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My experience at the doctors office yesterday

Started by Raineyrocks, October 12, 2007, 07:40 AM NHFT

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Quote from: Braddogg on October 12, 2007, 07:05 PM NHFT
I don't think I was clear earlier; no worries at all  :)  I'm not a chiropractor.  I think that I could do a better job than a chiropractor in giving a kid a physical, but I've never had any medical or scientific training.  It was a dis to chiropractors.  A lot of them are good for stuff like sore backs and knees, but not for anything else.  I mean, people are saying chiropractic can cure ear infections and asthma, and that's totally bunk.

I'm sorry to hear about your grandson; that must have been terrifying.  :-\  I don't blame you at all for being skeptical about the claims surrounding vaccines after having that kind of experience, and I certainly understand your skepticality when the doctor says, "No, that vaccine yesterday had nothing to do with it." The analogy that pops into my head is hitting someone in the face with a baseball bat and claiming that the bloody nose was caused by something else.  It'd be one hell of a coincidence if that was the case.  I'd feel absolutely horrible and guilt-ridden if I had my kid vaccinated and the next day he got horribly sick, even if all the science in the world said I made the right decision, as far as the odds go.

About those odds: Vaccines are a numbers game.  If 1 in 100,000 kids have a serious reaction, then of course it totally sucks for the 1 kid (and his parents).  And if the kid doesn't get vaccinated, then of course there's a good chance nothing bad will happen (like Puke, for example).  Part of the difficulty is that we can all see the 1 kid out of 100,000 who had a serious complication or reaction, and we can see that child and sympathize with those parents (and I think it'd take an emotional monster not to).  But what we can't see nearly as clearly is all the kids who would have gotten sick if they HADN'T been vaccinated.  We can say, "Billy got vaccinated and had a brain disease the next day," but we can't say, "Bobby got vaccinated and if he hadn't then he would have gotten mumps or whooping cough."

Funny you should mention James, he was in the Manchester area for a job interview the other day, gave me a call, and we went out to dinner.  He and I talked a lot on line and stuff, but this was the first time we met face to face; it was a lot of fun :)

Okay, I get it now! :) 

I've been suckered by alternative gurus about 3 times, they claim to be able to cure everything and anything if you buy all their expensive vitamins and herbs.  Some herbs I've researched myself and then tried do work but most of it is just expensive crap.  I order my own blood work online to at healthcheckusa.com when I want to see how I'm doing.  I like not having medical insurance because then I'm in charge of my own medical care and have wider choices available.  After observing my 11 year old's doctor visit I really wondered why the hell I even set up the appt.

Oh goody, next time you talk or email to James can you ask him if he checked out the email I sent him yesterday about the online jobs I thought he might like?  James is pretty cool, he's very patient with me when I say, "James can you explain that so I can understand?" ;D


Quote from: slimpickens on October 12, 2007, 07:29 PM NHFT
My only objection is the fact that there are contaminants in the vaccines, apparently on purpose. so when they take the mercury and other junk out, then i will think about getting vaccinated. and any chiropractor who claims to do more than aligning your spine/skeleton and relieving related pain, is making it up.
I dated one for several months, and have gone to them for years for back/neck pain. usually only a couple sessions every 6 months or so.they are good at fixing that, some are better than others.

I was/am trying to find a good chiropractor for my whole family because our backs and necks are all messed up after our car accident a couple of years ago.

Did you read about Bush voting against removing, I think it was mercury, out of the MMR vaccine?  I'm pretty sure it was the MMR vaccine.



My understanding is that the junk serves as a preservative for the vaccine.  My understanding is that Bush vetoed a bill to increase spending on S-CHIP, which gives block grants to the states to give health care to children.  I listen to Gardner Goldsmith's show via podcast, and he's spent the past few weeks railing against the bill.  It also contained a provision to provide funding to remove thimerosal (which contains mercury) from vaccines.  So Bush didn't cackle and say, "Yes, we must keep the mercury pumped into the nation's children so the autism rates shall soar!!  Bwahahahaha!!"  He opposed a bill that would have brought us closer to socialized medicine.

I had never heard of healthcheckusa.com; it sounds like a really cool service.  I read that the company gives an interpretation of the results, too, though sometimes that's done by a doctor (with an M.D.) and sometimes by a lab tech.  Still, it sounds like a great way to control your own health, especially with doctors being under such crunches from insurance companies.

Kat Kanning

I took Kira to the doctor recently and they tried to push that HPV vaccine crap on her, too.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 13, 2007, 09:19 AM NHFT
I took Kira to the doctor recently and they tried to push that HPV vaccine crap on her, too.

