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What kind of english do you speak?

Started by Kat Kanning, May 05, 2005, 06:14 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

We didn't have any terms for a piece of cake course that you could skate through....private school ;)
I was also thinking "kitty corner" for houses that are diagonal but not at like a 45% but not for anything but houses and such. 8)

Russell Kanning

Oh wait there was a term for easy classes in school....."public school" :P


Here's mine:

Your Linguistic Profile:
55% General American English
20% Yankee
15% Dixie
5% Upper Midwestern
0% Midwestern

I think the "y'all" question is obsolete; Clinton pretty much nationalized that one.  And I had no clue on the easy class question; I left it blank.  What I really want to know is what is the deal with the night before Halloween; is there a holiday I'm missing out on??

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: russellkanning on May 05, 2005, 07:48 AM NHFT
Here is another California test:

What do you call a road like I-95?
1 - an Interstate (everywhere else?)
2 - a Freeway (California)
3 - the turnpike (Jersey)

What is a "dude"
1- something to do with a ranch or a term they use too often in CA (Eastern)
2- term they use in CA (Midwestern, Rocky Moutains)
3- Dude....if you have to ask .... then you totally don't get it (CA)
4- Fag (Southern especially Texas)

What's a cruller?

I've heard Russell call the secondary road at the end of his street a 'freeway' ;)

A cruller is when thay take two pieces of plain donut material and twist them into a log-like thing.  They are labor intensive and Drunk'in Donut quit making them.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Friday on May 05, 2005, 02:33 PM NHFT
Here's mine:

Your Linguistic Profile:
55% General American English
20% Yankee
15% Dixie
5% Upper Midwestern
0% Midwestern

I think the "y'all" question is obsolete; Clinton pretty much nationalized that one.? And I had no clue on the easy class question; I left it blank.? What I really want to know is what is the deal with the night before Halloween; is there a holiday I'm missing out on??
some cities, like Chicago, some people go out on the night before and misbehave, like burning down buildings!

Kat Kanning

I read today that Chicago-ites are the biggest per-capita ingesters of twinkies.  I think that would explain everything.

Lloyd Danforth

There are some other tests on the site this came from. ?Apparently, I act like I'm 21!

Kat Kanning

Pat K

Pizza for your info is pronounced Petezer.

Wha you gat a probum wit dat? ;D

Russell Kanning

Yea what do you call those limited access highways that pop up every once in a while here in NH? I never saw a 2 lane road with offramps. :)

Lloyd Danforth

Ron Helwig

This Minnesota boy scored
75% General American English
10% Upper Midwestern
5% Dixie
5% Midwestern
5% Yankee

Yep, you betcha!

Oh, and I did get most of these right:

You could pinpoint exactly where each scene in the movie "Untamed Heart" was filmed.
Yep, I used to live by the restaurant and walked by the guy's apartment all the time on my way to class.

You laugh out loud every time you see a news report about a blizzard shutting down the entire East Coast.

In a conversation you've heard someone say "yah sure, you betcha" and you didn't laugh.


Boston English dictionary.  This is a hoot, and a lot of it applies to NH, too.


The comments people leave are pretty good.


Quote from: Friday on May 05, 2005, 02:33 PM NHFT
? What I really want to know is what is the deal with the night before Halloween; is there a holiday I'm missing out on??

All Hallow's Eve. Very important to the druids.


I almost forgot about the night before . . .

Anyway, I'm about 50% yankee, 20% GAE, 15% UM, 5% dixie . . .

. . . Shopping carts when I use them . . . But when I have seen then left here and there, I call them carriages.  Why?  I don't know.