kanning on February 22, 2014, 09:04 AM NHFTwe have a funny truck problem ..... the batteries are not being charged
the alternator is being turned by the belt

Then it's almost certainly one of three things:
Faulty alternator
Faulty voltage regulator (which may or may not be built into the alternator)
Broken wire between the alternator and the batteries

Russell Kanning

you are correct sir
It was the alternator and we had the cheaper one to replace. :)
nice weather in Eden ID

Russell Kanning

68 and mostly sunny in Salt Lake today :)