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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Started by Friday, January 08, 2009, 08:37 AM NHFT

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Quote from: SpeedPhreak on January 21, 2009, 07:36 AM NHFT
Quote from: Friday on January 21, 2009, 06:30 AM NHFT
I love Big Brother.  

he's actually kinda skinny.
No, he's actually kinda hot, which just adds to his evil allure.


Quote from: Friday on January 21, 2009, 09:53 AM NHFT
Quote from: SpeedPhreak on January 21, 2009, 07:36 AM NHFT
Quote from: Friday on January 21, 2009, 06:30 AM NHFT
I love Big Brother.  

he's actually kinda skinny.
No, he's actually kinda hot, which just adds to his evil allure.

:biglaugh:  Yeah, baby!   Evil is in, nice is not!  ;D

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Friday on January 21, 2009, 09:53 AM NHFT
Quote from: SpeedPhreak on January 21, 2009, 07:36 AM NHFT
Quote from: Friday on January 21, 2009, 06:30 AM NHFT
I love Big Brother.  

he's actually kinda skinny.
No, he's actually kinda hot, which just adds to his evil allure.

Hot?  I'm not seeing it... is this some sort of latent Erkle thing?

Every time he talks I expect him to ask me if I want more cheese.  I'm always ready to say No Thanks, that's plenty.


My take on Obama's speech: Obama's speech: The Epitome of Lies and Deception.

I think he's dangerous, but never mind that. He may seduce the masses for a time, but the fact that this seduction is by illusions and not reality is what will eventually blow it all away. It is at the perceived heights that the empires fall. US fall has already begun. It is no wonder there is now a charismatic leader to infect the masses with nationalist fervor. This is necessary. Government can't not to make certain unpopular decisions at this point if it's not to throw in the towel and declare themselves bankrupt and incompetent (as they truly are), not to mention admit that the nature of government is violence and consequent inefficiency and destruction.

So either they come up with a charismatic leader like Obama or face an incredible backslash to their legitimacy. This way they buy some more time, for some more war and plunder and some more elitist globalization. But the backslash will happen because every reality distortion bubble eventually pops. The more delusion there is, the bigger the bubble and the louder the pop will be.

Obama is the last "savior" of US. I think this is the beginning of the final stage of US degeneration: the end.

NH must secede.


An interesting video mashup of Obama recent history:

Obama- Lies, which Obama did you vote for?


Quote from: jaqeboy on January 21, 2009, 12:13 PM NHFT
An interesting video mashup of Obama recent history:

Obama- Lies, which Obama did you vote for?

Wow, this is a great video, proving his deceipt!  Right there for everyone to see and hear, how can people be so naive?   It seems like, according to that video, every single word out of his mouth were lies and he blatantly contradicts himself throughout the entire campaign as if he knew he'd win anyway.  Creepy!


Quote from: raineyrocks on January 21, 2009, 12:50 PM NHFT
Wow, this is a great video, proving his deceipt!  Right there for everyone to see and hear, how can people be so naive?   It seems like, according to that video, every single word out of his mouth were lies and he blatantly contradicts himself throughout the entire campaign as if he knew he'd win anyway.  Creepy!

I'm looking fwd to watching that when I'm not in a noisy public place, but my immediate impression is it's just politics as usual. Nothing particular to Obama. I bet it would be relatively str8-fwd to make such a video about almost any politician, particularly the ones who actually win at the corrupt, fraudulent, and violent game of politics.


Quote from: dalebert on January 21, 2009, 02:20 PM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on January 21, 2009, 12:50 PM NHFT
Wow, this is a great video, proving his deceipt!  Right there for everyone to see and hear, how can people be so naive?   It seems like, according to that video, every single word out of his mouth were lies and he blatantly contradicts himself throughout the entire campaign as if he knew he'd win anyway.  Creepy!

