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Started by Friday, January 08, 2009, 08:37 AM NHFT

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He hasn't even been sworn in yet, and I already hate him.  I don't know what it is, but just looking at his face makes my skin crawl.  I've got a bad feeling about this President.   >:(

Bill St. Clair

I found it hard to hate him when I saw him on Sixty Minutes, but I'm afraid of what he's planning for us.

I've responded with silliness.

http://twinkiesforobama.com/ encourages people to send him Twinkies.

http://obamabodycount.org/ provides banners for web sites counting dead Iraqis or Americans, your preference, since he was elected.

Lloyd Danforth

I'm not sure what any president could do to stop things from going to Hell.  He and congress will make all of the wrong moves that McCain would have made.
Obama doesn't seem to be making some of his liberal backers happy.

Fluff and Stuff

Obama says the 10 trillion isn't enough and that things are gonna get real bad if his save America package doesn't pass real soon, http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090108/ap_on_go_pr_wh/obama_economy

Let's hope it is already passed and the press just has announced the gospel yet...



Quote"It is true that we cannot depend on government alone to create jobs or long-term growth, but at this particular moment, only government can provide the short-term boost necessary to lift us from a recession this deep and severe," Obama said. "Only government can break the vicious cycles that are crippling our economy -- where a lack of spending leads to lost jobs which leads to even less spending; where an inability to lend and borrow stops growth and leads to even less credit."

See, goverment is going to make it all better.  Stop worrying.


Quote from: doobie on January 08, 2009, 02:27 PM NHFT

Quote"It is true that we cannot depend on government alone to create jobs or long-term growth, but at this particular moment, only government can provide the short-term boost necessary to lift us from a recession this deep and severe," Obama said. "Only government can break the vicious cycles that are crippling our economy -- where a lack of spending leads to lost jobs which leads to even less spending; where an inability to lend and borrow stops growth and leads to even less credit."

See, goverment is going to make it all better.  Stop worrying.

I think that all these bailouts are making banks scared shitless to loan out any money... especially flat-rate loans. If I was expecting inflation to jump way up I wouldn't give out fixed-interest loans either... just another way that these bailouts are just making things worse.

John Edward Mercier

The bank bailouts were done in such a manner as to cover up which banks were weak.
But most savy investors new that banks with heavy credit card portfolios were, or will be, in deep trouble.

Most solvent banks have a history of being very conservative with their capital, while the banks that were on shaky footing are now scared that any bailout capital they received might be lost the way investor capital was.

Even when money supply was tighter, my local bank would only hold a mortgage for 15 yrs on a variable rate with at least 20% down. Any other mortgage was immediately transferred to a government-sponsored enterprise.


Quote from: John Edward Mercier on January 09, 2009, 06:42 AM NHFT
Even when money supply was tighter, my local bank would only hold a mortgage for 15 yrs on a variable rate with at least 20% down. Any other mortgage was immediately transferred to a government-sponsored enterprise.

Yeah, my bank sold off my 30-year-fixed no money down mortgage, only I knew how much of a house I could afford and I can still easily make double payments on it.


I know with the many republicans here it is easy to jump on Obama because he isn't a good republican, but Obama hasn't done anything yet beyond talking.  He will not be in charge of squat till the 20th. 
The irony of the bailouts, is even though the dems proclaim support, they wouldn't vote on them unless the gop did also, and wouldn't even pass the detroit bailout, that was the Decider #1. 
I am irritated by all the anti Obama sentiment, for what he hasn't done, yet the Decider who proclaims his love for tax cuts and small(er) gov't, hasn't seen a borrowed or hot of the presses dollar bill that he hasn't wanted to spend, or a (big campaign donor) corporation he didn't want to nationalize in all but name.  The Decider gets a pass.  Obama can't do too much worse than the Decider, the Decider grabbed guns in New Orleans, and possible in Galvaston, not Obama he has frustrated land owners in the west, breaking campaign promises to them,  etc.  Any thing else is revisionist history. 
But Obama is a democrat, and so all good repubs must hate him based on a label alone.   ::)  (This rant was not directed to you Friday, but there are several posts here about The Decider #2, and I cant help but to see a bit of hypocrisy in some of the anti-Obama rants.)

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: David on January 09, 2009, 11:47 AM NHFT
I know with the many republicans here it is easy to jump on Obama because he isn't a good republican, but Obama hasn't done anything yet beyond talking.  He will not be in charge of squat till the 20th. 
The irony of the bailouts, is even though the dems proclaim support, they wouldn't vote on them unless the gop did also, and wouldn't even pass the detroit bailout, that was the Decider #1. 
I am irritated by all the anti Obama sentiment, for what he hasn't done, yet the Decider who proclaims his love for tax cuts and small(er) gov't, hasn't seen a borrowed or hot of the presses dollar bill that he hasn't wanted to spend, or a (big campaign donor) corporation he didn't want to nationalize in all but name.  The Decider gets a pass.  Obama can't do too much worse than the Decider, the Decider grabbed guns in New Orleans, and possible in Galvaston, not Obama he has frustrated land owners in the west, breaking campaign promises to them,  etc.  Any thing else is revisionist history. 
But Obama is a democrat, and so all good repubs must hate him based on a label alone.   ::)  (This rant was not directed to you Friday, but there are several posts here about The Decider #2, and I cant help but to see a bit of hypocrisy in some of the anti-Obama rants.)

I actually had a wet dream last night which involved me going through a sex change operation just so I could have an illegitimate love child by the Decider, man is he dreamy!

Bill St. Clair

Bushnev gets a pass? Hardly. Let the trials for treason and war crimes begin.

You're right that Obama hasn't had a chance yet to mess things up thoroughly. But listening to his plans is enough to know that once he gets his hands on the levers of power, we'll be at least as bad off, if not much much worse, as we have been under Herr Führer Bushnev.


Who's this Obama fellow?

All I know is the Messiah in Chief™ will save us all. Hooray!

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Puke on January 09, 2009, 04:27 PM NHFT
Who's this Obama fellow?

All I know is the Messiah in Chief™ will save us all. Hooray!

Wow... you can just trade mark something like that?

OK... ObomanationTM
The United States is now an ObomanationTM and we'll all be saved by the 4th of July...  Hoorah!

Lloyd Danforth

Faclitator To The IconTM

Jim Johnson

OH CRAP!   >:(

Hey, I'll trade ya, Lloyd DanforthTM   :)