I wonder how much money the docs get to push this shit?

[doctor] Here is a new vaccine, it's great and shit like that!

[parent] What is it for?

[doctor] It's for stuff. Just take it already.

[parent] But, what is this for? What is in the vaccine?

[doctor] JUST TAKE IT! I'm a doctor god damn it! I know what is best for you!!


Quote from: Braddogg on October 12, 2007, 10:29 PM NHFT
My understanding is that the junk serves as a preservative for the vaccine.  My understanding is that Bush vetoed a bill to increase spending on S-CHIP, which gives block grants to the states to give health care to children.  I listen to Gardner Goldsmith's show via podcast, and he's spent the past few weeks railing against the bill.  It also contained a provision to provide funding to remove thimerosal (which contains mercury) from vaccines.  So Bush didn't cackle and say, "Yes, we must keep the mercury pumped into the nation's children so the autism rates shall soar!!  Bwahahahaha!!"  He opposed a bill that would have brought us closer to socialized medicine.

I had never heard of healthcheckusa.com; it sounds like a really cool service.  I read that the company gives an interpretation of the results, too, though sometimes that's done by a doctor (with an M.D.) and sometimes by a lab tech.  Still, it sounds like a great way to control your own health, especially with doctors being under such crunches from insurance companies.

Healthcheckusa rocks!  I have a discount code for 10% off too if anyone ever decides to use it.  Speare Memorial Hospital wanted $86 plus a draw fee for a simple TSH , (thyroid stuff), test so I got a comprehensive plus 4 thyroid levels for $105 from Healthcheck. 
It's so weird I was a vegetarian for 16 years and then I felt pretty crappy this past year so I started eating free range meat and my blood work showed up that I'm anemic, go figure! :-\
I was seeing this natureopath, (sp?), guy and he told me to stop taking my thyroid meds and use kelp supplements, anyways I started gaining weight like crazy and my blood work showed that my thyroid is real bad again so much for his kelp!  I called him up and asked him if he could prescribe Armour Thyroid, (was on it for years), and he said he felt uncomfortable doing that so now I have to go to a doctor.  I did tell him what I thought of him before I was done though. :)

Oh yeah, back to Bush, I heard about him vetoing the children's insurance too but I thought this vaccine thing was a different thing that he vetoed.  Maybe I got confused, who knows? :)


Quote from: Puke on October 13, 2007, 09:25 AM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 13, 2007, 09:19 AM NHFT
I took Kira to the doctor recently and they tried to push that HPV vaccine crap on her, too.

I wonder how much money the docs get to push this shit?

[doctor] Here is a new vaccine, it's great and shit like that!

[parent] What is it for?

[doctor] It's for stuff. Just take it already.

[parent] But, what is this for? What is in the vaccine?

[doctor] JUST TAKE IT! I'm a doctor god damn it! I know what is best for you!!

Really, I had doctors look at me like I'm from outer space just for asking lots of questions.  I love when I got into an argument with this physchiatrist, (sp?), because he wanted to shove loads of medications off on my son.  He said, "do you know if your son harms anyone it will be your fault for refusing to medicate him?"  I then said, "and if he hurts someone because of the meds you put him on, will it be your fault?"  He just shut up and looked at me like he wanted to rip my throat out.  I got into a 45 minute argument with this turd and I won hands down so he wrote in his report that I was a very uncooperative parent and all other kinds of bad shit about me. That was the last time I ever took my son to one of these butt wipes!

Oh my gosh, I will never forget when my son was born they picked up a heart abnormality on the fetal stress monitor so anyways I give birth and this doctor walked in the room the next day and told me coldy, "his blood is flowing the wrong way in his left ventricle and he probably will not live."  Then she just walks out!  I wasn't as outspoken as I am now back then but I swore if any doctor ever treated me like that again they were going to be sorry.  I took him to St. Christopher's Hospital in Phila. to have a second opinion when he was 3 days old and his heart was fine except for having mitral valve prolapse which I have and 3 of my kids have too.

So anyways 8 years later my daughter is born and wouldn't you know it , almost the same exact thing happened!  The doctor couldn't speak English worth a shit and all I could make out was that there was something wrong with her heart.  I hopped out of the hospital bed and grabbed his arm and said, "I don't give a shit if you have to show me in a book what you just said to me, your not going anywhere until I understand exactly what the fuck you just said about my daughter!"  My husband  was like , oh shit, here she goes but I had every right in the world to know what he said so I told my husband he'd have to get over it.  The doctor showed me in the book and she had mitral valve prolapse too.

