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Building Fun at Jim-n-Lauren's

Started by TackleTheWorld, September 15, 2006, 05:39 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

More cement laying going on this morning....probably starting at 11:00.

Russell Kanning

Tom Sawyer

It was fun to stop by and see you all finishing up. Congrats to Jim and all the helpers. 8)

firecracker joe

im impressed the way you all have come together to do what needs to be done .screw the permits >:DI recently did some civil disobedience my self by pulling a culvert out of my road and replacing it without a permit .In Order for me to get a permit i wouldnt have just had to pay for the permit,pipe and fill,but also they told me i needed to get a wet land scientist and surveyor to the tune Of about $20,000 which i cannot afford so it was either civil disobedience or walk half mile to my house all winter. Thanx for giving me the courage to go around the law. :-X   

Russell Kanning

Well I guess now we have to build a better and better house for Jim and Lauren as long as she is in jail. The longer they hold her the bigger and better the house gets.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: jjoserox on October 23, 2006, 02:42 PM NHFT
im impressed the way you all have come together to do what needs to be done .screw the permits >:DI recently did some civil disobedience my self by pulling a culvert out of my road and replacing it without a permit .In Order for me to get a permit i wouldnt have just had to pay for the permit,pipe and fill,but also they told me i needed to get a wet land scientist and surveyor to the tune Of about $20,000 which i cannot afford so it was either civil disobedience or walk half mile to my house all winter. Thanx for giving me the courage to go around the law. :-X   

Nice to hear from you Joe. :)
Congrats on getting your stuff done without the burden the authorities would put on you.


Quote from: jjoserox on October 23, 2006, 02:42 PM NHFTThanx for giving me the courage to go around the law. :-X   

Looks like sometimes it just takes the spark of Liberty.

Russell Kanning

firecracker joe

well i hope it pays cause  today i got a letter from the des and they are coming to look at my road next week surprise! surprise!

Russell Kanning

We are going to do another round of barn raising activities at Jim and Lauren's place. You can private message "Facilitator" for contact info or check out the other barn raising thread.
The foundation will be backfilled this weekend and we can start raising the walls and roof next weekend (November 4,5). :D

Russell Kanning

I just got a call about the barn raising from a Sentinel reporter. Maybe he can promote the fun we are having. :)

Kat Kanning

It's one of those show-up-whatever-time-you-want things.


Can we put up "Free Lauren" in ten foot font and the side of the barn?

Good luck Jim. 

firecracker joe

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 26, 2006, 02:56 PM NHFT
It's one of those show-up-whatever-time-you-want things.
Oh that's just too damn freeform. ;D
I'm not willing to help until we get 20,000 people to sign on board.