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Mike Ruff/Miller Travis Open Carry Incident

Started by Kat Kanning, May 05, 2009, 12:05 PM NHFT

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Rock throwing sounds like a suggestion from a very well-trained agent provocateur.


Mike Barskey

Here's what I wrote them:

QuoteTwo friends of mine were shopping in your store and suddenly 4 policemen came in and escorted them out of the store. It turns out that the store owner (or manager, or clerk) called the cops because my friends were open-carrying their firearms. In New Hampshire it is legal, and I would say safer, to open-carry. I respect each individual business-owner determining their own rules as to open-carry on their property, but I'm confused why the cops were called in this instance.

why did your representative in this store call the cops instead of asking my friends to leave, or to not bring their firearms in the store? Why was there no friendly communication? What is the policy of Stop&Shop regarding open-carry? If your policy is to not allow it, please be aware that I will not patronize your stores any more, and will alert people to your policy via http://dontpatronize.info.

Thanks in advance for your response.



Quote from: Alex Free Market on May 06, 2009, 12:44 PM NHFT
Quote from: anthonybpugh on May 06, 2009, 12:43 PM NHFT
Alex Free Market,   Have you ever considered therapy? 

Quote me and respond to the quote, or do not address me.

Dude, you need therapy.  Try some finger painting or something.

Russell Kanning

it is funny that they would call the cops when they would have no idea that open carry was a problem in the building


Its just my assumption that the owner felt threatened that two armed men walked in his store. The average Joe has been groomed in such a way where they associate anyone with a weapon is a crazed lunatic. AND, even worseso, the Joes (and Janes) have been groomed into believing that cops are the only ones who can carry weapons and be trusted.



Quote from: Alex Free Market on May 06, 2009, 12:37 PM NHFT

Throwing a rock, being just one of countless examples.

Giving the owner a light beat down

douchebaggery, at it's finest.
way to boost support for the ''free state project''
the man (homeowner or storeowner), don't want you on his property, ''packing''.
you abide by the owner's rules.
it's not public property.
jack-assing about brings more negative scrutiny to open-carry rights.
shop elsewhere & shuddup


Quote from: littlehawk on May 07, 2009, 11:51 AM NHFT
Its just my assumption that the owner felt threatened that two armed men walked in his store. The average Joe has been groomed in such a way where they associate anyone with a weapon is a crazed lunatic. AND, even worseso, the Joes (and Janes) have been groomed into believing that cops are the only ones who can carry weapons and be trusted.

The brainwashing part is true, but I really doubt this was the owner. More likely, some hourly wage drone clerk, or some hourly-wage-plus-fifty-cents assistant manager.

This is a chain or franchise, right?


I can't say that I agree, since I respect other's property rights I wouldn't want someone to ignore MY rules on MY property the way you're talking about.


I'm not sure I want to sue people or involve thugs if they break my rules on my property.  I agree with you Alex that people should be allowed to carry guns everywhere, that's my opinion.  My opinion loses its luster when someone else disagrees AND I'm on their property.

I also agree that it'd be nice if all the rules were posted before I entered that person's property.  I just don't think it could be, especially since some people change the rules as they see fit for their own property.  I could put up a sign saying that Vanilla ice cream is not allowed on the property. . .I hate Vanilla, it's such a boring flavor and I don't want to have it here.  If someone decides to bring a neopolitan half gallon, I might be (self) forced to change my rules to allow the delicious chocolate and strawberry ice cream to be eaten on my property.  In that case, a sign wouldn't make much sense if I'm just going to change the rules anyways (as I am allowed to).

If someone decided to enter my property with vanilla ice cream when there is no way of knowing I dislike the flavor and don't allow it on my property I feel it is unkind to call thugs in to remove those people when a simple conversation might get my rules followed.  I won't say, however, that it is not my right to decide that I want to call thugs in to remove those people who openly carry vanilla ice cream on my property.  Of course, I'd only call MY protective services if that were the case, and it'd have to be quite a case of someone blatantly deciding to do an act of organized vanilla ice cream disobedience and then refusing to leave.

I hear ya Alex, god knows I get worked up sometimes too, and thankfully there are some that help to bring me back to my peaceful place here behind the computer.  I can't say I would support you if you decided to hurt people based on their rules not being followed.  I'll agree with you that it's wrong to call thugs on people without giving them a chance to leave on their own. . .but violence against a private property owner for being unkind (or downright deranged) isn't the answer.


I spoke to the Manager on Duty the night of the event.  She was unable to tell me the firearms policy of the store.

I spoke to the General Manager of the store today.  He is a gun owner himself, and was not present when the decision to call the cops was made.

He is seeking clarification of policy from corporate.  He has never had a problem with people open carrying in the store.  I can attest  to this, as I open carry in the store several times a week.

He agrees with me that if the corporate firearms policy requires him to forbid open carry in the store that he should post a sign to that effect at the entrances.

He did not say whether his attitude would become hostile to gun owners -- or those that open carry -- if some moron broke his window, but I think that's a possibility.

John Edward Mercier

In a truly free market... how would you 'require' a sign?

The shop owner could refuse to trade with, or interact with, you for any reason... or none whatsoever.


Quote from: John Edward Mercier on May 09, 2009, 02:18 PM NHFT
In a truly free market... how would you 'require' a sign?

The shop owner could refuse to trade with, or interact with, you for any reason... or none whatsoever.




for no specific reason, we reserve the right to refuse sevice to anyone.

Russell Kanning