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Mexico Works to Bar Non-Natives From Jobs

Started by BillyC, May 25, 2006, 07:46 PM NHFT

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I posted this in a similar thread on the Free Talk Live BBS, but maybe someone can explain it to me here:

I don't disagree with the idea that there is a group of people somewhere trying to create a New World Government in one form or another, it just seems like a worthwhile goal powerful people would want to pursue.

My question though is how will removing borders help the New World Order? Can someone please explain to me how not opening up the borders will make it harder for the NWO to execute their plans?

Right now my opinion is that to the NWO it doesn't matter one bit if we have or do not have borders. What is so magical about borders anyways? "Globalists" are not one bit impeded by borders, they can travel anywhere they want, they can move legal and illegal goods anywhere they want, US troops are in almost every country in the world.

What borders from the NWO perspective are the issue here? If the Mexicans decide to take over Texas, they can do it whether there is a border there or not... You take a tank and fire at a wall and you have an entry way, simple as that.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on May 27, 2006, 11:39 AM NHFT
I don't want citizenship, because that means a duty of allegience.  Nor do I abide by inconvenient laws.  However, I do not want "benefits" (obviously, since I don't want citizenship).  Finally, if they want to throw people off land, they will likely encounter armed resistance.  Do you really think it will come to that?

I think it will make just enough trouble to effect the results they want from the rest of the masses. And, as long as there are more than two people on the earth, there will be some sort of rule of law. And if you don't believe in citizenship/sovereignty of a country, you will have instant world gov't. Just giving them what they want, but sooner.

Also, have you met everyone taking part in the demos?  Doubt it.  Until then, I suggest you avoid making blanket statements. 

I didn't say I had, I just said I read their websites and saw they obviously fished in a few people here who thought it might be the 'right' thing to do to join in on the fun of day without immigrants when really they were just fueling the fire for Real ID.

What "culture"?  Can you define that?  Or do you just know it when you see it?

Culture of freedom, culture of live and let live, culture of self-sufficiency, etc like the thousands we have here in NH as I pointed out...because the less laws we have the more personal responsibility we will need.  It's call self-governance. Maybe you and I are capable of it, but some need to be more.

So... you want us to be more like those countries?  No thanks, I like freedom of movement.

I did not say that. Why do you keep putting words in my mouth?? I said, the US, when compared to those countries, is a lot LESS of a police state. So you don't hear about demonstrations there. Why do they do it here? Because they CAN and do get away with it. If you watched the demonstrations on TV as I accidentally did, they said some pretty awful things.


If you'd actually listen to us instead of attacking us with ad hominems you would know that we advocate ending welfare entirely and opening the borders.  That means less government, and more freedom.  Your plan equals more government and less freedom.

I wasn't aware that I had a plan...once again..you're assigning things to me that I never said. I have never advocated for more gov't or welfare. I have always advocated for ending welfare, etc.
You ought to be privileged that 1) - I listened to your show at all, and 2) - that the name 'clowns' was used as an endearment and in place of anything that could in any way be considered 'ad hominem'.

I listened long enough (and it wasn't that long) to hear you pronounce at least 4 times that people who do not want open borders are simply racists and bigots, PERIOD. There was no attempt to understand or explain that this is all being stirred up by our gov't, the Mexican gov't and the globalists and that some people might justifiable not like the strife, the hardships on both sides of the fence, and not even understand about how it's used as manipulation to divide and conquer. Just that fact that you are arguing with me about it by using those two words, words which are meant to scare and control people, is proof that in some cases it's working.

In a free America, hostpitals would not be forced by law to take anyone.  The charity wing would handle cases on a voluntarily contributed basis.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing, that is the way it should be but isn't. And when do you think that will change? In Wayland Mass, they just put it to a vote whether to allow anyone to vote. In Cambridge they voted to let them have all benefits even if they are not part of the system.  That's the direction in which it is going.

So when do you think welfare and gov't handouts will end, if ever, so that we can reach your idea of utopia?


Quote from: BillyC on May 25, 2006, 07:46 PM NHFT
Maybe we should follow their lead.  >:(

Talk about a double standard.

MEXICO CITY (AP) - If Arnold Schwarzenegger had migrated to Mexico instead of the United States, he couldn't be a governor. If Argentina native Sergio Villanueva, firefighter hero of the Sept. 11 attacks, had moved to Tecate instead of New York, he wouldn't have been allowed on the force.

Even as Mexico presses the United States to grant unrestricted citizenship to millions of undocumented Mexican migrants, its officials at times calling U.S. policies "xenophobic," Mexico places daunting limitations on anyone born outside its territory.

In the United States, only two posts - the presidency and vice presidency - are reserved for the native born.

