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I was banned from Murphy's Taproom

Started by Mike Barskey, October 28, 2008, 08:50 PM NHFT

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I live in Los Angeles and usually tip about 20%. But as of the past few years I've made a few changes. When I receive just so so service I adjust to just a so so tip usually 10%. But when I receive horrible service, a really rude waiter, or the waiter that never comes to your table and you never get that important item you wanted, which can happen more often than one would think, I stopped tipping. I usually never go back to an establishment where I didn't get good service.

I do think tipping is voluntary regardless of the custom and I think banning someone for not tipping is really foolish. But of course Keith can do what he wants, it's his place. I just probably would think twice before wanting to give my money to someone who would do that.

Just didn't sit right with me. It's either voluntary or it is mandatory. Which one is it? If it is mandatory than it should be a fixed gratuity and printed on the menu. How can you ban someone for not doing something that is voluntary? I've been to Murphy's and I would say the 4 times I've eaten there the service was so-so.

But that seems to be typical these days in general. I hardly eat out anymore, so it ceases to be much of an issue. But it was a real change to stop tipping for bad service, most people I know will tip regardless.

Mike I really think you have many good points regarding tipping. And I've heard others say the same thing. I like to give tips if I feel someone did a great job, then I enjoy it and tip well. I do believe what you give is what you get, meaning the more generous you are in life the more life will be generous with you.


I was really shocked to discover that minimum wage for servers in CA is the same as for everyone else.

Lastlady, I didn't realize you had visited NH.


Dalebert not only have I been to New Hampshire, let's see 3 times, but once we were standing side by side at Porcfest 2007 and I didn't even know it was you to introduce myself until I had left Porcfest for that day. I attended the first Liberty Forum and Porcfest '07 and also was at the trial for the Brown supporters.

Oh and as far as tipping in Los Angeles I think almost everyone makes minimum wage, which I believe is $7.50, most make a lot more somewhere between $10-$15 an hour, depending on the restaurant. But this is Los Angeles not the whole state. Los Angeles has a lot of prosperity so owners have to be competitive and restaurants will pay more for great waitstaff. This is just my experience I haven't done any research.  But I have been to a lot of different types of restaurants cheap to super expensive. When someone pays $500 for a meal with 2-4 people you bet that waiter is making good money tips and wages.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Rearden on October 30, 2008, 11:48 AM NHFT
Anyway, my further responses will be on the tea party.  It's too much work following two forums.

An excellent choice. ;D


I personally tip if I'm paying with plastic I'll tip in cash if I have it so the server decides on their tax.


Quote from: bouncer on October 30, 2008, 04:59 PM NHFT
I personally tip if I'm paying with plastic I'll tip in cash if I have it so the server decides on their tax.

I never thought of that, great point, thanks!  :)


Quote from: bouncer on October 30, 2008, 04:59 PM NHFT
I personally tip if I'm paying with plastic I'll tip in cash if I have it so the server decides on their tax.

I also do that because a friend of mine who's a waiter said some places make waiters pool tips and split them, or pool a percentage of tips, so again its good to give them a choice.

Russell Kanning

hey Mike .... if you were working for the government (FD or Cops) maybe you could get a discount :)

Lloyd Danforth

Kat Kanning

Yes, it's on his menu or some such thing.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on October 31, 2008, 06:11 AM NHFT
Probably not at Murphy's
you could try putting on a suit and hold a voting roll commission meeting and see if it works

Lloyd Danforth

Yeah!  If I could get a 15% discount and left a 15% tip, it would be a Push!

Russell Kanning

or you could go crazy and give the cute waitress that 20% she deserves for that sweet smile



Quote from: Russell Kanning on October 31, 2008, 08:25 AM NHFT
or you could go crazy and give the cute waitress that 20% she deserves for that sweet smile

If sweet smiles got tips, Mike would be walking out of there with more money than he came with.


Ok, two quick points.

I hadn't really thought about it before but as someone pointed out, it doesn't take any longer to serve filet than tuna. Why should the filet guy pay more for the same service? That is, the percentage idea seems odd. It's even more pronounced when ordering drinks. If you're ordering draft beer and the next guy is ordering shots of Johnny Walker Blue, well he got liquor that was 10-15x as good (and as expensive) but I doubt he got service that was 10x as good. Maybe two or three times as good?

Also as noted, will there be a special menu for those who state that their policy is to always tip 10% or 5%?