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Rescinding membership in Free State Project

Started by Objectivist, November 09, 2006, 07:53 PM NHFT

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I can not smite you hard enough, Objectivist.


Quote from: d_goddard on November 18, 2006, 12:32 AM NHFT
Quote from: eques on November 17, 2006, 11:57 PM NHFT
You know, I suddenly find myself wondering if my webserver still gets NIMDA hits
WTF? Where did that come from?

It's late, I looked over at my cable modem, saw the blinking light indicating "cable" activity, and that thought popped into my head.

I haven't received any NIMDA hits since removing the filter.  ;D


Quote from: eques on November 17, 2006, 11:57 PM NHFT
I'm under no delusion that I'm going to convince Objectivist of anything.  I mean, it's difficult to talk to somebody when they only read every other word and ignore whole paragraphs.

I'm still curious about what Objectivist thinks about the guaranteed increase of governmental power that Yet Another War would be sure to bring, because, well, I don't know, I thought that Objectivism was about rejecting the ever-increasing demands of the parasites upon the producers, and government is by far the biggest parasite of them all.

Six years ago our biggest concern was government. But what good wil it do to have a smaller govenrment and have several of our major cities vaporized?

The towel-headed camel jockeys screaming about their 70 perpetual virgins in paradise are the threat now, not some over-weight beuracrat trying to perpetuate his job and increase his department funds.

FDR F**ked this country up with the New Deal - TRUE.

Hitler and Japan wanted to F**k this country far far far worse than FDR could ever have imagined - TRUE

Big government today is way to big, and way way way too expensive - TRUE

Like in the 1940's there are priorities. People out there (N Korea and Iran) are allowing their governments to prepare nukes with "Dear America, eat this you satanic fucks" inscribed on the tip of the missles.

So where in hell are your priorities eques? NH isn't cold enough to escape the ravages of a nuclear winter. If Iran sends one, I hope we send 10, but I sure wish we could solve this problem before it goes nuclear.



Quote from: Objectivist on November 18, 2006, 09:24 AM NHFT

The towel-headed camel jockeys screaming about their 70 perpetual virgins in paradise are the threat now, not some over-weight beuracrat trying to perpetuate his job and increase his department funds.

And you believe that the Over-weight bureaucrat worried about his job is going to save you from this threat?  It's the damn bureaucrats who got us into this mess in the first place!  And right now, you should be more afraid of the fascist state we've come to live in.  You are more likely to be whisked away to some prison for sitting in the wrong place (Just ask Lauren) than you are of being vaporized. 

Oh, and regarding the "towel heads" (which says more about you than them) If we stop killing them they'll have no reason to want to kill us. 


Quote from: slim on November 13, 2006, 08:51 AM NHFT
If we follow your thinking objectivist then the government should confiscate all the weapons from the citizens because one person may not be responsible enough to posses a weapon. Oh yea and while we are at it lets take away all the cars, fatty foods, alcohol, cigarettes, and chocolate from everyone because one person may not be responsible enough to handle them.

I may not be responsible enough to handle fatty foods, alcohol, cigarettes OR chocolate... but since the government hasn't yet confiscated my guns, you'll have to pry them out of my cold, dead hands (er, mouth?).

But on the plus side, I am a very responsible driver.  :)


Quote from: Braddogg on November 18, 2006, 01:23 AM NHFT
I can not smite you hard enough, Objectivist.


FYI, he really did email me (just one word: "raghead").  I purged him from the Free State Project database (cc'ing Varrin and Brian; curiously, neither of them had any problem with this.  ::) )  He is officially not one of us.


Quote from: Objectivist on November 17, 2006, 01:45 PM NHFT
From another forum, http://capitalismforum.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=38&start=0

Someone named LaszloWalrus posted this in reply to the question "What should America do about Iran.

I agree, but I think the measures should be more drastic, otherwise Iran will recover and start building bombs again. I think the solution is to bomb the facilities, then tell Iran's government that it has, say, a week to dismantle its entire government and become demonstrably peaceful (it's their problem, not ours as to how they could accomplish this). Assuming they do not do this (which they almost certainly wouldn't), the US (alone or with willing allies like Israel) should initiate a massive attack on Iran's major cities (exactly how to do this is up to military strategists), destroying all of Iran's infrastructure and industry, and killing huge numbers of civilians. If the US would do that, the terrorist threat would virtually disappear, and North Korea would probably abandon their weapons program as well.

"I say we nuke the site from orbit; it's the only way to be sure."


Maybe I'm confused about the concept of the FSP.  I thought it was the free STATE project so in other words it's goal was to effect local and state level politics?

What people think one way or another about Iraq should have very little to do with anything with the FSP.

Personally since we have an all volunteer military I don't see you're problem with it.  If you don't want to fight, don't join the miltiary.  End of story.

As far as funding military goes, I see it on the same level as police and fire and since it is one of the few things actually specified in our constitution you're paying.  If you're agaist this country as a whole I suggest you and everyone else who feels that way get together purchase an island somewhere and start the free island/ country project.


Quote from: lildog on November 18, 2006, 10:48 AM NHFT
Maybe I'm confused about the concept of the FSP.  I thought it was the free STATE project so in other words it's goal was to effect local and state level politics?

What people think one way or another about Iraq should have very little to do with anything with the FSP.

This is not about what Objectivist thinks about Iraq (by the way, you do realize that Iraq and Iran are different countries  ::) ).  It's about the fact that he stated his desire to no longer be a participant in the FSP.  And since he is both a bigot and an advocate of violence, both of which are listed as precluding factors for FSP membership, I was perfectly happy to oblige.  :)

From the FSP FAQ: http://freestateproject.org/org/faq
Q: What kind of people are not welcome as members of the Free State Project?

