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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Calling all Anarchists and Agorists and Out of the System Activists

Started by David, November 13, 2007, 12:34 AM NHFT

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Move to the Keene greater metropolitan area.  ;D  Myself, Ian, Julia, (most of the time  ;) ) the Kannings, Srgrebel, and (I think) Lauren and Jim,and Tom Sawyer, are all anarchsts.  We are all well away from concord and the 2nd unofficial capital.  It is true the area is somewhat liberal.  But when you challenge force, and authority, it doesn't really matter weather the authority is from the liberals or the neocons.  Both sides use police who carry around badges and guns. 
We have some of the best cameramen and graphics guys in the movement, our own media, and an existing push to make something happen. 

J’raxis 270145

I think this is a great idea. And when you guys try and secede or something, us political types will be hard at work at the State House making sure they don't call out the National Guard to stop you. ;D

Okay, I'm being snarky, but I do genuinely like this idea: If all the non-politicals concentrate in Keene, and the politicals all come out to Manchester and Concord, both sides can be much more effective.


The demand for gov't is prolly too high to actually 'free' and entire established city.  I would love to take some part of one, by buying land, and going from there. 
Btw, once the national guard gets tired of arresting us, an looking like asses for doing so, they will leave.  Then you can come join us.   ;D 

Kat Kanning

I didn't know Tom Sawyer was an anarchist.

Lloyd Danforth

Hardly any of those people live in Keene, either.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on November 13, 2007, 04:32 AM NHFT
I didn't know Tom Sawyer was an anarchist.
I was uncertain.  He is an out of the system guy.  And damn good graphics designer.   :)
Most live in the greater metropolitan area.   :icon_pirat:

Tom Sawyer

I can best be described as a pragmatist that would prefer to be left alone by the busybodies and control freaks.

If the minarchists could shrink the government to a size where I didn't have to correspond with the powers that be I would be happy. Although I don't think the minarchists can do it, once elected they will go along to get along and sell folks like me out.

My hope is that humans could evolve to the next level and handle functions that are now done by government through private means.


Actually, there seems to be a migration of back-to-the-land, anarchist types to the Grafton area.  I am leaning in that direction myself, though at this point I am still undecided.

And FWIW, that would be srqrebel, with a "Q" ;) ;D  For those who are curious what that means, it is a moniker I chose when I was still a resident of Sarasota, FL.  The official abbreviation of Sarasota, FL is SRQ, hence srqrebel means "Sarasota Rebel".


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on November 13, 2007, 11:24 AM NHFT
I can best be described as a pragmatist that would prefer to be left alone by the busybodies and control freaks.

If the minarchists could shrink the government to a size where I didn't have to correspond with the powers that be I would be happy. Although I don't think the minarchists can do it, once elected they will go along to get along and sell folks like me out.

My hope is that humans could evolve to the next level and handle functions that are now done by government through private means.

I was close.   ;D
Quote from: srqrebel on November 13, 2007, 11:31 AM NHFT
Actually, there seems to be a migration of back-to-the-land, anarchist types to the Grafton area.  I am leaning in that direction myself, though at this point I am still undecided.
Jeesh, rain on my parade, you too Llyod.   :P
I am not a back to the land type.  With respect to those that are doing it, it just isn't for me.   ;)



I say that very much tongue in cheek.   :)  But I am serious about trying to draw out of the system folks this way.  At least within reasonable driving range.  It makes the activism more effective.   

Russell Kanning

Quote from: error on November 13, 2007, 01:32 PM NHFT
Keene has a greater metropolitan area?!? This is news to me!
you don't get out here much do you?
It is a sight to see.



I've been to Keene... they have a couple of traffic lights and a 24 hour Price Chopper. Not exactly bustling metropolis. :)
