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Liberty Dollar currency

Started by joeyforpresident, June 25, 2005, 08:29 PM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on September 20, 2005, 04:15 PM NHFT
One of the many reasons I don't do the relationship thing anymore is I don't want to train yet another woman to put the toilet seat back up!


Kat Kanning

I can't picture Lloyd training his sister!   :o

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: katdillon on September 20, 2005, 04:46 PM NHFT
I can't picture Lloyd training his sister!? ?:o

You're right.  Due to early training which I have not been able to overcome she consistantly fails to put the seat back up!

Michael Fisher

Well, Liberty Dollar supporters, sorry for the bad news, but the media is asking me about Liberty Dollars and I'm telling them exactly what I think.


NH Liberty Associates should keep their eyes open for the article so they can write in response to the misinformation LR6 is likely giving out.  LR6, I doubt you'll be sharing with us who the author is so we can have a shot at rebutting you prior to publishing.

Note to Liberty Associates:  No one would be calling LR6 if he hadn't done the manicure event, so perhaps the rest of you should consider getting together to one-up his civil disobedience.  A little civil disobedience competition surely can't hurt, and you could potentially replace LR6 as the "goto guy" for libertarian commentary.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 23, 2005, 04:35 PM NHFT
NH Liberty Associates should keep their eyes open for the article so they can write in response to the misinformation LR6 is likely giving out.? LR6, I doubt you'll be sharing with us who the author is so we can have a shot at rebutting you prior to publishing.

Naaa....he will probably tell you.  You don't know this guy.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 23, 2005, 04:35 PM NHFT
NH Liberty Associates should keep their eyes open for the article so they can write in response to the misinformation LR6 is likely giving out.? LR6, I doubt you'll be sharing with us who the author is so we can have a shot at rebutting you prior to publishing.

Note to Liberty Associates:? No one would be calling LR6 if he hadn't done the manicure event, so perhaps the rest of you should consider getting together to one-up his civil disobedience.? A little civil disobedience competition surely can't hurt, and you could potentially replace LR6 as the "goto guy" for libertarian commentary.

:o :o :o

Ian, Larry Clow (The Wire reporter) even said the LD seems "questionable" before I said a single word about it, so I can tell you right now, positive coverage of the LD is very unlikely. ?And you can blame me for the LD's bad publicity all you want, but it was garnering bad publicity in recent media coverage before I was ever asked my opinion about it.

At some point, you will need to come to terms with the reality about the LD. ?IMO, it is a dishonest currency being used in a dishonest manner, often without any consideration by those involved in its manufacturing or distribution.

I do not lie. ?I only told the press my opinion and they can do whatever they want with it.

On this subject: ?Why won't you tell LD recipients that the only valuable part of an LD, the one ounce of silver it contains, is available at any coinshop for about $7.75? Why won't you tell them the truth? ?Why do you hide it?

If you can't answer these questions truthfully, openly, and conscientiously, then why do you use the currency?


Because, you don't get it, dude.  The LD is more valuable than an ounce of silver because it has been minted as currency!  I'm not lying either.

Of course, let's not forget that FRNs only have a value at gunpoint.   ::)

Michael Fisher

Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 23, 2005, 05:52 PM NHFT
Because, you don't get it, dude.? The LD is more valuable than an ounce of silver because it has been minted as currency!? I'm not lying either.

The LD's "$10" stamp adds no real value to the silver that you could convince me of, except perhaps the value of being able to dupe unsuspecting victims into thinking they're worth $10 when they're not.


 ::)  I'm really just responding for everyone reading this.

Anyone with questions is free to contact me at ian@freetalklive.com or dig around for more info here:



Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 23, 2005, 06:28 PM NHFT
::)  I'm really just responding for everyone reading this.

No, go ahead, Ian. Expound on why the LD is worth 10 FRNs, other than the "$10" stamped on it.


Quote from: KBCraig on September 23, 2005, 06:41 PM NHFT
Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 23, 2005, 06:28 PM NHFT
::)  I'm really just responding for everyone reading this.

No, go ahead, Ian. Expound on why the LD is worth 10 FRNs, other than the "$10" stamped on it.

Cause I'll give ya 10 of em for one.  And so will lots of other people.  If you don't think so, that's your perogative!   ;D

Russell Kanning

Quote from: LeRuineur6 on September 23, 2005, 05:32 PM NHFTIan, Larry Clow (The Wire reporter) even said the LD seems "questionable" before I said a single word about it, so I can tell you right now, positive coverage of the LD is very unlikely.

What a surprise .... a member of the media is not familiar with an alternate currency. I bet he also doesn't know that most of the founding fathers wanted any money to be backed by gold or silver.


Someone in NH should really call that guy.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 19, 2005, 08:19 PM NHFT
It's not necessary to explain legal tender status.  A trade is a trade.  Caveat emptor.  When spending LDs, no one has the time, nor is it appropriate to educate people.  Offering a buyback option covers all potential objections, after the fact.  Do you disagree?  If there is a buyback, where's the risk?  If they have a problem with it later on, they can pick up the phone.

I understand your obsession over "real money".  The FRN doesn't come close, the LD does.     ::)

Money, being "The Most Saleable commodity." means that FRN's are currently the most saleable and currently "money." The problem is this "money" is backed by "faith" and the creator of this money has the right to print more at any time he wants and take advantage of it's higher value before it depreciates the value of FRNs by integrating into the money supply.

The "FRNS" have a history of being valueble, and even have a history of being backed by real commodities at one time, untill the government hijacked it, and slowly got rid of this intrinsic value.

What needs to happen is for the Dollar to get denationalized and redemacrotized (in the economic sence of economic democracy.) Because currently people still use Dollars for money. This is based on the fact that this dollar was worth something yesterday, which was based on the fact it was worth something the day before, etc.  The Liberty Dollar, nor any other competing currency has that history nor will it ever have that kind of history, and hence, it's never going to develope into "money."

Either the Dollar needs to get denationalized, or it needs to get completely abolished and replaced by something else. But that somthing else would need to be some other commadity that eventually becomes more saleable then the dollar.

Now, one way I suppose could be for a merchant to have his/hers prices listed in either onces of gold or silver or dollars and the customer gets to choose. If this works for a few businesses in the area and people start using actual hard medle again, then eventually other businesses in the area might follow suit. This might be a way to help democratize money again, with-out pushing some new Hyakian currency that has no previous commodity value down peoples throats.

It's not a matter that it's fraud.

It's a matter that LD doesn't really have any understanding of what money is, and what makes money money.

QuoteUntil you create your own currency to compete with the LD instead of complaining about it, you are just blowing hot air.

I feel like I'm talking to a wall. You really haven't understood my point here have you.  That is, the whole concept of "competing currencies." is wrong-headed.

The currencies in the world to day, got that-way, because their was a commodity that developed into being the most saleable. Government's then hijacked that already market choice. Money is money because it has a history. You can't just created a "currency" out of thin air and expect people to start using it as money with-out any prior history of it being valuble as money
