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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Quote from: KBCraig on April 22, 2008, 10:05 PM NHFT
Another distinction without a difference. A boxcutter, a utility knife, a Swiss Army "classic" pen knife... all are short knives. Building "proof" of a disinformation campaign, thus a larger conspiracy, on such meager distinctions is why so many open-minded people dismiss the Truther movement.

Forensic pathology depends on "meager distinctions". The fact remains it was years of boxcutter, boxcutter, boxcutter and then suddenly ooops not boxcutter. Not enough by itself to tip the scale, just one more item to add to the pile of things that don't add up.


This is interesting - Barry Jennings talking about WTC 7.  You've probably seen the first few minutes before but the interview with Barry Jennings, a City Housing Worker, who was in WTC 7 on 9/11 is pretty interesting. 



Yeah, the hyper-focus on boxcutters, short knives, etc. misses the point of the story entirely, that of the impossibility of the phone calls, the fact that Ted Olson, the Solicitor General of the United States, appears to have been willingly used as a shill and a planter of a key article of the mythical conspiracy construct story of the events of 9/11. I believe the alleged "Barbara Olson phone call" is also the only one that claimed that Arabic men were the hijackers. What happens to the structure of the myth if Ted and Barbara's part of the story goes away - that is the point of the story

...Olson's fabricated account has worked too well as disinformation to have been solely the work of one troubled man.  First, his lie was what introduced the idea of box cutters into the official account.  The official story wanted us to believe in a primitive attack, carried out by fanatics with little or no connections at the airports or in the system at large.  The use of box cutters seemed to reinforce that the hijackers fit that description, especially since it was believed at the time that box cutters were legal to bring on to airplanes.  Later, it was revealed that while the government's rules never did ban box cutters, the airlines' own rules did.

Quote from: KBCraig on April 22, 2008, 10:05 PM NHFT
Your argument wrongly supposes...

You'll have to pick your bone with the author of the story, friend. I only post them as I find them.

QuoteThe government ultimately dropped its contention that box cutters were used at all, changing the weapon to short knives.  But by then the disinformation had done its job.

I'm presuming this is because they couldn't get a "stickable" story out of Olson, the shill, ie, his credibility had worn out.

The story is not about knives... it's about lying and disinformation and how the myth of 9/11 was created and how supporters of the myth have to keep side-stepping and jumping to another justification, rather that ferreting out truth by investigation and research,  taking leads to the ground to determine beyond doubt what really happened. Remember, and this is the lesson to take away from this one, if what this article (and others on the subject) say is true, THERE ARE NOT BOXCUTTERS! Now, back to the main whodunnit, not "how long was the blade of their mythical, fictitious, short knife?"  ;D


Good find, aloha - I had seen part of this before, but not all of this clips strung together. I wonder if this has been added to the timeline?

Quote from: alohamonkey on April 23, 2008, 08:31 PM NHFT
This is interesting - Barry Jennings talking about WTC 7.  You've probably seen the first few minutes before but the interview with Barry Jennings, a City Housing Worker, who was in WTC 7 on 9/11 is pretty interesting. 


Russell Kanning

It sure looks like it was an inside job to me.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: jaqeboy on April 24, 2008, 09:14 AM NHFT
Good find, aloha - I had seen part of this before, but not all of this clips strung together. I wonder if this has been added to the timeline?

Quote from: alohamonkey on April 23, 2008, 08:31 PM NHFT
This is interesting - Barry Jennings talking about WTC 7.  You've probably seen the first few minutes before but the interview with Barry Jennings, a City Housing Worker, who was in WTC 7 on 9/11 is pretty interesting. 


I'd not seen that sutff about bombs in Bldg 7 early in the day sept . 11th.


I had heard that there was a witness from inside WTC 7 and I had seen a little bit of the interview with Barry Jennings in the past.  I hadn't seen the whole thing pieced together until my friend sent it over the other day though.  It's pretty crazy how this stuff doesn't make the main stream news.  I guess people are more interested in Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears. 

My friend is working on a web site with a lot of 9/11 info.  He has been compiling "provable" info for the past few years and is finally consolidating it all onto a web site.  I'll post the link here as soon as it's done. 

Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

Quote from: alohamonkey on April 25, 2008, 03:50 PM NHFT
It's pretty crazy how this stuff doesn't make the main stream news.  I guess people are more interested in Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears. 
what we are interested is not what determines which stories make the main stream news



Interesting video interview of BBC news reader, Phil Hayton, who reported the collapse of WTC7 "Salomon Brothers Building" 23 minutes before it actually did collapse, referring to reporter Jane Standley on the scene. He doesn't explain how the news gets to him to read - that would be an interesting chain of information to follow:

article: http://www.infowars.com/?p=1732 and YouTube video:


Quote from: jaqeboy on April 28, 2008, 02:39 PM NHFT
Interesting video interview of BBC news reader, Phil Hayton, who reported the collapse of WTC7 "Salomon Brothers Building" 23 minutes before it actually did collapse, referring to reporter Jane Standley on the scene. He doesn't explain how the news gets to him to read - that would be an interesting chain of information to follow:

article: http://www.infowars.com/?p=1732 and YouTube video:

I find it extremely odd that A) he doesn't remember what he reported on one of the most important days of his career and B) doesn't remember the glaring discrepancy when he and Jane reported that WTC 7 had collapsed when you can plainly see the building in the background of the shot.  I find this especially odd since the BBC even came out and issued a statement to this criticism: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/theeditors/2007/02/part_of_the_conspiracy.html
As far as this statement issued by the BBC goes, it is extremely suspicious that the BBC lost their original tapes of 9/11.  One of the most important days of modern day history and one of the most "reputable" news outlets in the world happens to lose their original tapes of the events.  hmmm.  This in now way proves that there was a conspiracy but these are just some more interesting tidbits of information that just don't seem to add up.  Good find jaqeboy.


Yeah, I know - who doesn't remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news?? Especially someone who was actually reporting on it....



He is a liar.

Watch his blinking patterns.

And watch his phoney smiles. If someone (especially a reporter) was hearing this for the first time, I hardly think they would find it amusing or funny and produce a smile.

and him stating that he doesnt remember if he was working or not is so fricken unmbeleivable it makes me wanna puke.

hes is nothing but a corporate media whore. 