But do you see the kind of crap parents have to go through just to get answers?  It's ridiculous!  This one doctor in Maryland said it was state law that all kids have to be checked for this disease that is a prominent black person's and now a medetiranian ,(sp?), person's disease, shit I can't remember the name of it now.  I told her to screw off and I wasn't getting my baby stuck with a needle just because of a stupid state law.

I don't know if you guys/gals on this thread have seen the picture of my rebel kid on the forum issues thread but she refused to get a fluoride treatment at the dentist's office. She told them the reasons it was bad and said, "uh, uh, your not doing that crap to me."  She was 6 years old and showed more balls, (sorry it's the best word I can think of), than most adults.

Crap, I have the family breathing down my neck we were supposed to be going somewhere an hour ago.  I'll get back to this post about the doctor's visit when I get home. :)



Your "opinions' are respected by me but that is all they are. 

Feel free to jump back over to our vaccine discussion which you long ago abandoned.

But please be prepared to back your opinions with valid evidence. ( and btw Mr Barrett is not peer review studies).

btw, by any chance do you live with your mother?

thanks in advance,



This reminds me ... I should go get a tetanus shot.


Jeez, Rainey, sounds like you've been jerked around by everyone in the medical industry :-\  I'm sorry to hear that!

Quote from: raineyrocks on October 13, 2007, 11:45 AM NHFT
Oh yeah, back to Bush, I heard about him vetoing the children's insurance too but I thought this vaccine thing was a different thing that he vetoed.  Maybe I got confused, who knows? :)

Eh, who knows, he might have done it twice!  It was sort of confusing trying to figure it out (there was an article dated August that said he was going to veto a bill to remove mercury from vaccines, but then there was an article from last week that said the same thing and added the bit about S-CHIP).  So I gave up ;)


Quote from: kola on October 13, 2007, 01:08 PM NHFT

Your "opinions' are respected by me but that is all they are. 

Feel free to jump back over to our vaccine discussion which you long ago abandoned.

Life's too short for that.  I've got TV to watch!   ;D  But seriously, I bowed out of that discussion because it wasn't going anywhere, and I have zero interest in discussing this with you, because I am sure that it's just going to be a repeat of what happened last time.

Quotebtw, by any chance do you live with your mother?

So what if I do?  What does that say?


I think that Bush has only used his veto power 4 times so far.


Quote from: Braddogg on October 13, 2007, 02:41 PM NHFT
Jeez, Rainey, sounds like you've been jerked around by everyone in the medical industry :-\  I'm sorry to hear that!

Quote from: raineyrocks on October 13, 2007, 11:45 AM NHFT
Oh yeah, back to Bush, I heard about him vetoing the children's insurance too but I thought this vaccine thing was a different thing that he vetoed.  Maybe I got confused, who knows? :)

Eh, who knows, he might have done it twice!  It was sort of confusing trying to figure it out (there was an article dated August that said he was going to veto a bill to remove mercury from vaccines, but then there was an article from last week that said the same thing and added the bit about S-CHIP).  So I gave up ;)

That post I made ended up so long that I could've written the 2nd part of this: the doctor comes in.... :)  In a weird way I'm glad that I get to speak my mind to the medical establishment at times because who knows maybe it might actually make some of them think.

I 'll try to make this as short as I can but here is a story that I usually like to forget about but it does have a good ending and did, (I like to believe), change a doctor's perspective on how he treated his patients in the future. 

Here goes: Years ago my ex-boyfriend punched me in my face, (yeah I know, what a beginning  ::)),  anyways I went to the emergency room because the pain in my cheek was getting worse.  I told the doctor what had happened and he left the room I was in that had a shower curtain type door and he was talking to a fellow doctor of his at the main desk all in plain view and earshot to me.  He was mimicking what I told him about getting punched by my boyfriend and saying things like, "gee, I guess I'll go back though, blah, blah"  Things I never even said.

When he came back in the room I asked him how many times he ever saw me in this hospital for medical help due to being hit by a guy.  He said, "never".  So I said, "what gives you the right to judge me or anyone that walks into this hospital?"  I went on with a few other issues but never did I curse him out, he would have loved that I know because it would've shown him that I was the "stupid trash" he assumed I was and probably a lot of his other patients too.  So in ending I said to him, "you owe me an apology and word of advice to you doctor, if your going to make fun of any future patients you could at least do it where they can't hear you." 

I'll tell you something, this guy said he was sorry, had his head hung in shame the entire time I talked to him and I do really believe it left a lasting effect on this particular doctor.  So it just goes to show you that you never know and it's always better to speak up than hold it in. :)


Some of us are eagerly awaiting the second part of your story . . .

Stop holding out on us.