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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Conspiracy Cafe in Cambridge

Started by jaqeboy, July 29, 2007, 11:48 PM NHFT

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Boston 911 Truth has organized a bi-weekly Conspiracy Cafe at the Democracy Center in Cambridge. The next Cafe is Sunday 16 September. This week's meeting will be a party for 911 Truthers and a strategizing session for the upcoming Boston Tea Party for 911 Truth.

Some Merrimack Valley 911 Truth folks will carpool down to this and there will be details on the carpooling on their Meetup site. These are awesome, informative events - they maintain a large collection of books and DVD's for sale, too.

You can write MerrimackValley911Truth@gmail.com to discuss carpooling ideas or anything else.


Oops, this is on the same day as Bill and Kate's move-in in Warner. Hmm. So much freedom activity, so little time.

I've moved the item on the calendar, so this no longer applies.


From the Boston911Truth Announce mailing list
(subscribe: http://lists.boston911truth.org/mailman/listinfo/announce )

Book Signing at August 5 Conspiracy Cafe

Author and 9/11 Truth activist Paul Deslauriers will be on-hand at the
August 5 Conspiracy Cafe to discuss and autograph copies of his new book,
Bearer of Light: A Catalyst for Global Change. ³From the Crucifixion to
9/11, Paul Deslauriers eloquently exposes the authoritarian control of
populations through fear, abuse and power of the media² writes business
executive Alan Becker in his endorsement of Deslauriers¹ 389 page historical
fiction. A leading activist in Berkshire9/11Truth and the northeast region,
Deslauriers is one of very few authors attempting to use fiction as a means
to promote the truth about September 11 in ³a synthesis of Christianity,
Buddhism, science, business and government within a unified coherent system
­ presented as a modern-day parable,² according to playwright Steven Somkin.
Deslauriers will be at the Cafe from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon for those
wishing to meet and talk with the author.

The Conspiracy Cafe at 45 Mt. Auburn St. in Harvard Sq. is open every other
Sunday from noon to 8:00 pm. It offers a unique setting for 9/11 Truth
activists and those curious to learn more about September 11 through books,
DVDs, film screenings and informal discussions, in a casual cafe
environment. Coffee and refreshments are available at a nominal charge.

In addition, street activists regularly embark from the Cafe at around 1:00 pm
into Harvard Square to distribute DVDs and literature concerning 9/11 to the
general public. So whether your desires are social, intellectual or oriented
toward activism, the Conspiracy Cafe has something for everyone. Hope to see
you at the next Conspiracy Cafe.


From the Conspiracy Cafe website: http://boston911truth.org/cafe

Book Signing at August 5 Conspiracy Café
Bearer of Light

Author and 9/11 Truth activist Paul Deslauriers will be on-hand at the August 5 Conspiracy Café to discuss and autograph copies of his new book, Bearer of Light: A Catalyst for Global Change. "From the Crucifixion to 9/11, Paul Deslauriers eloquently exposes the authoritarian control of populations through fear, abuse and power of the media" writes business executive Alan Becker in his endorsement of Deslauriers' 389 page historical fiction. A leading activist in Berkshire9/11Truth and the northeast region, Deslauriers is one of very few authors attempting to use fiction as a means to promote the truth about September 11 in "a synthesis of Christianity, Buddhism, science, business and government within a unified coherent system — presented as a modern-day parable," according to playwright Steven Somkin. Deslauriers will be at the Cafe from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon for those wishing to meet and talk with the author.

Settling carpooling meetup spot now, will post in a few


Carpooling to the Conspiracy Cafe for this date won't be early enough to get there at noon, but it's a casual drop-in kind of get-together anyway.

We can meet at Murphy's at 1:15, but have to leave promptly after that. The book-signing starts at 2, so we may miss any opening talk by Paul Deslauriers, but I'm sure he'll be available for discussion on a small-group intimate basis.

Looks like we'll get there in time for some good movies, though we'll miss a couple. Here's the video schedule:

12:01 pm Improbable Collapse (72 min.)
The most accurate examination of the physical evidence indicating controlled demolition at the World Trade Center on September 11th.

1:25 pm Merchants of Cool (55 min.)
A PBS Frontline documentary showing how corporate giants market to teens and the questionable methods used to mold teen culture.

2:40 pm Hacking Democracy (83 min.)
HBO special on electronic election fraud. Proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that both the touch screen systems and optical vote counting machines can be easily rigged.