In Mexico, non-natives are banned from those and thousands of other jobs, even if they are legal, naturalized citizens.

Shhh, it's the dirty little secret that no one is talking about!


Quote from: FSP-Rebel on May 27, 2006, 01:56 PM NHFT
I understand FTL's arguments regarding immigration as I am totally in favor of getting the gov out of my life. But, the bottom line is that a good portion of these immigrants do favor reclaiming the SW US as their own. This is not the nature of freedom-loving people trying to excape tyranny. They play the culture game and stick together accordingly. I can't deny that they are hardworkers overall. But everytime they hold rallies they wave their flag plus that of La Raza, which is a racist pro-mexican only organization. This front organization that is a major proponent of amnesty for illegals and organizes them to demand their programs and all else. These are only pro-freedom people when it suits them (their issue only). When was the last time we saw a Latino group favoring less taxation and gun rights. I don't wish for them to be stuck in their country of misery, but I won't stick my neck out for them until I've seen some real pro-freedom lip service.

It's true, they can get away with being racists apparently. They can wave flags of hatred against the people in the place they want to live...but we can't question what they are going to do when they get here and that makes us racists? Hrmmph.


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on May 27, 2006, 05:51 PM NHFT
What specifically is being manipulated and funded?

The militant groups like LaRaza. Our own government is alerting the Mexicans to the folks who have been monitoring the borders. And the groups are being funded by Soros, and other left wing globalists.  (And I say 'left' wing because believe me, world government WILL be forced socialism)


Quote from: CNHT on May 27, 2006, 06:20 PM NHFT
The militant groups like LaRaza. Our own government is alerting the Mexicans to the folks who have been monitoring the borders. And the groups are being funded by Soros, and other left wing globalists.

So, you want the same government that is funding LaRaza to protect the border?


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on May 27, 2006, 06:40 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on May 27, 2006, 06:20 PM NHFT
The militant groups like LaRaza. Our own government is alerting the Mexicans to the folks who have been monitoring the borders. And the groups are being funded by Soros, and other left wing globalists.

So, you want the same government that is funding LaRaza to protect the border?


I want them to stop agitating for world government!


Quote from: CNHT on May 27, 2006, 06:44 PM NHFT
I want them to stop agitating for world government!

What does that have to do with Mexicans or the border?


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on May 27, 2006, 07:03 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on May 27, 2006, 06:44 PM NHFT
I want them to stop agitating for world government!

What does that have to do with Mexicans or the border?

Well the whole world government thing is way too much to explain here. There are many books where you can read about the rise of the UN and global governance and their efforst to enforce global governance and the LENGTHS to which they are willing to go to bring it about, realizing they can't do it overnight.  A lot of things are the way they are thanks to UN treaties we've signed as a country...ISO 2000, UNESCO, etc etc...  The UN aims to eradicate ALL ideologies in an effort to stop wars. This means you and I can't believe in our religion should we want to, and that is NOT freedom. Sure some religions are militant and intolerant but that doesn't mean the rest of the people should suffer. They want allegiance to the state as 'religion'. They want to control every aspect of our lives....and openly admit it. You could spend hours reading about it on the UN website alone...just reading about the education aspect...books such as 'The Dumbing Down of America' will tell you a lot. Look up the author Charlotte Iserbyt for one..

Just think -- the immigration issue suddenly came up right around the time Real ID was trying to be accepted. And many used that as the argument for it, when previous to this most people thought we had no immigrant 'problem' in NH. We really have a lot of people here, but they are just blending in like the rest of us and are not a problem, thus not being used.


It seems like none of the anti-immigration people can provide a coherent answer for their stance. I have read the discussions on this and the FTL forum and all I can see from the anti-immigration group are accusations that anyone who is for the freedom of movement is also for one world government. All I see is these links to Alex Jones about how some Mexicans in Texas and California are planning to invade America... Which, even if it was true, does not matter in the long run. For all intents and purposes the NWO is already here and actively prospering, so the whole discussion over closed/open borders affecting the NWO is pointless. We can't see what is happening behind the scenes on the global scale so it's best to just keep making NH free and once we have achieved that we can start spreading our freedoms to other states and countries.

Can someone explain how reinforcing the border or removing the border will affect NH? Sure, we have some immigrants here but is it really that much of a problem? Why not let the southwest deal with their own problems and stick to our own?

Get rid of welfare and open up the borders!


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on May 27, 2006, 07:18 PM NHFT
It seems like none of the anti-immigration people can provide a coherent answer for their stance.

Well I never said I was anti-immigration being bilingual and from an immigrant family myself...I just said the current conflict has to be looked at from the point of globalism.

