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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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I don't often bother with this stuff, but this interesting letter was on the Keene Sentinel's website today:

Another group of scientists has found evidence of explosives in the dust at ground zero, 9/11.

Big news?

Actually it isn't news at all. Hasn't been covered. One might expect calls far and wide for a public investigation by qualified scientists to examine whether the findings are accurate. Yawn.

There is a lot of interest on the Internet, among people who don't take a paycheck from corporate media. There is interest among ex-CIA, military, pilots, architects, engineers, physicists, demolition experts, metallurgists, academics and so on.

But not a peep from corporate media. We know corporate media are obtuse propagandists for corporate interests like the treasonous illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. They love that shock and awe. It's good TV.

They are enemies of democracy and friends of wealth. Does The Sentinel know that the work of these scientists is "cartoonish"? How do you know?

I say, prove it.

Prove the scientists are wrong, or that there is ambiguity.

Recognize the gravity of the implications. Respect the sincerity of the scientists. Report the news.


651 Park Ave., No. 56



Here's a 50 second video produced by NYCCAN:


An appeal from a group of 9/11 Truth activists:

Dear 9/11 Truth Activists,

Greetings! We are writing you this joint communique in order to urge your
immediate response to the call from our fellow truthers in New York City.
The time has come for our 9/11 Truth Community to come together in order
to bring about an authentic and independent investigation of the events
of September 11, 2001.

Nearly eight years have passed. Over the course of that time, thousands
of us have sacrificed mightily to help shed light on the truth of that
tragic day. A shining movement of honest individuals and determined
researchers has sprung up to raise questions, to demand answers and to
seek accountability. Our efforts have and continue to carry the world
towards truth. Now we are approaching a watershed moment in our quest for
the truth of 9/11.

In the very city within which this horrible tragedy took place, a campaign
for a real investigation is gaining strength. The campaign, the New York
City Coalition for Accountability Now or NYC CAN has thus far collected
45,000 signatures towards placing of the issue of a new investigation
before the voters of New York City. In order to achieve this goal and to
overcome potential obstructions of the referendum by the NYC Council and
others, NYC CAN has set a goal of 75,000 signatures before the first of

In order to insure the NYC CAN effort, it is incumbent upon us to help
this happen. The petitioners, out there on the streets of NYC every day,
need funds in order to continue. They are well trained, they're
professional, gathering between 500-1000 signatures a day, at a cost of
about a dollar a signature! We, the Coalition for 9/11 Truth Leaders, urge
you, our fellow truth seekers, to join the New York City Coalition for
Accountability Now, TODAY. RIGHT NOW! If only 3,000 of us each give the
membership amount of $25, NYC CAN will raise enough to see through the
rest of its petitioning effort and guarantee the referendum will be on the
ballot on November 3, 2009. And that, fellow truth seekers, will most
certainly provide the kind of lawful venue we have been working for.
With our help, NYC finally CAN. With our help, digging deep and reaching
out far and wide, we can make this happen. Let us stand together, and in
doing so, make history!

The Coalition of 9/11 Truth Leaders


Here's the audio from David Ray Griffin's recent Boston talk. This is a good one and is an important talk for a lot of skeptics to hear:



Here's the latest newsletter from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, the AE911Truth Blueprint. It seems Richard Gage was very successful in getting architects at the AIA convention to sign his petition for a new investigation:


Be sure to watch the 7 min. video clip of Architect Richard Gage's TV interview on a Fresno Fox affiliate station.


Here's another one of those good videos about the collapse of Building 7, focusing on the collapse of the East Penthouse:


Major 9/11 Truth Breakthrough!!! KBDI Denver Airs 9/11 Press for Truth


Radio show interviewing DRG re bin Laden
David Ray Griffin and Rolf Lindgren

Griffin on OSAMA BIN LADEN; Lindgren on Pentagon research


Classic show now available!

Russell Kanning

it looks like building 7 melted on the inside



People who were there describe the scene as it contradicts the official story.

Video of real people folks. Not actors pretending to know what happened.



Fema photog goes wild.

