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Illegal Immigrant charged with tresspassing in Jaffrey, NH

Started by PinoX7, June 25, 2007, 08:16 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Crocuta on June 26, 2007, 02:35 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on June 26, 2007, 02:02 PM NHFT
To me, those who fall for the open borders/NAU/one world order of Bush are the Republican Kool Aid drinkers.

Maybe I won't be welcome in your NH, Jane.  Guess I'll go drink my koolaid like a good little Neo-Con.



Jane, I'm guessing that you get a lot of namecalling going your way.  I'd just like to say that you seem like a nice person, with a good opinion, well informed, and a delight to read.

As for the quote above. . . it has to be someone's NH. . . . perhaps we put it to a vote.  Do you want illegal aliens (or any of the other garbage pc nicknames) to become automatic citizens.  My friend works for the NHDHHS. . . I told her that if shamnesty goes through she better be ready for an even larger workload than she already has.  This will raise property taxes, no doubt, and the blue state might even give us our long deserved Income and Sales taxes to handle the influx of people looking for handouts.  After all they've been picking your fruit and cleaning your bathrooms. . . you can't expect them to pay taxes now too right? 

This topic is tired.  It's sad that it's even discussed here where there are two different extremes in thought.  The left leaning libertarians who want everyone in the world, regardless of anything, to move here and join their liberty groups.  The right wants people to go home and wait in line until our country wants them.

the left libertarians are going to go sit down. . . I've decided that I'd write and that I'll make a call or two to let some politicians know that there are some of us that belong to the FSP and NHU forums that do not agree with the one world order crowd and have decided to make it be known that although some higherups in these groups approve this allowance of slavery, some of us do not, sternly.


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on June 26, 2007, 03:00 PM NHFT
No. You are the one who failed to make Porcfest :P

Hmm, well if I am against the Republicans on this how is it that I am a 'brain-dead kool aid drinker'?

And, how do you know whether I failed to make Porc Fest? Didn't Ed speak?


Quote from: AntonLee on June 26, 2007, 03:06 PM NHFT
Jane, I'm guessing that you get a lot of namecalling going your way. 

Only when it comes to the fact I can't understand why anyone would support open borders under our current conditions...or why they would want to create more state bureaucracies under the guise of getting themselves more 'rights', sure. I oppose both of those things but some libertarians don't seem to see the bigger picture. My main concentration, other than working for candidates, is taxes because that's the root of all evil. I also get impatient when the only argument is comandeered by the PC card....not the issue itself and what the consequences would be. That to me just reeks of liberals.

Also arguing with me about the fact that somehow I am 'bad' because I happen to use a drivers license is pure nonsense and I can't waste my time on people who are small enough to do that. For crying out loud, if you want to drive without a license be my guest! Live and let live is not the philosophy of these people, sadly.

Quote from: AntonLee on June 26, 2007, 03:06 PM NHFT
I'd just like to say that you seem like a nice person, with a good opinion, well informed, and a delight to read.

Been at this a long time -- too long. ;-)

Quote from: AntonLee on June 26, 2007, 03:06 PM NHFT

As for the quote above. . . it has to be someone's NH. . . . perhaps we put it to a vote.  Do you want illegal aliens (or any of the other garbage pc nicknames) to become automatic citizens.  My friend works for the NHDHHS. . . I told her that if shamnesty goes through she better be ready for an even larger workload than she already has.  This will raise property taxes, no doubt, and the blue state might even give us our long deserved Income and Sales taxes to handle the influx of people looking for handouts.  After all they've been picking your fruit and cleaning your bathrooms. . . you can't expect them to pay taxes now too right? 

Yes as I said, under the current conditions, it's insanity to yell 'open borders' for anyone. No one else does it.

Quote from: AntonLee on June 26, 2007, 03:06 PM NHFT
This topic is tired.  It's sad that it's even discussed here where there are two different extremes in thought.  The left leaning libertarians who want everyone in the world, regardless of anything, to move here and join their liberty groups.  The right wants people to go home and wait in line until our country wants them.

There are just so many more wanting to come who aren't willing to wait, that there needs to be a better system for absorbing them, and faster. I don't like to read when people die on the desert from dehydration either...

