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I don't know if you remember my plea for advice re: 18 yr. son coming back home

Started by Raineyrocks, May 06, 2007, 12:21 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Libertariangoddess on May 17, 2007, 12:50 PM NHFT
Thanks, Rainey. (And I did not mean for everything to be bold and underlined in my previous message. I screwed it up!)

I want Jess to be able to be mom to Aubrei, and be all that she can be. I know she has to learn and find her way in life. It's just so hard to sit and watch her make mistakes. I was a single mom, too, for awhile there, and I know how hard it was. That's why I wanted better for Jessica and Aubrei. I know there will be mistakes made, I just hope not serious ones. Aubrei is starting to really learn at the daycare she goes to (they teach her Spanish, too!), they do so much educationally there, I really hate to have to change her. All I can do, I guess, is be here for them, should they need me.
Yup, I know exactly what you mean. I was a young single mom too and when my oldest daughter got pregnant I was so scared for her because I too didn't want her making the same choices I did when I was young because it made my life a lot harder.  It is hard for me to watch my daughter go through some of same stuff I did. :-\ 


Hi everybody,

I just wanted to post a happy update!  :D

My son wrote me a letter today.   It was a very sweet letter explaining his feelings about some things and why he made the choice that he did.  I have already written him a 4 page letter back, ( a very nice one also), so hopefully we can continue to have a relationship.  He doesn't want to come back and he will be going to Maine in a little while, (don't know why yet) and wants him and I to get together before then. ;D


Ohhh yeah!!! That is wonderful news. I am so happy for you and your son.  :D


Vote Tyler Stearns

That's great, Rainey.  Jon writing a letter to you is a sign of his growing maturity.  From all that I've read (and experienced), teenage boys have a very difficult time communicating, which can certainly interfere with their relationships with parents, girlfriends, guyfriends, employers, teachers, etc.  Ever since my kids were little, I've encouraged them to write notes/letters to me if they felt uncomfortable talking to me.

By the way, don't worry about the bird flipping episode.  No matter our age, we all have the right to vent our emotions.  I admit...I flipped the bird to my daughter once.  I also have to admit that she's never forgotten it, but now we laugh about it :D


Quote from: malevil on May 19, 2007, 08:13 AM NHFT
That's great, Rainey.  Jon writing a letter to you is a sign of his growing maturity.  From all that I've read (and experienced), teenage boys have a very difficult time communicating, which can certainly interfere with their relationships with parents, girlfriends, guyfriends, employers, teachers, etc.  Ever since my kids were little, I've encouraged them to write notes/letters to me if they felt uncomfortable talking to me.

By the way, don't worry about the bird flipping episode.  No matter our age, we all have the right to vent our emotions.  I admit...I flipped the bird to my daughter once.  I also have to admit that she's never forgotten it, but now we laugh about it :D

Thanks Malevil!  Jon and I always had a pretty good relationship as far as him coming and talking to me. The writing a note idea is a good one too for kids that don't want to talk about it face to face.  I feel better about the middle finger thing because I told him in my letter that I was sorry and explained why I did it and how bad I felt afterwards.  He has some real bad issues regarding Rick and I've come to realize that those 2 will probably never have a good relationship, they don't accept each other's personalities at all. ::)


Hi, Rainey. That's terrific news. I guess there is hope after all! And I am glad you got to get it off your shoulders about the bird finger. One day, hopefully you can both look back and see this for what it is........growing pains. :)


Quote from: Libertariangoddess on May 21, 2007, 06:34 PM NHFT
Hi, Rainey. That's terrific news. I guess there is hope after all! And I am glad you got to get it off your shoulders about the bird finger. One day, hopefully you can both look back and see this for what it is........growing pains. :)

Thank you! :)  How are things going with you and your daughter?  I think of you often and hope it all works out for the best!


i have a better relationship with my parents, when I decided on my own free choice, (rebelling from their strong disapproval) to move out, and make my own choices.  We know, (my parents and I) I made bad choices, getting involved with a very abusive, homicidal fiancée, moving in too quickly with other boyfriends to escape the ranting from my mother..  But, in the long run, after letting time heal our wounds, we have a wonderful relationship.  I have learned, that she has more life experience than me, but times have changed, I have my own experiences.  The best thing I think we did to be able to take to each other, and have it NOT turn into a screaming match, is listen to what she has to say, and I know I need to make her feel like I need her, she likes that, when my mommy feels needed, and hugs are good too!  I think its hard for her, as a mom, to feel like I dont need her anymore!  Good luck with your son!  I hope it turns out well, It might just take some time!  Letters are always a good thing!

Hows everything else going for you, in regards to dental work?



