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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Help and Ideas For Marijuana Protest

Started by JAC, December 04, 2008, 12:12 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Mike "the Social Butterfly" Barskey on December 04, 2008, 03:10 PM NHFT
This might be worth considering: the police might want to intercept you on your way to the protest, and arrest you for possession when there is no audience or media around. One possible way to avoid that would be to hide your pot at the site of the protest the day before so you won't actually possess it until you arrive at the protest site.
Good point.

What I plan to do with the marijuana (other than the protest part, of course) and how I plan to get it should not be discussed on a public forum, so as to avoid getting others in trouble or having the police ruin the plan.

I think I'm gonna want cameras around me all the way TO the event as well, just to make sure if the police do interject at some point prior to the protest that it will still be recorded.

firecracker joe

lets face it leos would love to nip it in the bud (no pun intended) so no details. I am gonna send the editor of hightimes a letter about this right now and to you JAC congratulations thankyou for comming to NH.You dont need alot to make your point.


Quote from: jose on December 04, 2008, 06:02 PM NHFT
lets face it leos would love to nip it in the bud (no pun intended) so no details. I am gonna send the editor of hightimes a letter about this right now and to you JAC congratulations thankyou for comming to NH.You dont need alot to make your point.
Thanks for spreading the word, jose. :)

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: JAC on December 04, 2008, 03:25 PM NHFT
Quote from: Mike "the Social Butterfly" Barskey on December 04, 2008, 03:10 PM NHFT
This might be worth considering: the police might want to intercept you on your way to the protest, and arrest you for possession when there is no audience or media around. One possible way to avoid that would be to hide your pot at the site of the protest the day before so you won't actually possess it until you arrive at the protest site.
Good point.

What I plan to do with the marijuana (other than the protest part, of course) and how I plan to get it should not be discussed on a public forum, so as to avoid getting others in trouble or having the police ruin the plan.

I think I'm gonna want cameras around me all the way TO the event as well, just to make sure if the police do interject at some point prior to the protest that it will still be recorded.

Not to be too paranoid, but when you move to Keene, you might not even want to publicly disclose where you're living until after this demonstration is over. At the very least, the day of the protest, they should have no idea where you're coming from on your route to where the demo will take place.


Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on December 04, 2008, 08:12 PM NHFT
Quote from: JAC on December 04, 2008, 03:25 PM NHFT
Quote from: Mike "the Social Butterfly" Barskey on December 04, 2008, 03:10 PM NHFT
This might be worth considering: the police might want to intercept you on your way to the protest, and arrest you for possession when there is no audience or media around. One possible way to avoid that would be to hide your pot at the site of the protest the day before so you won't actually possess it until you arrive at the protest site.
Good point.

What I plan to do with the marijuana (other than the protest part, of course) and how I plan to get it should not be discussed on a public forum, so as to avoid getting others in trouble or having the police ruin the plan.

I think I'm gonna want cameras around me all the way TO the event as well, just to make sure if the police do interject at some point prior to the protest that it will still be recorded.

Not to be too paranoid, but when you move to Keene, you might not even want to publicly disclose where you're living until after this demonstration is over. At the very least, the day of the protest, they should have no idea where you're coming from on your route to where the demo will take place.
Another good point.  I think some of these things I will have to discuss with people off the internet.  Thanks.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: JAC on December 04, 2008, 08:15 PM NHFT
Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on December 04, 2008, 08:12 PM NHFT
Quote from: JAC on December 04, 2008, 03:25 PM NHFT
Quote from: Mike "the Social Butterfly" Barskey on December 04, 2008, 03:10 PM NHFT
This might be worth considering: the police might want to intercept you on your way to the protest, and arrest you for possession when there is no audience or media around. One possible way to avoid that would be to hide your pot at the site of the protest the day before so you won't actually possess it until you arrive at the protest site.
Good point.

What I plan to do with the marijuana (other than the protest part, of course) and how I plan to get it should not be discussed on a public forum, so as to avoid getting others in trouble or having the police ruin the plan.

I think I'm gonna want cameras around me all the way TO the event as well, just to make sure if the police do interject at some point prior to the protest that it will still be recorded.

Not to be too paranoid, but when you move to Keene, you might not even want to publicly disclose where you're living until after this demonstration is over. At the very least, the day of the protest, they should have no idea where you're coming from on your route to where the demo will take place.

Another good point.  I think some of these things I will have to discuss with people off the internet.  Thanks.

