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Random Thoughts

Started by Dreepa, March 01, 2006, 04:33 PM NHFT

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1.  Is Lex in NH yet?
2.  Does Mike Fisher not post anymore?
3.  Lloyd when are you moving up here?
4.  Have you noticed that it is staying light out later?
5.  Have you signed the First1000 pledge?

Kat Kanning

1.  Soon.
2.  Occasionally.  He is missed, but apparently busy.
3.  I thought he said in May.
4.  Yes!  It's nice.
5.  Yes.


1. don't know
2. don't know
3. don't know
4. yes and I like it
5. yes


3)  Last I heard, November of 2005.  ;D  ;)


I've noticed the sky is staying pink on the horizon much longer after sundown, as well.

I'll be living in an apartment in NH independently by 08. I'll be at Plymouth State, but I want to get my stuff out of my parents house around the same time as my brother (2 years behind me in age), so I'll probably be sharing an apartment...
So I signed the first 1000!


Quote from: Dreepa on March 01, 2006, 04:33 PM NHFT
1.  Is Lex in NH yet?
2.  Does Mike Fisher not post anymore?
3.  Lloyd when are you moving up here?
4.  Have you noticed that it is staying light out later?
5.  Have you signed the First1000 pledge?

1) I thought Lex was in Metropolis.

4) Yes, It's nice. I don't need my glasses to drive home from work anymore.

5) sadly, I had to quit my job at Esurance. Midco offered me full-time, and seeing as, I actually like that job, plus my wife worked their so we can carpool and spend more time together, etc. I had to quit my job at esurance to accept it. Esurance offered me part-time, but considering that I hate that job, I really didn't see any sense killing myself to work 60 hours a week now that I had a stead full-time job at a place I actually liked. So that's a hit of about $800 a month from part-time income I'l be loosing :( On the bright side, we'll save about half of that in gas, (car-pooling) food (less eating out between jobs) etc.  But it does mean my debt freedom date has been pushed back to the end of 2009 instead of the beginning :( Which means it'll be a little more difficult to get to NH when I wanted to.

On the plus side I have more freetime to work on Calib's secession content. I've got a few people over here that I'm trying to talk into joining the FSP. Perhaps I'll be able to bring some of them w/ me when I come.



Quote from: Dreepa on March 01, 2006, 04:33 PM NHFT
1.  Is Lex in NH yet?
You could call him and ask. He has two phone numbers listed in Grafton.  ;)


Didn't you help him move?


no, he put me on ingnore  :'(


Quote from: tracysaboe on March 06, 2006, 12:52 AM NHFT5) sadly, I had to quit my job at Esurance.

Since this thread is named "Random Thoughts," I don't mind interrupting with an off-topic question.

How is Esurance as an insurance company. I'm planning to buy a car in the next six months, and I've looked at Esurance before, and they were pretty cheap. But, will I actually get good service from them should I need to file a claim?


Thanks TN-FSP.

I'm still interested in Tracy's opinion as someone who was on the inside.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: Dreepa on March 01, 2006, 04:33 PM NHFT
1.  Is Lex in NH yet?

Yes!  Woohoo!   ;D  Wife: lovely.  Baby:  adorable.


Quote from: katdillon on March 08, 2006, 03:08 PM NHFT
Quote from: Dreepa on March 01, 2006, 04:33 PM NHFT
1.  Is Lex in NH yet?

Yes!  Woohoo!   ;D  Wife: lovely.  Baby:  adorable.
Nice try.
Everyone knows that free staters hate babies.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: katdillon on March 08, 2006, 03:08 PM NHFT
Quote from: Dreepa on March 01, 2006, 04:33 PM NHFT
1.  Is Lex in NH yet?

Yes!  Woohoo!   ;D  Wife: lovely.  Baby:  adorable.
Did I miss a moving party? WTF?