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Big, bad news! Liberty Dollar offices raided.

Started by toowm, November 15, 2007, 09:04 AM NHFT

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Looks like the FBI and Secret Service are taking lessons from the BATF on how to shut down vocal critics.


If this is a hoax they sure did a good job getting everyone's e-mail.
If it isn't, then welcome to Soviet America.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: anarchicluv on November 15, 2007, 12:11 PM NHFT
There's a ton of talk about this over at the RonPaulForums as well.  Nothing has been confirmed yet.  I too called the Sunshine Mint this morning and the lady who answered had no idea what I was talking about. 
I would think they would know. Is this the right mint for the LD guys? Where is their warehouse supposed to be?

In other news .... $s are not backed by anything and Fort Knox is empty.


Russell Kanning

so ... what about the physical silver backing the paper? I am glad I don't have any.

Dave Ridley

I called the local secret service and asked for someone to interview on tape a few hours ago.   they haven't called me back yet.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Russell Kanning on November 15, 2007, 03:41 PM NHFT
so ... what about the physical silver backing the paper? I am glad I don't have any.

Sounds like they got that, too, unless there's another vault holding more of it:—

QuoteBut to make matters worse, all the gold and silver that backs up the paper certificates and digital currency held in the vault at Sunshine Mint has also been confiscated.


this is floating around my RP meet up.

Passing this on from the SC RP group. Did anyone call officials to confirm?

Dear Liberty Supporter,

I have called the Evansville police department and they were unaware of any raids by the FBI today -they said it was possible, but unlikely that it happened-

The FBI Evansville office said twice after I asked them to repeat: "NO they were not raided, but we are forwarding all inquiries to our media representative" I tried calling the media representative and of course there was no answer.

It seems that this is, after all, a hoax which might make "liberty" people look bad -like kooks- as the media call us. So please don't forward alarming things till y ou have confirmed them. I'm sure that the media will try its hardest to link this to Ron Paul to once again try to discredit him.

So, please please please... bulletin alerting everyone about this possible hoax and asking everyone to restrain themselves from panicking or causing panics now or in the future. They will do whatever it takes to discredit the peace movement; don't ad alarmist to the now in use "terrorist".

Thank you,


Russell Kanning

LD's probably break secret laws .... so they could have no comment

Russell Kanning

I would think the local thugs would know about the fed thugs coming into their town .... they would want to be around saying



yeah it didnt work much better for me....

Ian, are you going to report anything on FTL tonight?


Everything I'm seeing is still based on that e-mail. More and more its seeming like a hoax to me.


Quote from: Jon Maltz on November 15, 2007, 01:53 PM NHFT

Apparently this happened Wednesday according to this.
This is the local Evansville paper.  They indicate that they either called, or went in person, to the LD office and spoke with employees there who said they were "cleaning up after the raid".  The employees apparently didn't tell the newspaper reporter they had no idea what he/she was talking about (unless the reporter made stuff up, which certainly happens).

I called the Evansville office on my lunch break and nobody answered the phone, but I have no idea if they generally have someone manning it all day.


Absolutely despicable. LDs are perfectly legal, and several US government officials have publicly said so.

Nice to see the paramilitary mindset come into play, too. Used to be that they'd send you a letter for this sort of thing. Now they just send in the armed thugs with no warning. Can't give people a chance to object before you steal all their stuff!

Hopefully this will get slapped down in court. I haven't even seen any serious arguments claiming that LDs are illegal, just easily debunked disinformation. They usually have to at least wrap their thuggery up in a nice wrapper of legalese to get away with it.