Indeed. Finally someone who understands the concepts of communication and operational security. ;D


By this Saturday the press releases can start heading out.  I suppose the one I wrote is good enough to get the job done, along with whatever else others have planned to get the word out. :P

J’raxis 270145

By the way, in New Hampshire, apparently* a person's criminal record is not accessible to the general public without a signed release from the actual person whose record is being looked up. The practice of businesses, landlords, &c., surreptitiously running checks on prospective employees, tenants, &c., doesn't, and cannot, happen here. Of course, an employer could require you to sign a release in order to be considered for a job, but at least you know it's happening, and have a chance to explain yourself before he sees your record and jumps to conclusions.

* As told to me by a police officer. I'm not a lawyer, standard disclaimer, blah blah blah.

Dan Steward

I posted this to a different board on this forum. I hop that it would be of help to you or any of the Free-Staters for your Cannabis Protest:

Imagine a "designated driver" that is of course, sober. He leaves the bar first and runs interference for the drunks, as Officer Un-Friendly is parked right across the street from the tavern just itching to snare some poor intoxicated soul, and remove him from his rightful property and ruin his reputation. Screw that!

Our sober hero, running his interference, will be giving Mr. Pig all the signs that he is presumably drunk by gunning his engine, pressing too hard on the brake, etc. to draw attention to himself and away from the drunk folks who are leaving in droves, once he's been stopped.


Now, how to vex the Bacon Brigade, at your Cannabis Protest:

When you send out your press release, let all interested parties know that the event will be recorded. "If you don't want your Keystone Kops antics filmed, don't show up" is a good way to start. If Sgt. Hamhumper and his Legion of Doom show up, have at least a few people with clothing denoting "you are being recorded" on it. It wouldn't hurt to have such a thing on at any event you have going on.

You have "Tokers" who have real deal Barney in them there joints & bongs. Those folks are held in reserve. You also have "Jokers" that have a mix of tobacco & cloves, legal herbs (even better) that look like the chronic, or any other combination of legal goodies in their "cigs" or pipes.

The Jokers light up first, draw attention to themselves in an effort to have the Pork Rangers attempt to give them some noise. Have them do it one at a time. 

Eventually the Swine Squad will throw their hands up in disgust and go fishing somewhere else as they won't be able to tell who has "the goods" and who doesn't with any measure of reasonable accuracy. It will drive them absolutely  nuts and teach them the long term lesson that Free-Staters are much smarter than most any fathead cop.  If they take people to jail it will tie up the courts and one day in the near future, enforcing narrow iguana laws will be much more trouble to them than it is worth.

A little imagination and you can grab back bigger chunks of your Liberty than you might have originally thought possible.

With Liberty,

Dan Steward


I think we should say something to the effect of "The presence of public officials in this public place will be taken as consent to be recorded." And if we have lots of camera people there and they threaten to arrest everyone with a camera, particularly people with press badges on for an event where there have been numerous press releases... well, good luck with trying to get that to fly!

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: Dan Steward on December 04, 2008, 10:51 PM NHFT
The Jokers light up first, draw attention to themselves in an effort to have the Pork Rangers attempt to give them some noise. Have them do it one at a time. 

Eventually the Swine Squad will throw their hands up in disgust and go fishing somewhere else . . .

With Liberty,

Dan Steward

One of Robert Anton Wilson's books contained the anecdote of a company who drove trucks around ostentatiously labeled "Illegal Drug Importers."  The cops would stop them, find nothing, the media would be alerted, and general public ridicule would result.  After several such occurrences, the cops left the trucks alone, at which point the company started (you guessed it) operating an illegal drug business without fear of surveillance.

I've heard of a similar scheme used by college kids, who'd buy a park bench, pocket the receipt, then carry the thing around the park until they're stopped.  Producing the bill of sale, they're released, and after a few times, they can then steal park benches as they like.


Quote from: JAC on December 04, 2008, 12:12 PM NHFT
But if I can get even a couch out in Keene that would be great.

I understand there's at least one couch out in Keene. January might not be a good time of year to sleep on it, though.  ;)

firecracker joe

last night i emailed high times,marijuana policy project,tommy chong woody harrelsonand norml to try to let them know what is gonig on in NH with the free state project and  civil dis

K. Darien Freeheart


J’raxis 270145

Quote from: dalebert on December 05, 2008, 06:42 AM NHFT
I think we should say something to the effect of "The presence of public officials in this public place will be taken as consent to be recorded." And if we have lots of camera people there and they threaten to arrest everyone with a camera, particularly people with press badges on for an event where there have been numerous press releases... well, good luck with trying to get that to fly!

Going forward, my interpretation of the RSAs shall be that 91-A trumps 570-A when dealing with public officials. The public's right to open government proceedings trumps the individual bureaucrats' desire to not be recorded, when said bureaucrat is acting in an official capacity.