Exile in Argentina.

What was South Carolinas governor doing there anyway?



another witness unavailable to testify in a real investigation commission:

D.C. Crash Kills General Who Scrambled Jets on 9/11

By Ryan Flinn and Todd Shields

June 24 (Bloomberg) -- David F. Wherley Jr., the head of the Washington National Guard who scrambled jets over the city during the 9/11 terrorist attacks, was among those killed in the worst commuter train crash in the city's history, officials said.


News from NYC CAN - the petition to put an independent NYC investigation commission on the ballot.
Dear Friends!

On Wednesday, June 24, 2009, we filed the petition with 52,000 signatures! [of 30,000 required.]

9/11 Family Members Maureen Hunt and Manny Badillo, and First Responders Charlie Giles of the Feal Good Foundation and Bill Gleason of the World Trade Center Rescuers Foundation, arrived at the City Clerk's office to deliver the petition and speak in behalf of all the proud and concerned citizens who deserve an unbiased, nonpolitical investigation of the tragedy that has affected us so deeply.   

Thank you for getting us this far! City Council now has until August 24 to approve the placement of the referendum on the November 3 ballot. As hundreds more family members, first responders and survivors join our campaign and lobby their council members to support the petition, our chances grow.

In the unlikely event City Council does not approve the placement of the referendum on the ballot, we will be prepared to deliver an additional 30,000 signatures on August 24 to guarantee it gets on the ballot. Already we have 8,000 of the additional 30,000!

Now more than ever is the moment to stand up for what we believe in and convert to reality what we have been working towards for so long. This is how you can help:

DONATE IF YOU CAN. We need money to pay our amazing petitioners who are now collecting 4,000 to 5,000 signatures per week. We need money to pay a legal team. We need money to launch a full-scale PR campaign once the referendum is on the ballot. Go to http://nyccan.org/donate.php right now! 

TELL FAMILY MEMBERS, FIRST RESPONDERS and SURVIVORS. We have a Statement of Support at NYCCAN.ORG that every family member, first responder, and survivor is welcome to sign. We have already accumulated over 60 signatories in the last week - THANK YOU to those of you who joined us in calling for a new, impartial investigation. Now our goal is to reach 1,000 signatories by September 11, 2009. If you know someone who was directly affected and wants accountability, send them to NYCCAN.ORG. The more New York-based family members, first responders and survivors who sign on, the more City Council will hear from the constituents it simply can't ignore.

TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Nothing works like word of mouth. Forward this email far and wide.

While there is little room for celebration, we deserve to be proud of how far we have gotten and where we are going. Over eighteen months of hard work and selfless dedication from hundreds of individuals, and the generosity and faith shown by thousands of you across the globe, have gotten us here. And now it comes down to the next four months. Thank you for standing with us.


Ted Walter



June 22, 2009

As official videographer for the U.S. government, Kurt Sonnenfeld was detailed to Ground Zero on September 11, 2001, where he spent one month filming 29 tapes: "What I saw at certain moments and in certain places ... is very disturbing!" He never handed them over to the authorities and has been persecuted ever since. Kurt Sonnenfeld lives in exile in Argentina, where he wrote "El Perseguido" (the persecuted). His recently-published book tells the story of his unending nightmare and drives another nail into the coffin of the government's account of the 9/11 events. Below is an exclusive interview by The Voltaire Network.

Kurt Sonnenfeld graduated from the University of Colorado (USA) with studies in International Affairs and Economics, as well as in Literature and Philosophy. He worked for the United States government as official videographer and served as Director of Broadcast Operations for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)'s National Emergency Response Team. Additionally, Kurt Sonnenfeld was contracted by several other governmental agencies and programs for classified and "sensitive" operations at military and scientific installations throughout the United States.

On September 11, 2001, the area known as "Ground Zero" was sealed from the public eye. Sonnenfeld, however, was given unrestricted access enabling him to document for the investigation (that never took place) and provide some "sanitized" pool video to virtually every news network in the world. The tapes that reveal some of the anomalies which he discovered at Ground Zero are still in his possession.