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Ian is adjusting

Started by John, September 13, 2006, 06:34 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Lex Berezhny on September 14, 2006, 09:15 AM NHFT
After all this time it turns out Ian is allergic to freedom!  :biglaugh:
LOL I think maybe he needs to just adjust to freedom.


Here's my personal theory: it's not changing climates, and it's not changing weather. Instead, allergies are aggravated when we experience new allergens!

Think about it: guy moves from FL to NH in two days. Yeah, the weather is different. But if the weather in FL had suddenly changed to match that in NH, he'd suffer the same thing.

We (my family and I) frequently suffer allergy attacks when the weather changes quickly. But when we look at what's different, we see that it's not really the weather, but that the weather is coming from a new direction, bringing new "stuff" in the air.

Money Dollars

Quote from: aries on September 13, 2006, 07:42 PM NHFT
Everyone seems to have a cold right about now.
I got a pretty nasty one that started last friday....puking, hotflashes, headache....maybe I am pregnant.....
Then that went away, and on saturday I had a sore throat that got worse and worse as the day went on, but it only lasted a day.....it got better on sunday, but then the stuff/runny nose and coughing kicked in......that is starting to go away now, but I'm still a little messed up....my kids have/are getting it now....

I have only gotten 2-3 hours of sleep a night since sunday, but that is by choice....hallucinating without drugs is cool... :D

Lloyd Danforth

MD, you didn't, by any chance, practice a little introspection before you got sick, did you?

Asfar as allergies are concerned, there is biological stuff from plants flying around that Ian's system has never encountered in FL


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on September 14, 2006, 10:33 AM NHFT
Asfar as allergies are concerned, there is biological stuff from plants flying around that Ian's system has never encountered in FL


Money Dollars

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on September 14, 2006, 10:33 AM NHFT
MD, you didn't, by any chance, practice a little introspection before you got sick, did you?
Of couse, I am always doing that.

But I have not been getting much sleep for the last couple weeks....I had a bunch of work that need to get done by COB today....I'm pretty much done with it....


When new stuff is encountered, it usually take  awhile before the body erroneously decides it is bad stuff and reacts. Allergies develop. First exposures often don't trigger reactions.



If Ian is allergic to the local plants hopefully he just has to wait until the first killing frost before he gets relief.


Hasn't hit here in RI yet.
When it does, I resort to using Kick-Your-Ass-tifed.  Which, BTW, is extremely hard to find now, as it contains non-pseudo effedrine.

Used to work wonders for me.


I was sick (still have symptoms).  Mark got sick about 2 days after my infection and Soundwave is beginning to develop symptoms.   ::)


Mark sounded pretty bad last night. (At least I assume that was him coughing on air.)

Kat Kanning

Bummer you guys got sick.  I usually get sick when I travel.  I blame it on public toilets.


Quote from: JigglyPuff on September 16, 2006, 07:37 AM NHFT
We usually get sick from shopping carts at Wal Mart..
public toilets..ewwww..I hate it when my kids can't hold it..public bathrooms aren't set up for little people..

If the kids are small enough you just lift up the seat and have them stand/squat on the toilet rim. Works great, that's what I remember doing when I was a little kid (how I still remember that I have no idea).

Michael Fisher

Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 16, 2006, 01:47 AM NHFT
I was sick (still have symptoms).  Mark got sick about 2 days after my infection and Soundwave is beginning to develop symptoms.   ::)

Baptism through fire.  ;)

You'll be fine. :)


Quote from: Michael Fisher on September 16, 2006, 01:45 PM NHFT
Baptism through fire.  ;)

You'll be fine. :)

I wasn't concerned for a moment.   ;)