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Free Lunch Project: Vote Here: Major update July 20

Started by NC2NH, July 03, 2006, 04:01 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Too bad you're not an admin  :tongue11:  You could fix it if you were.  :-*



Quote from: russellkanning on July 19, 2006, 06:55 PM NHFT
I want to vote for more than one.

Quote from: katdillon on July 19, 2006, 06:57 PM NHFT
Too bad you're not an admin  :tongue11:  You could fix it if you were.  :-*

So can an admin change this poll to Approval Voting and extend the deadline through 11:59 PM on July 31? If so, let's go for it.


if we go for approval voting, my second choice is California


I changed my vote to Wisconsin, because I agree that "leaking" may occur if we choose MA.  However, are we going to be able to get people to move to Wisconsin as easily as to MA?

Pat K

Quote from: Braddogg on July 19, 2006, 10:28 PM NHFT
I changed my vote to Wisconsin, because I agree that "leaking" may occur if we choose MA.  However, are we going to be able to get people to move to Wisconsin as easily as to MA?

I would be willing to chip in for their bus tickets. :)


Frankly, DC makes the most sense to me.

Kat Kanning

Did you want people to be able to vote for 2, Rob?  Or how many?


Quote from: fourthgeek on July 20, 2006, 12:41 AM NHFT
Frankly, DC makes the most sense to me.

No DC is too close to our national politicians.  They are liable to actually get the ear of one of them.

I still say Mass is the top pick as it?s the most liberal state in the nation already so most of them wouldn?t have to move.  But my second choice would be either California or Oregon.  Don?t forget Oregon was where they were pushing for socialized medicine (until they realized it would cost more then their entire state?s budget? but they still looked first to see if they could get the federal government to pay for it) and every time I hear about wackjob liberal stories of government trying to do something way out there it always seems to be coming from Oregon.  Oregon was also the state (I think along with Washington) that provided illegals with drivers licenses which allows them to do business within the state.  Oregon was also the state who?s supreme court kicked Nader off the ballot allowing Secretary of State Bill Bradbury to use unwritten rules to invalidate Nader?s petitions.

The thing with Oregon though is the people of the state actually disagree with what their politicians are doing? unfortunately they keep electing them.


Quote from: katdillon on July 20, 2006, 04:54 AM NHFT
Did you want people to be able to vote for 2, Rob?  Or how many?

I'd like the ability to cast a vote for as many or as few places as the voter desires. Is that doable?

Thanks for extending the poll. 8)

Kat Kanning

Doable...and done.  You can now vote for 21 places.



Quote from: katdillon on July 20, 2006, 06:29 PM NHFT
Doable...and done.  You can now vote for 21 places.

Thanks Kat!  :icon_thumleft:

Kat Kanning

Well now I have to change my vote to California, just so it can beat out Wisconsin  ;D


I've never voted in an internet poll until right now: