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2005 murder rate

Started by KBCraig, January 08, 2006, 06:45 PM NHFT

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I dont think its easy to own machingun.
If you're a member of the homeguard you get an AK 4 which is an assualt rifle, but the only ammo you get for it is labeled so they can see if you opened it. I heard of one case where a homeguard shoot an intruder with his rifle but i think he was charged for it. If you have not been in the military i think is very hard to get collectors license for machineguns.


Quote from: estoves on January 23, 2006, 01:50 AM NHFT
I dont think its easy to own machingun.
If you're a member of the homeguard you get an AK 4 which is an assualt rifle, but the only ammo you get for it is labeled so they can see if you opened it. I heard of one case where a homeguard shoot an intruder with his rifle but i think he was charged for it. If you have not been in the military i think is very hard to get collectors license for machineguns.

The forum where I used to talk to Anders, the collector from Sweden, has closed now. But he explained the permit process, and it was no different for him, as a collector, than buying a bolt-action rifle or revolver from WWI.

I found this site about Swedish gun laws, and it also talks about firearms deaths.




Thats new for me but is it legal to shoot with the guns?
There still is a very strict control on the one who buys such weapons.
How does it work with NFA-weapon in New Hampshire?


Quote from: estoves on January 23, 2006, 02:45 PM NHFT
Thats new for me but is it legal to shoot with the guns?
There still is a very strict control on the one who buys such weapons.
How those it work with NFA-weapon in New Hampshire?

Yes, there are strict controls in Sweden, just like most of Europe. But they seem willing to grant the permits, unlike the UK.

New Hampshire has no restrictions on NFA weapons. The federal laws are the only laws that apply in NH.



Can't the state of NH nullify the Federal Laws?

Need to bring back Jeffersonian/Madison doctorans of State interposition/nullification.


Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: tracysaboe on January 23, 2006, 11:49 PM NHFT
Can't the state of NH nullify the Federal Laws?

Need to bring back Jeffersonian/Madison doctorans of State interposition/nullification.


No.  But states can ignore federal laws and they do it all of the time.


Quote from: TN-FSP on January 23, 2006, 11:55 PM NHFT
Quote from: tracysaboe on January 23, 2006, 11:49 PM NHFT
Can't the state of NH nullify the Federal Laws?

Need to bring back Jeffersonian/Madison doctorans of State interposition/nullification.


No.  But states can ignore federal laws and they do it all of the time.

The problem is that the feds ignore state laws (witness medical marijuana).

They don't need state laws. If they want to pursue someone for illegal possession of a machinegun, and state/local law enforcement won't help, they'll just come in with enough ATF agents and/or DUSMs, make the arrest, and if there's not an in-state jail who will accept the prisoner, they'll take him out of state or to a federal detention center. The trial will be in federal court, and any sentence will be at the federal level. The state and local governments aren't part of the process. And, short of arresting any federal agents who cross the state line, there's not much to be done about it.

Please don't think I like this system, but this is how things are when you have such a powerful central government.



Quote from: KBCraig on January 24, 2006, 01:24 AM NHFT
And, short of arresting any federal agents who cross the state line, there's not much to be done about it.

Isn't that exactly what a country in Nebraska did a few years back? The Sherif's office and his deputies and volentarily deputized possy chased the FBI out of town. I really don't see a problem w/ State/County/city police arresting FBI agents who violate state law.

In reality it's the only thing they'd be good for in a libertarian State untill we secede from the fed completly.




I'll be completely debt free by early 2009.

I just don't see the point in putting myself in financial suicide to make the move and then be completely worthless b/c I have no time to help out.

Right now I'm looking at trying to move by May 2009 or shortly thereafter. Believe me, I'm crunching numbers trying to push that point forward. I think I'll probably get there quicker if you'll remember a year ago on this forum I was saying it'd probably be 2010.

In the meantime, I donate to the NHLA, and the Liberty Scholorship Fund.



States ignore federal laws, but it would be great to see NH be the first one in who knows how long to nullify explicitly.

This is a good analysis of the Kentucky resolution: http://blog.mises.org/blog/archives/003811.asp