I'm looking fwd to watching that when I'm not in a noisy public place, but my immediate impression is it's just politics as usual. Nothing particular to Obama. I bet it would be relatively str8-fwd to make such a video about almost any politician, particularly the ones who actually win at the corrupt, fraudulent, and violent game of politics.

I hope your right and I know it's bad enough what they do "regularly".   I'd be really interested to read your take on the video, Dalebert.  :)


It's just smooth played mass hypnosis perpetrated on people who are trained to look beyond themselves for solutions to their own problems.




Click to Enlarge

Russell Kanning

I think he is giving away money already


Quote from: Russell Kanning on January 21, 2009, 07:00 PM NHFT
I think he is giving away money already

I have no problem with the giving away part. It's the taking that has to happen first so he has money to give away.  >:(


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on January 20, 2009, 12:13 PM NHFT
Barack Obama Isn't Superman, and It's Divisive to Think So
January 20, 2009 12:36 PM ET
By Bonnie Erbe, Thomas Jefferson Street blog

On the race front, I'm not sure whether to blame the media, the Democrats, African-Americans, or all Americans, but to many people, the constant allusions to President Obama fulfilling Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream and some people's claim that he is "our man" serve to deepen racial divisions, not erase them, as Obama himself has sought to do.

When he was elected the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review all the other African-Americans and leftists thought that he would tip the balance to the left - he didn't.


But Obama, who this March referred to "identity politics" as "an enormous distraction," was not so easily pinned down. He published a searing attack on affirmative action, written by a former Reagan administration official. And when, in an unusual move, he selected a young woman from a non-Ivy League law school to fill one of the Review's most prestigious slots, she produced an essay focused as much on individual responsibilities as on liberties, criticizing both conservative judges and feminist scholars.

"I was very surprised and honored to receive the invitation, of course, as I was teaching at Maryland Law School at the time, and the Foreword typically is extended to more established scholars at 'top' law schools," Robin West, now a professor and associate dean at Georgetown Law Center, wrote in an e-mail to Politico. While other articles are selected by the Review's editors as a group, the Foreword is solicited by a smaller band led by the Review's president.

West worked closely with Obama on her piece, she said, remembering him as gracious and helpful, if a bit polite and even formal: "He would always ask first about my baby," she recalled.

If the editor and author — a black man and a woman — were an unconventional team for the Review, however, West's article challenged the then-prevailing wisdom in a different way, taking as its touchstone the work of Czech freedom fighter Vaclav Havel and the anti-Communist revolutions in Eastern Europe that were then still under way. Havel had written that the citizen's sense of responsibility — not just of individual rights — was essential to political liberty, and West applied that critique to contemporary liberalism to argue that goals such as tolerance and diversity might in fact be "weakened, not strengthened, by taking rights so 'super-seriously' that we come to stop examining our sense of responsibility."

Obama "clearly agreed with me at the time that a shift in constitutional thinking from a rights-based discourse to one that centered [on] responsibility and duties ... would be a good thing," West told Politico. "Partly because of those conversations, I don't find it surprising at all that Sen. Obama's speeches are often marked by calls to spark a sense of responsibility, rather than a sense of grievance."


Quote from: BillKauffman on January 24, 2009, 03:56 PM NHFT

When he was elected the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review all the other African-Americans and leftists thought that he would tip the balance to the left - he didn't.


But Obama, who this March referred to "identity politics" as "an enormous distraction," was not so easily pinned down....
Does this mean you're an Obama supporter?


Quote from: Friday on January 24, 2009, 04:08 PM NHFT
Quote from: BillKauffman on January 24, 2009, 03:56 PM NHFT

When he was elected the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review all the other African-Americans and leftists thought that he would tip the balance to the left - he didn't.


But Obama, who this March referred to "identity politics" as "an enormous distraction," was not so easily pinned down....
Does this mean you're an Obama supporter?

Define "supporter"?

He is going to govern from the middle, not the left. No need to worry this is going to somehow strain race relations. If anything, he will piss people off on the left (cultural Marxists) first.