QuoteI have read the discussions on this and the FTL forum and all I can see from the anti-immigration group are accusations that anyone who is for the freedom of movement is also for one world government.

No you got that wrong...not ANYONE, just some, who are 'unwittingly' paving the way for the globalists who have been chipping away at our sovereignty for years....once you study that you will see what I mean.

All I see is these links to Alex Jones about how some Mexicans in Texas and California are planning to invade America... Which, even if it was true, does not matter in the long run. For all intents and purposes the NWO is already here and actively prospering, so the whole discussion over closed/open borders affecting the NWO is pointless. We can't see what is happening behind the scenes on the global scale so it's best to just keep making NH free and once we have achieved that we can start spreading our freedoms to other states and countries.

Yes but, if we have no gov't at all, and no borders, how long do you think that would last before the UN would say, "You need us to take over!!!" They are already saying it and doing it now!
While it would be nice to have a free world with no borders and no oppressive government, there will always be someone, somewhere, scheming to take over. Once you eradicated all nation states (which is the UN's goal) to where could you flee to get free? (And don't say Tunga's spaceship! LOL)

Can someone explain how reinforcing the border or removing the border will affect NH? Sure, we have some immigrants here but is it really that much of a problem? Why not let the southwest deal with their own problems and stick to our own?

That is just what I said when JP said he was going to wear an armband to support these people. I said he was just falling for the agitation.
There is no need to do anything here in NH.


Get rid of welfare....

Yes, but how? This will not come about by advocating NOT VOTING. It will take work if it is to happen at all.


....and open up the borders!

I agree...but, there's lots of work to be done before that can happen, otherwise we are just fueling the fire of MORE gov't.


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on May 27, 2006, 07:18 PM NHFT
All I see is these links to Alex Jones about how some Mexicans in Texas and California are planning to invade America... Which, even if it was true, does not matter in the long run. For all intents and purposes the NWO is already here and actively prospering, so the whole discussion over closed/open borders affecting the NWO is pointless.

What is wrong with ALex Jones?
Are you calling him a liar?
If the darling of the GCN Network is a liar then why should we give a dam what a 2 bit show like yours selling?


Talk show hosts like Alex Jones concentrate on things that are not talked about on other shows. Just because it's hidden in the shadows, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Ten years ago I told my Dad there would be RFID chips that could be injected under our skin and he said 'Girl what are you smoking?' Now that it's come to pass he still keeps saying it's fantasy because he won't read all about the controversy.

If you don't listen, how will you know about this stuff?

There are many more like Alex, and I've been listening to them for YEARS. If you only knew the plethora of information out there on government corruption and involvement in weather manipulation, mind control, created crises such as 9/11, bio-experimentation on humans, drug dealing, human trafficking, eavesdropping, media blackouts, criminal coverups, etc....your hair would stand up.

Truth is stranger than fiction...


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on May 27, 2006, 07:18 PM NHFT
It seems like none of the anti-immigration people can provide a coherent answer for their stance. I have read the discussions on this and the FTL forum and all I can see from the anti-immigration group are accusations that anyone who is for the freedom of movement is also for one world government.

Here is the coherent answer which I just found worded so well on the National LP website just as I was getting the information for the LPNH site I am redoing and it echoes exactly what I said:

Their stand on 'World Government'

The Issue: Participation in any form of world or international government threatens the sovereignty of the United States, its citizens and its Constitution.

The Principle: The sovereignty of individual rights is preserved only by minimal government, and subservience to a world government is totalitarianism of a more severe form than to a national government.

Solutions: We oppose U.S. government participation in any world or international government. We support withdrawal of the United States government from, and an end to its financial support for, the United Nations. We oppose any treaty under which individual rights would be violated.

Transitional Action: Specifically, we oppose any U.S. policy designating the United Nations as policeman of the world, committing U.S. troops to wars at the discretion of the U.N., or placing U.S. troops under U.N. command.

Does that explain better what I said? Anything that threatens US sovereignty threatens our personal sovereignty.


Open borders is not a world government.

I don't see how it is.

Remove the potential for illegals, or ANYBODY to abuse government power, by either dismantling large portions of the government or creating a legitimate and threatening citizen militia, and the possibility that they will abuse it to achieve any sort of globalist goals goes away.

Imagine a country whose government only existed to protect its sovereignty, by calling on all the willing people of the nation to voluntarily bear arms and fight when they needed to, for freedom. You could drive in like driving between US states (well, like driving ANYWHERE). You could buy or sell anything, do anything at all, no matter where you came from. The towns would be responsible for overseeing their roads construction and use (not controlled access roads, just "downtown" roads). Could open immigration really be a problem there?