Quote from: AntonLee on June 26, 2007, 03:06 PM NHFT
the left libertarians are going to go sit down. . . I've decided that I'd write and that I'll make a call or two to let some politicians know that there are some of us that belong to the FSP and NHU forums that do not agree with the one world order crowd and have decided to make it be known that although some higherups in these groups approve this allowance of slavery, some of us do not, sternly.

I reinforce that this is a created crisis to empower the merging of the three countries otherwise they would do something like cut off the benefits before they said open the borders. It's no different than other created crises. But who knows why they fail to realise this? I don't waste time arguing, unless I am attacked, which is often. But I don't mind. I have the courage of my convictions. My family waited in line and did not mind doing so...they knew that freedom is not free.


Quote from: CNHT on June 26, 2007, 03:24 PM NHFT
Quote from: AntonLee on June 26, 2007, 03:06 PM NHFT

I reinforce that this is a created crisis to empower the merging of the three countries otherwise they would do something like cut off the benefits before they said open the borders. It's no different than other created crises. But who knows why they fail to realise this? I don't waste time arguing, unless I am attacked, which is often. But I don't mind. I have the courage of my convictions. My family waited in line and did not mind doing so...they knew that freedom is not free.

I've still not heard the term Native American yet today. . . anyone? 

I'm a native american, hell I've not even been to another country. . .I love my country . . . as did my parents and grandparents who legally immigrated here.  I read about people dying in the desert. . . . perhaps if the people of their country, who control their own government, fought the tyranny they face, they might be able to feed those who live in the desert. 

As for merging Mexico/Canada/and the United States. . . I'll never be for it. . .   the Canadians with the socialized medicine just doesn't work for me.


I have a question -

Were the opening lines in Scarface accurate?  Did Cuba really send criminals to south Florida, and we just let them in?  To me that's just stupid.  Surely the founding fathers wouldn't be happy with that happening?

Sorry if my understanding of history is lacking on this point.


Quote from: Quantrill on June 26, 2007, 05:13 PM NHFT
I have a question -

Were the opening lines in Scarface accurate?  Did Cuba really send criminals to south Florida, and we just let them in?  To me that's just stupid.  Surely the founding fathers wouldn't be happy with that happening?

Sorry if my understanding of history is lacking on this point.

Sort of.

When Castro came to power, many of the Batistas came over as refugees. They were later joined by pro-Castro elements who were dismayed that Castro decided on the "socialist paradise" route instead of pursuing more "capitalist" options. Batista was incredibly corrupt, and even a large number of Batista's army joined Castro because he was the only other gig in town. No one really realized that he would go so strongly socialist.

Once esconced in Southern Florida, a portion of these Cuban refugees have sworn eternal hostility towards Castro's regime; some of them have engaged in actions so shocking that the FBI labeled them a terrorist group. That hasn't stopped the CIA from working with them, though, on covert operations within Cuba.

It's another case of state-sponsored terror, where the state sponsor is good ol' uncle sam.


Quote from: AntonLee on June 26, 2007, 03:06 PM NHFT
Jane, I'm guessing that you get a lot of namecalling going your way. 

Anton, I don't mind at all if Lloyd calls me names -- he's always very nice to me in person.

And, he even noticed he did not see me at Porc Fest!   :icon_pirat:

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: CNHT on June 26, 2007, 06:05 PM NHFT
Quote from: AntonLee on June 26, 2007, 03:06 PM NHFT
Jane, I'm guessing that you get a lot of namecalling going your way.

Anton, I don't mind at all if Lloyd calls me names -- he's always very nice to me in person.

And, he even noticed he did not see me at Porc Fest!   :icon_pirat:



Quote from: CNHT on June 26, 2007, 06:05 PM NHFT
Quote from: AntonLee on June 26, 2007, 03:06 PM NHFT
Jane, I'm guessing that you get a lot of namecalling going your way.

Anton, I don't mind at all if Lloyd calls me names -- he's always very nice to me in person.

And, he even noticed he did not see me at Porc Fest!   :icon_pirat:

think I'll try and hit up that porcupine festival next year. . . from the way it sounded on the radio, it sounds like it was a blast.


Especially when Lloyd brings out his potato cannon! 


