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NH Seatbelt Law

Started by Kat Kanning, January 11, 2005, 03:58 PM NHFT

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Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: Dreepa on April 19, 2006, 09:30 PM NHFT
If a biker (be it bicycle or motorcycle) has an accident and they are not wearing a helmet... then the hospital shouldn't spend tons of money/time on them. (Unless their insurance co is willing to foot the bill).

It should not spend tons of money/time on them at all unless it wants to or their insurance co is willing to foot the bill.  It has nothing to do with a helmet.


Quote from: Dreepa on April 19, 2006, 09:30 PM NHFT
If a biker (be it bicycle or motorcycle) has an accident and they are not wearing a helmet... then the hospital shouldn't spend tons of money/time on them. (Unless their insurance co is willing to foot the bill).

The same could be said about somebody who is wearing a helmet.


Pat McCotter


They probably figure that each year they get a few more liberals from the surrounding New England states and hope that at some point they can make the seatbelt law pass.


There's already a thread on here by a socialist asking if he should move from NH to VT...

How long before they are leaving in droves?  :)


They could have their socialist paradise in VT and MA, and we'll have our free market!


A New Hampshire libertarian-leaning lady I know recently said "VT is pretty much one big giant drum circle" on another forum I visit. I thought it was pretty funny :D


Every time this issue comes up I like to point out that there's at least one case I know of where a seatbelt would have killed someone who walked away from an accident because he WAS NOT wearing his belt.  My husband is a big guy.  When he was younger, he was in an accident where the end result was the driver's door was pushed out about five inches by his body.  Had there been a belt involved in this, his head would have been chopped clean off by it.

I've seen the letter from the fire rescue on the scene that stated these facts.  (I didn't know him at the time of this accident.)  To this day, he makes it a point to NOT wear a seatbelt, and so far as I know has yet to get a ticket, though we do currently live in a state where seatbelt non-wearing is a primary offense.


Perhaps living in a state w/o seatbelt laws will be enough to convince him to come to NH even if that bogus hunting gun law does go through.



Quote from: Evenstar on April 22, 2006, 10:42 PM NHFT
Every time this issue comes up I like to point out that there's at least one case I know of where a seatbelt would have killed someone who walked away from an accident because he WAS NOT wearing his belt.  My husband is a big guy.  When he was younger, he was in an accident where the end result was the driver's door was pushed out about five inches by his body.  Had there been a belt involved in this, his head would have been chopped clean off by it.

I've seen the letter from the fire rescue on the scene that stated these facts.  (I didn't know him at the time of this accident.)  To this day, he makes it a point to NOT wear a seatbelt, and so far as I know has yet to get a ticket, though we do currently live in a state where seatbelt non-wearing is a primary offense.

He should also disconect his airbags then. Airbags kill people who are not wearing seatbelts.


Quote from: tracysaboe on April 23, 2006, 01:38 AM NHFT
Perhaps living in a state w/o seatbelt laws will be enough to convince him to come to NH even if that bogus hunting gun law does go through.

I'm sure it's not a done deal either way (in other words, he'll be a bit more flexible than his verbal posturing when push comes to shove).  The legal issues that he likes in New Hampshire are the lack of seatbelt laws, lack of helmet laws, lack of mandatory car insurance, and lack of income tax.  But the hunting thing is a big deal for him.  I'm also keeping an eye on homeschooling law as I plan to homeschool my kids, and a strict homeschooling law could make that very difficult... but that's another topic for another thread, I guess.

Quote from: Tunga on April 23, 2006, 08:09 AM NHFT
He should also disconect his airbags then. Airbags kill people who are not wearing seatbelts.

I'm sure he'll do so once we get to a state where seatbelts aren't required, but for now he just deals... I'll mention it to him, but I tend to let him make his own decisions, in main because I couldn't force him to follow mine even if I wanted to.  :)


Airbags kill people even if you are whering seatbelts.

I know a girl who was perminently scared. She breaked real hard for a dear and the airbag went off, and exploded in her face.

She still has burns and laceration scars on her face from the blast. The airbag did more damage then the deer did.

We always disconnect the airbags. We hate them.


Russell Kanning

Have I mentioned how nice it is to drive around and not have cops looking into your car looking for seatbelts? (I was in CA)
I think I am safer without a belt on .... so I enjoy the freedom.


Damn, another thread that will take me an hour to wade through!

After reading only the first page, I am compelled to post that "ovah he-ah," there are some seatbelt statutes on the books, the kind that can only be enforced when you are stopped for something else, although I don't wear belts unless I want to or if I'm with the little lady (easier to hook in than to endure her carping).

I wrote The Seatbelt Song back in the 80's when the push for seatbelt laws started here, a lovely little knee-jerk reactionary ditty against the busybodies, and oddly ebough it was one of my dad's favorites, God Rest his soul. I guess there was a little bit of individualist somewhere under that thick authoritarian mantle after all!

BTW, have I told you all that this is a great forum, lately?



Quote from: tracysaboe on April 23, 2006, 01:38 AM NHFT
Perhaps living in a state w/o seatbelt laws will be enough to convince him to come to NH even if that bogus hunting gun law does go through.


Just out of curiosity what was this hunting gun law?