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I Will Be Boycotting the NHUnderground Forums

Started by AnarchoJesse, April 20, 2009, 07:13 AM NHFT

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"To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. "

whaaaaat? the fuck??
only nails look like nails.
analogy police needed....

& this reminds me of another situation where a small crowd of foolish young men surrounded & beat the shit out of a man in manchester.....he became a quadrapeligic(sp?)....you should talk to him.....oh wait....you can't.....he died a year after those "stupid kids" beat his brains in. (steven raymond)
his greiving friends & family wish he had a gun.

Recumbent ReCycler

QuoteI drew my firearm, racked the slide, and leveled it
What are you thinking dude?!?!  You're supposed to rack the slide before you holster it so that you don't have to rack it when you need it.  :duh: They don't list magazine capacities as (#)+1 for nothing.  Although if that's how you want to carry your pistol, that's your choice and your right.

I've never felt aggressive or invincible from carrying a firearm.  I've been threatened and attacked a number of times, sometimes when I was armed, and others when I wasn't.  Every time I tried to prevent violence.  The only time I ever pointed a firearm at someone was when they broke into my home while my wife was sleeping in our bed.  As soon as he realized that I was armed, he turned and ran away.  Since he chose to run away, I didn't pull the trigger.  A man once (unreasonably) threatened to slit my throat while I was carrying a concealed pistol.  I chose to try to calm him down with words and a peaceful demeanor rather than pull my pistol out.  He calmed down somewhat, got in his vehicle and left without ever finding out that I was carrying a .45 under my jacket.  I believe that it is a good idea for civil people to carry firearms, and use them only when necessary to protect a life.  I don't think that what AnarchoJesse did was bad.  Could he have made better choices?  Perhaps, but I don't know the details of the circumstances, so I'm not going to try to second guess his choices.  At least the result was acceptable, which was that nobody got seriously hurt and I'm guessing that AnarchoJesse's neighbors are probably less likely to try to pick a fight with him, or anyone else for that matter.  I'm not thrilled with the way the article was written, but I'm not going to hate Kat for writing it.

Pat K

Jesse was wrong period.

He was armed and sober and should have ignored taunts from

Going over to a bunch of drunk bikers to talk is an act of stupidity.
It was a miracle nothing further took place.


Are only pacifists welcome here?

Are people not welcome here who choose to defend himself, friends or family when their lives are threatened?

I am not trying to instigate nor judge anyone. I have read quite a few threads here and it it appears there are more folks (than just Jesse) who choose to carry a weapon for self defense and make the choice to use it, if needed. Is this not acceptable for the forum rules and guidelines? Or is it acceptable as long as someone doesn't discuss it on the forum?

I don't think Jesses story should have been printed/reported in any type of newspaper/interent etc. It makes him vunerable and it's a perfect excuse for the thugs to come knocking on his door.

Placing judgement on someone else is almost always wrong.


Jim Johnson

Quote from: littlehawk on April 20, 2009, 04:20 PM NHFT
Are only pacifists welcome here?

Are people not welcome here who choose to defend himself, friends or family when their lives are threatened?

I am not trying to instigate nor judge anyone. I have read quite a few threads here and it it appears there are more folks (than just Jesse) who choose to carry a weapon for self defense and make the choice to use it, if needed. Is this not acceptable for the forum rules and guidelines? Or is it acceptable as long as someone doesn't discuss it on the forum?

I don't think Jesses story should have been printed/reported in any type of newspaper/interent etc. It makes him vunerable and it's a perfect excuse for the thugs to come knocking on his door.

Placing judgement on someone else is almost always wrong.

Littlehawk  able news.

Terrestrially:  Jesse's life was not being threatened.

Second: Gun wielding is always reportable news.

Thirdsies:  I make judgments ever time I have a choice...  so I judge people all the time.  Just because one may be wrong ever time they judge someone doesn't mean judging someone else is almost always wrong. 

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on April 20, 2009, 03:14 PM NHFT
I boycotted the NHUnderground forum once... because I ran out of strawberries... No One seemed to notice.
Nothing got better either...  until I bought more strawberries.

If only you had said something


Quote from: AntonLee on April 20, 2009, 02:58 PM NHFTSometimes, people can die from just one punch.

This is quite true, and it is why I might concider any physical attack against me as a threat on my life.
One is quite within their rights to defend their life with deadly force.

In all my study of martial arts, the most important thing I ever learned was that the best/only way to never loose a fight is to not get into fights.

I don't think Kat is saying that people don't have a right to defend themselves, but rather that she chooses a different path.

I like to imagine a world where folks (including me) are brave enough to step back from confrontation rather than escalating things. It takes real guts to stand (down) for peace - and it ain't always easy.

Jesse, Don't have a cow.
& Thank you Kat for being a teacher of peace!

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on April 20, 2009, 05:12 PM NHFT
Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on April 20, 2009, 03:14 PM NHFT
I boycotted the NHUnderground forum once... because I ran out of strawberries... No One seemed to notice.
Nothing got better either...  until I bought more strawberries.