Quote from: Quantrill on June 26, 2007, 05:13 PM NHFT
I have a question -

Were the opening lines in Scarface accurate?  Did Cuba really send criminals to south Florida, and we just let them in?  To me that's just stupid.  Surely the founding fathers wouldn't be happy with that happening?

Sorry if my understanding of history is lacking on this point.

I was told in high school that when our goverment announced that any Cuban that reaches our soil would automatically become a citizen (because we hate Castro so much and pitty the Cubans), Castro litterally emptied all of their prisons and sent them to Miami. Afterwards, Florida's crimerate skyrocketed while Cuba's shrank enormously. That's just what I was told.


Quote from: PinoX7 on June 25, 2007, 08:16 PM NHFT

JAFFREY, N.H.—A small-town police chief used a criminal trespassing charge to try to turn back one illegal immigrant...

...Ramirez admitted he was living in the United States illegally, working for a construction company.

Sounds like a blind (that was rich  :) - that's about the furthest stretch I've ever seen on this issue), no-good layabout welfare-sucking criminal again, eh?

Actually, it appears to be another case of someone seeking freedom and opportunity to work and elevate his position in life - sort of an "American dream" kind of thing. Just the kind of thing libertarians applaud. The reason libertarians oppose jackbooted goons suppressing these freedom-loving ambitions is sorta obvious on the face of it, but it is sad that some fall for the "collective security" solutions that the establishment promotes as a solution to the fear of "the others" they try to instill in the populace. Conservatives seem to be falling for this one and encourage repression as the solution to their fears.

I think libertarians have intellectually grown through that game and see the truth that the agenda is to create enough fear to get people to go along with recruitment of ever more jackbooted goons, who will only be used to keep us all in place. On this issue, conservatives side with the repressive state and are the enemies of freedom. Libertarians are for, well, what they are always for: freedom (from the state).

PS: the obvious reason the guy does not have a DL is because he fears the repression of statist documentation and tracking and the harassment, imprisonment and impoverishment it would lead to. He sees that his only path to his freedom and pursuit of the American dream is to be "undocumented." Conservatives seem to be siding with the development of all-seeing 1984-like surveillance - isn't there a "Let's cheer on Big Brother" forum somewhere for them?

Fewer jack-booted goons, please!


For a review of what did happen in El Paso, Texas when the "fear of Mexicans" flames were fanned:

Zyklon B on the US Border: http://www.counterpunch.org/cockburn06232007.html

...The delousing operations provoked fury and resistance among Mexicans still boiling with indignation after a lethal 1916 gasoline blaze in the El Paso City jail. As part of Mayor Lea's citywide disinfection campaign, prisoners in the jail were ordered to strip naked. Their clothes were dumped in one bath filled with a mixture of gasoline, creosote and formaldehyde. Then they were forced to step into a second bath filled with "a bucket of gasoline, a bucket of coal oil and a bucket of vinegar." At around 3:30 p.m., March 5, 1916, someone struck a match. The jail went up like a torch. The El Paso Herald  reported that about 50 "naked prisoners from whose bodies the fumes of gasoline were arising", many of them locked in their cells, caught fire. 27 prisoners died. In late January 1917, 200 Mexican women rebelled at the border and prompted a major riot, putting to flight both police and troops on both sides of the border.

Then there was the Zyklon-B....


Libertarians who badger someone because they have a drivers license are jack-booted thugs. (As well as immature time-wasters)
For people claiming to be freedom lovers they can be some of the most intolerant hypocritical bunch I've ever seen.
Once again reminds me of the 60s.

Verbal abuse is sometimes worse, you know?

No one said this particular fellow was not 'working hard'. We were discussing driver's licenses and why we have them...to operate a car safely.
I have refused to use mine for ID for other purposes as well as the fact I don't use my SS number either for any purpose.
If someone doesn't want to use a DL that's fine, but picking on someone who does is, well, it's just plain lowliness in my book.

And Jack -- you are one of the nicest people I've ever met in person but how you can turn so nasty over discussing the consequences of these things in print is beyond my comprehension, especially dragging out the race card every chance you get. That's pretty much a conversation stopper, as I think it's intended to be. Never a fair fight..really.


I don't understand how a goddamned piece of plastic in my pocket helps me operate a car safely. This is done by training and experience. The piece of plastic is irrelevant.