Quote from: Beth221 on May 23, 2007, 09:43 AM NHFT
i have a better relationship with my parents, when I decided on my own free choice, (rebelling from their strong disapproval) to move out, and make my own choices.  We know, (my parents and I) I made bad choices, getting involved with a very abusive, homicidal fiancée, moving in too quickly with other boyfriends to escape the ranting from my mother..  But, in the long run, after letting time heal our wounds, we have a wonderful relationship.  I have learned, that she has more life experience than me, but times have changed, I have my own experiences.  The best thing I think we did to be able to take to each other, and have it NOT turn into a screaming match, is listen to what she has to say, and I know I need to make her feel like I need her, she likes that, when my mommy feels needed, and hugs are good too!  I think its hard for her, as a mom, to feel like I dont need her anymore!  Good luck with your son!  I hope it turns out well, It might just take some time!  Letters are always a good thing!

Hows everything else going for you, in regards to dental work?


Thanks Beth and I'm glad everything worked out with your mom.  I'm still trying to figure things out with my mother and I don't know if we will ever get things straightened out. :(  I think I've tried so hard to be the opposite of my mother that I never even took the time to really know myself.  I confided something I'm going through to her a few months ago and of course she has to tell my brother and god knows who else, it's like she gets pleasure from making me look bad.  So never again will I let her know anything about me or that I need her, I've been burnt too many times.
But anyways the dentist issue! :)  I finally found a dental practice that I like, it's about 2 hours away but they are modern, affordable and nice!  Thanks so much for your advice Beth. :D  I like the look on the dentists face that I've been to when I say I want valplast, they're like, how did you know that exists!
By the way, how's your broken butt?  Ha, that sounds so funny, doesn't it? 


my broke butt is great!  gets sore when its cold and damp out, lol!  If i sit for a long time, I am stiff to get up and moving again!

Valplast is very new, about 7 years old, and as long as you take care of it, because it is thermal plastic, meaning, you need to warm it up in hot water before placing it, it will last a long time, plus it looks real nice!  Feel free to say, when you first try it in, that you do not like the color, or the shape of the teeth.  Getting use to wearing it, will take some time, like a tight pair of leather shoes, expect blisters!!  Expect to go in for adjustments, and they need to see the sore spots, to mark them wth a dye, to see where it is hitting/rubbing.  Once you get it all nice and comfy, it will last for years!  One thing to mention, some dentist do not like to add a missing tooth back onto a partial, because it might weaken the rest of it, or sometimes it doesnt work well with adding plastic back onto the valplast thermal plastic.  So, take care of the rest of your teeths!!   ;D

I knew you didnt need thousands upon thousands of dollars invested into your teeth...  I hardly ever see someones bill go over 4K...  and thats implants and such..! 

Good luck!!  Also, you have a right to have a copy of any and all films/xrays.  Those are YOUR records!  Its good to have them incase you want a second opinion..  Sometimes offices think they own the films, and make you pay a fee to have them...  Its pure profit, and stupid..  Any questions, which i bet i have answered ALL of them, PM me!!   ;D


Quote from: Beth221 on May 23, 2007, 12:37 PM NHFT
my broke butt is great!  gets sore when its cold and damp out, lol!  If i sit for a long time, I am stiff to get up and moving again!

Valplast is very new, about 7 years old, and as long as you take care of it, because it is thermal plastic, meaning, you need to warm it up in hot water before placing it, it will last a long time, plus it looks real nice!  Feel free to say, when you first try it in, that you do not like the color, or the shape of the teeth.  Getting use to wearing it, will take some time, like a tight pair of leather shoes, expect blisters!!  Expect to go in for adjustments, and they need to see the sore spots, to mark them wth a dye, to see where it is hitting/rubbing.  Once you get it all nice and comfy, it will last for years!  One thing to mention, some dentist do not like to add a missing tooth back onto a partial, because it might weaken the rest of it, or sometimes it doesnt work well with adding plastic back onto the valplast thermal plastic.  So, take care of the rest of your teeths!!   ;D

I knew you didnt need thousands upon thousands of dollars invested into your teeth...  I hardly ever see someones bill go over 4K...  and thats implants and such..! 

Good luck!!  Also, you have a right to have a copy of any and all films/xrays.  Those are YOUR records!  Its good to have them incase you want a second opinion..  Sometimes offices think they own the films, and make you pay a fee to have them...  Its pure profit, and stupid..  Any questions, which i bet i have answered ALL of them, PM me!!   ;D

I am going to print this out and put it in with my record folder.  I have all of them with the $$ I paid so far trying to find a dentist I got every single record and x-ray that exists. :D  The funny thing is I've always taken great care of my teeth and my twin sister never did and doesn't have half the problems I'm having. Isn't that weird?
I have to ask you something so I'm going to pm you now that your on, thanks!  These posts probably have people wondering if I'm a toothless old hag. ;D  If anyone is wondering that, yes I am!  No, only kidding! :)


hahaha what are we going to call you when you are not toothless??  Just an old Hag??   That seems too harsh! 

Lloyd Danforth

Rainey, you should adopt Beth.  She's looking for a place to live in NH


Up for adoption!!!  HAHHAAA  I like that!!!  Like a homeless little kitty....!  But, minus the flea's (i think)