If only you had said something

Oh sure... and listen to every one's bullshit about how I was wrong... how I'm responsible for my own actions... some people are allergic to strawberries... what to do if I get hives from berries... a youtube of Berry White... Chuck Berry... Blue Berry Hill... Mary's getting a thrill from KB... Roger's picture of me with an unfortunately placed strawberry(which is a fake by the way)... screw it, I'll just get some more strawberries... it was a halve hour... get over it... jeez Llloyd... pick scabs... it isn't like I carry a MAC 11 on a shoe string ready cap every drunk who calls me a piece of shit... cause a pile of those drunks would be really high.


Quote from: littlehawk on April 20, 2009, 04:20 PM NHFT
Are only pacifists welcome here?

Are people not welcome here who choose to defend himself, friends or family when their lives are threatened?

I am not trying to instigate nor judge anyone. I have read quite a few threads here and it it appears there are more folks (than just Jesse) who choose to carry a weapon for self defense and make the choice to use it, if needed. Is this not acceptable for the forum rules and guidelines? Or is it acceptable as long as someone doesn't discuss it on the forum?

I don't think Jesses story should have been printed/reported in any type of newspaper/interent etc. It makes him vunerable and it's a perfect excuse for the thugs to come knocking on his door.

Placing judgement on someone else is almost always wrong.


i might get a bunch of crap for saying this but i really think you should know - and im an honest no B.S. kind of guy so ... here goes ...

from what i have gathered (especially over the past few weeks) no one really knows what the "rules and guidelines" are. the owners will just ban you when they decide you have said something they dont like or agree with.  they will remove your posts and/or try to villainize you as they have done to jesse. 

you see, they are entitled to their opinions but you are not to yours on their forum.  so tread lightly otherwise the next time you visit your IP will be banned.  at which point they will grasp onto "its my property and ill do what i want" and not defend their positions on banning you etc and most people will back them on that. 

wlecome to the new hampshire "underground"

Ryan McGuire

Carrying a gun is an enormous responsibility. However, this is a responsibility that almost anyone can rise to if one gives it the appropriate level of mind conditioning and practice.

I have to admit, that I was a bit concerned when I heard about Jesse's situation. Had he unnecessarily provoked this situation? Could he have simply walked away? I wasn't there, so who am I to judge his actions? Instead, I talked to Jesse personally about it, addressed my concerns with him and he seemed genuinely contemplative about what I had to say. What he told me left me with the impression that his true intentions were to diffuse an otherwise unfriendly and hostile situation. My impression was that he wasn't being hot-headed or feeling invulnerable at all. Yes, he was carrying a gun. But when carrying a gun does that mean that you should preempt your default nature of trying to resolve differences in peaceful ways? I think not. There is nothing inherently threatening about carrying guns.

There are some people who carry guns that I am genuinely afraid to be around. There are some people who I don't think have ever even thought about the circumstances of when and where they will shoot someone. There are some things that Jesse has done that I have felt uncomfortable about, but I have personally seen how much thought Jesse puts into his actions before he does them. He has shown a remarkable amount of acceptance to critique and discourse about his activities and because of this he has grown to become someone I greatly respect.

The fact of the matter is that Jesse did not shoot anyone. He successfully applied sufficient "force" to deter violent aggressors. Maybe he was in error for approaching the group of drunks in the first place, maybe not, but at every point after that he exercised almost perfect judgment for protecting everyone involved. He protected himself by pulling his gun. He protected those he pointed it at by not shooting.

Kat, I am always pleased when you point out the violence of the government, that every action they perform is backed by the gun. I greatly respect your determination to not use violence to achieve your goals. This is a trait that I hope to emulate. But when you worry about the life of the aggressor more than that of a sober, peaceful and responsible gun owner, it smacks of outright pacifism. That's not something I respect much at all. I understand your desire to look for more creative ways to resolve situations, and I appreciate your general critique of Jesse's actions. I think this is a situation that Jesse (and all of us) needs to think about and re-enact in his head to determine areas of improvement. He seemed to me fairly receptive of these points when I brought them to him on an individual level. How much time did you spend talking to Jesse about how he should have handled this situation before deciding to post this in your newspaper?

Mike Barskey

Quote from: Ryan McGuire on April 20, 2009, 08:50 PM NHFT
I think this is a situation that Jesse (and all of us) needs to think about and re-enact in his head to determine areas of improvement.

PiMP May 10 in Keene!


Um. As far as I can tell, Jesse is not banned - he's CHOOSING a personal boycot.
Fact is, there have been very, very, few people ever banned from this forum.
Talk about overreacting?
Don't have a cow.

Pat K

Quote from: John on April 20, 2009, 09:12 PM NHFT
Um. As far as I can tell, Jesse is not banned - he's CHOOSING a personal boycot.
Fact is, there have been very, very, few people ever banned from this forum.
Talk about overreacting?
Don't have a cow.

But what if I want a cow?
Can I have a goat?
How about a Gold Fish?

Mike Barskey


I think Kat has a right to write, print and publish anything she wants.

Jesse acted appropriately to end the attack by 4 force initiators. No one was harmed more than a " wail" to the chest.

A person has the unalienable right to self defense of self and property. Including using fists, feet, clubs, knives and the gun. To say otherwise is insane logic. Pacafism against force initiators only encourages them.

According to kat, jesse and others should simply accept intrusive behavior. Which will only lead to more of said behavior.

Kat I am dissapointed that you took the side of force initiators.