A: Anyone who promotes violence, racial hatred, or bigotry is not welcome.


Quote from: lildog on November 18, 2006, 10:48 AM NHFT
Maybe I'm confused about the concept of the FSP.  I thought it was the free STATE project so in other words it's goal was to effect local and state level politics?

What people think one way or another about Iraq should have very little to do with anything with the FSP.

Personally since we have an all volunteer military I don't see you're problem with it.  If you don't want to fight, don't join the miltiary.  End of story.

As far as funding military goes, I see it on the same level as police and fire and since it is one of the few things actually specified in our constitution you're paying.  If you're agaist this country as a whole I suggest you and everyone else who feels that way get together purchase an island somewhere and start the free island/ country project.

I agree that free staters should primarily focus on state and local issues, but when national and international issues affect liberty in NH, they obviously become fair game.  The one thing Cropper's right about is that we can't be indifferent -- our foreign policy is a reflection of who we are as a nation and a culture.

The U.S. Constitution authorizes government to defend the U.S., not bully the world with tanks, guns, and bombs.  In fact, by not authorizing any means of financing the construction and maintenance of a "superpower" military, the Constitution implicitly forbids it.  Two unconstitutional reforms made it possible to finance such a military: the federal income tax and the creation of the Federal Reserve.  Any thinking libertarian opposes both, and must therefore oppose the "superpower" military unless he or she can at least suggest a method of paying for it.

QuoteFSP Statement of Intent

I hereby state my solemn intent to move to the state of New Hampshire. Once there, I will exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the maximum role of civil government is the protection of life, liberty, and property.

When government coercively taxes us to fund military adventurism and threatens us with property seizure and imprisonment if we fail to "voluntarily" comply, this far exceeds "The maximum role of civil government."  Thus, support for U.S. foreign policy is anti-liberty because a free society cannot be fostered within a country that cherishes global military dominance.  One of they key benefits to focusing activism in one state is that you increase your ability to resist the feds when they get out of hand (which is always).  This is part and parcel of protecting state sovereignty, and it is entirely pro-freedom.



How on earth do you plan to have a "free state" if you don't deal with the fascist empire trying to institute unitary government on the people of New Hampshire?  Since Lincoln, the federalist/hamiltonian/Lincoln philosophy of unitary government has destroyed the democratic/republican/Jeffersonian philosophy of state sovereignty.  Somehow that seems to have eluded the "state and local" only crowd of the FSP.  The other day, I was chided by a free stater:  "Federal, federal, federal, that's all you ever concern yourself with is federal stuff.  That's not our focus."  To the contrary, federal intrusion into NH's sovereignty *is* a local and state issue. The fact that the empire's actions have provoked the hatred and anger of most of the world makes local and state NH citizens susceptible to terrorism.  Get your head out of your ass and realize where the problem is, Lildog, before its too late.


Thank you Sandy!!
I guess we can't send out kids to his school now.

Should we help him pack up and leave NH?

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Dreepa on November 18, 2006, 12:51 PM NHFT
Thank you Sandy!!
I guess we can't send out kids to his school now.

Should we help him pack up and leave NH?

I'd donate to that!

We need to set up two funds:
-Perpetual Immigration Fund
-Perpetual Emigration Fund



Quote from: Dreepa on November 18, 2006, 12:51 PM NHFT
Thank you Sandy!!
I guess we can't send out kids to his school now.

Should we help him pack up and leave NH?

I'm not in NH. I live in super-socialist Connecticut. But I plan to move to Utah. (Yeah, I know, mormons mormons mormons, but I was born and raised there, family is there, and they HATE big government. They just don't seem to like atheists...  ??? )

Read more about my school here: (i'm registered as cropperb)


Bald Eagle

     Q: What kind of people are not welcome as members of the Free State Project?

           A: Anyone who promotes violence, racial hatred, or bigotry is not welcome.

Racial hatred is a personal and subjective value no different to me than people's personal opinions on followers of (other) religions, fans of sports teams, or based upon gender, sexual orientation, education, occupation, etc.   It's a non-issue for me, certainly something I don't see as being necessary to formally state as a deal-breaker for a Freedom lover.  People can hate each other as much as they want as long as they give them as much freedom as anyone else.  Just don't hang out with them.
I don't advocate racism, but I'm sure as heck not going to run around being the thought police and telling people what values, opinions, or individual philosophies they are allowed to hold.

The whole violence thing - or at least the way it is stated - has me slightly confused.  I see a lot of folks who value the Founders' waging of the Revolutionary War, who agree with retaliatory force against government initiation of force, are gun-freedom/ownership/use advocates, and who support the Right of an individual to use force to defend themselves, their property, and the ones they love from harm.
I'm an advocate of violence - in that I advocate the appropriate use of force - I do kinda sell guns for a living.  Robert Heinlein correctly observed that, "Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst."  It's kinda why we have a Second Amendment and a Right to Revolution in NH.  I ain't looking to shoot people - I aim to convince them to go away and stop bothering me so that I won't have to.  Rational Porcupinism.

And as for bigotry - (wo)man, you people need to get a dictionary.  "Anyone who has strong opinions on religion or politics."  No, that wouldn't include anyone in the FSP.   ::)  Granted, the term bigot has evolved into a perjorative term to describe others - but how tolerant are we of statists?  Hmmm?

Arr.  Just thought I'd be difficult.   :icon_pirat:  Devil's advocate and all.   >:D