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Dada in Federal Court 7/17 .... leads to 4 days in jail

Started by Kat Kanning, September 11, 2006, 03:11 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

time to visit the Keene IRS office

Thursday 9-3

Don Quixote 0 vs. the IRS 2

maybe we can take them this time 8)

Rosie the Riveter

Quote from: RattyDog on July 17, 2007, 05:16 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 17, 2007, 05:13 PM NHFT
Quote from: RattyDog on July 17, 2007, 05:03 PM NHFT
BTW...I am trying to organize myself and send over some observations I had from today. Are you looking for snippets/quotes or may/should I really write something?
Write something short. That would be perfect.
Tell us how or if you want to sign it.

Aweome...and please, if it's no good, tell me so!

I would like everything signed: Ratty Dog.


Feel free to post anything you want edited to the board.

I know that Error & Quantrill are great writers/editors - as are so many of my fellow nhfreers - I'm glad to be "back up" editor if no one "good" is available.

I'll be offline until about 11:00pm and then I'll be checking back.


Quote from: d_goddard on July 17, 2007, 10:05 AM NHFT
Trial complete.
Sentence: Dada gets 4 days' incarceration

Sorry I couldn't,t make it. Did you get a chance to read my reply to your invitation.  I was in hopes some of what was shared could have been used in defense of the so-called "criminal" charges. It is reported that Mr. Muirhead is a "magistrate", a mere employee of the bankrupt municipal corporation known as the "United States" Federal Government. If so, that inferior "Tribunal", as defined in Article 1, Section 8, clause 9 he is a mere "employee" and he is subject to 26 USC 6331(a) and is therefore, NOT an Article III judge who, not only has "Criminal Jurisdiction" delegated to him but he is exempt from having his compensation "diminished" as this is prohibited by Article III. Just put 28 USC 3002 into google and then read Clause 15. This is positive Law, enacted by congress. I have been lecturing for 40 years and no one believes me? What we need is those who use existing law to defeat the FRAUD now being perpetrated upon our people. I am no Bible Thumper but Hosea 4, 6 says it all, "Our people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge"

Recumbent ReCycler

I'm listening to FTL, and someone suggested that 100 people line up at the IRS office and each place a duplicate of Dave's "handbill" on a desk at the IRS office.  I was thinking that it might be more dramatic if everyone were wearing V masks.  >:D

Kat Kanning

Dave's dad left a message here and Dave would like the phone number for porc 911 sent to him as soon as possible - so if anyone is sending him a letter right away it's 413-0411

Kat Kanning

One of John's photos.  Dave has this strange purple glow around him.  I assume the photo is unaltered?

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Defender of Liberty on July 17, 2007, 08:03 PM NHFT
I'm listening to FTL, and someone suggested that 100 people line up at the IRS office and each place a duplicate of Dave's "handbill" on a desk at the IRS office.
that is a great idea .... it can also be done in any city in the US


I have NEVER altered ANY of my photos.
I prommiss you that!

What you see is what I captured with my camera.


Quote from: John on July 17, 2007, 09:02 PM NHFT
I have NEVER altered ANY of my photos.
I prommiss you that!

What you see is what I captured with my camera.

OH, and I am unable to see the picture here . . . not sure why but . . . I'll reveiw the pictures I have...


QuoteAre you claiming that breaking a law is necessarily immoral??

No, I said that the income tax is immoral because it violates the absolute right of self-ownership - the fundamental tenet of libertarianism.

QuoteSince WHEN does a demand backed up by force (which is ALL a law is) equal morality??

Force is neither moral nor immoral - what determines whether force is moral is whether or not it is justified.

QuoteThe Founders disobeyed the law because they viewed it as immoral and wrong; for them to have gone back and then said: yes, I declared independence to make a point and will now submit to hanging, is complete lunacy. 

The Founder didn't have to resort to non-violent, civil disobedience because they believed they could win their freedom using force. Do you believe you can today?

Quoteyou only make this argument when dealing with the gov't

What do you think non-violent, civil disobedience means? Those who participate in it know exactly what law they are breaking and then are willing to happily submit to the punishment in order to bring the conscience of the citizenry to bear on changing the law - either politically or make the situation so ungovernable that the law can not possibly be prosecuted because the costs are too high. When the Birmingham bus boycott ended the protesters just returned to riding the buses, the laws were still on the books, but no one was arrested.

QuoteI somehow doubt you'd make the same argument if it were a mugger

A mugger is an unjustified use of force and protecting oneself in a defense use of force is legally justified.

QuoteDo you have any evidence for your claim?

An understanding of the foundational principle that underlies individual rights held in common (speech, assembly, redress of grievances, etc) and where they may be legally exercised is essential. Any distribution of "handbills" as a petition for redress of grievances within a collectively owned, government building that is not intended for that purpose (elected representative's office, within a legislative hearing, etc) is by definition interfering with the business purposes of the building.

The common right of way only exists within the public space of these buildings (like a lobby, hallway or stairs, etc) that ONLY allows free access but nothing else (no speech, assembly, or petitioning). ALL of those activities are guaranteed where common individual right of ways exists (within roads, sidewalks, and public parks with some restrictions).

Kat Kanning

More photos here.  I didn't resize one of them, I guess.  Maybe someone will fix it.



Quote from: armlaw on July 17, 2007, 07:59 PM NHFT
Did you get a chance to read my reply to your invitation.
Yes, I posted it here:

Quote from: armlaw on July 17, 2007, 07:59 PM NHFT
I was in hopes some of what was shared could have been used in defense of the so-called "criminal" charges.
Actually there was some humor in the courtroom, the public prosecutor had prepared his case thinking it was a CIVIL trial when it was indeed CRIMINAL.

That made little difference though... Dave's argument was based purely on the Constitutionality of the specifics of the original case. Since this was a Contempt of Court hearing, those arguments were deemed not relevant to the proceedings.
The trial lasted about 15 minutes.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 17, 2007, 04:33 PM NHFT
Quote from: error on July 17, 2007, 02:10 PM NHFT
Tonight we're all going to Taproom Tuesday to drink one for Dave Ridley. Officially we start around 7 pm, though I'll likely be arriving a bit earlier than that.
How about you head on down the road and visit dada's jail?




Quote from: Kat Kanning on July 17, 2007, 08:36 PM NHFT
Dave's dad left a message here and Dave would like the phone number for porc 911 sent to him as soon as possible - so if anyone is sending him a letter right away it's 413-0411

I thought I'd made it easy to memorize. I guess I didn't. :(

It also cannot accept collect calls, and there's nothing I can do about it. :(