4:20 pm American Blackout (90 min.)
A 90-minute look at the election fraud used against poor (mostly black) voters during the 2000 and 2004 elections, the cover up of 9/11 and the political dirty tricks (pre "assault") used against US Rep. from Georgia, Cynthia McKinney, who was exposing these crimes.

6:05 pm The Century of Self, Pt. 3 (57 min)
The third part in a series of Adam Curtis documentaries that explores the origins of our propaganda system by looking at the master, Edward Bernays.


Lotsa good networking at ConCafe - scored some new videos of Merrimack Valley 911 Truth, learned about Boston 911 Truth's planned street action next weekend on the 11th (leafletting at Boston Common), and talked about the possible bus or van trip to NYC for 9/11 this year. Phew! It was a good day


The next Conspiracy Cafe will be on 19 August, details on Conspiracy Cafe site and directions are on the Democracy Center's site.

Carpooling details will be on Merrimack Valley 911 Truth site. The carpool idea worked well and we were able to park just a block away. We could consider even parking at the Alewife T station and taking the Red line in, but parking didn't cost us a cent on a Sunday, so probably don't need to T in (parking is $5 at Alewife garage, as I recall).

By the way, their book table and DVD selection made it worth the trip!


Car pool details for the upcoming Conspiracy Cafe are at MerrimackValley911Truth.org, on the page for the event at the bottom.

Videos to be shown will be on the Cafe's site: http://boston911truth.org/cafe.php (as soon as they update it). This is a good place to discuss all the various theories of 9/11 (and other famous conspiracies) and hear the latest from conference attendees, etc. Books ad videos galore on sale there.

Networking and dinner in Harvard Square with other researchers is usually a highlight.


New Boston 911 Truth / Conspiracy Cafe video:



"Let us never tolerate any outrageous conspiracy theories!"  --GW Bush, November 10, 2001

Actually, I had such a good time at this 2 weeks ago, that wild horses couldn't keep me away  :)


Conspiracy Cafe was outstanding today (Sunday) and the videos were good, even though I don't think they got their website updated before the event. 911-Press for Truth was shown (about the family members struggle to get the 9-11 commission going) and I got to see the final segment of the BBC series: The Century of Self, about how Edward Bernays (Sigmund Freud's nephew) created modern public relations and propaganda. The most interesting part was when it showed how political campaigns had adopted the tools of PR/consumer research. When Bill Clinton hired Dick Morris to help him get re-elected in '96, they used a call center in Denver with 200 operators polling people all over the country in a daily national "focus group by phone" to see what peoples' concerns were. Clinton could fine tune his message daily to suit the pulse of America. The Labor Party in Britain observed this and decided they'd better adopt it to get back in power, and they got Tony Blair elected by literally copying Clinton's techniques.

Books and DVD's galore and good discussions as usual. Rich Aucoin of the famous Massachusetts campaign to eliminate the income tax was there, and the New-Hampshire contingent had some big yoks with Waldo, as usual - he was at his prime tonight, though.

Also talked about were Boston street actions planned for September 11th and the interest and planning for a bus or van trip to Ground Zero in New York City on the weekend of and continuing through til Tuesday, 9/11. Plans aren't quite settled for that yet. Will announce that in a separate thread. Ron Paul's campaign and esp. the straw poll in Strafford County were on everyone's minds.

Harvard Square was a blast as usual. The Cafe crew have got their set-up/take-down down to a system now and are prepared for the onslaught of students in the fall - It should be an interesting year for the 911T movement.


Great times!  :) I'd met Rich before, but didn't know until tonight that he'd ran for Lt Governor with Carla Howell. See--it's ok for Libertarians to become 9/11 truthers  8)

I'm looking forward to hanging out with and working with these guys in the future.


Quote from: Insurgent on August 20, 2007, 12:14 AM NHFT
Great times!  :) I'd met Rich before, but didn't know until tonight that he'd ran for Lt Governor with Carla Howell. See--it's ok for Libertarians to become 9/11 truthers  8)

Rich Aucoin's Libertarian Spin Cycle


Rich did a lot of work working on a Waltham, MA tax cap a few years ago.


Yeah, I hear. They are also re-starting the petition to eliminate the Mass Income Tax. They had to sit out a couple of election cycles by law, but here they go again:

COMING SOON! The 2008 Ballot Initiative to END the Massachusetts Income Tax