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Watch that Karma plummet...

Started by AnarchoJesse, May 21, 2009, 05:40 PM NHFT

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So I noticed that I'm getting regularly pinged down now, but that isn't what matters to me-- what matters is what it signifies: people here obviously have a beef with me.

Now, besides our favorite private tyrant Kat, who else has issues with me, and why?

Kat Kanning

Surprisingly, I haven't hit your karma.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 21, 2009, 05:52 PM NHFT
Surprisingly, I haven't hit your karma.

Its okay. That cold, inhuman look you gave me at Andrew Carroll's shindig was aggressive enough to give me the message.

Fluff and Stuff

I haven't hit your karma but I noticed this post by you, http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=17895.msg297743#msg297743
Posts like that (and you've done several), might have something to do with your karma.  Also, you said you were going to boycott the forum and then you came back.  Maybe some of the super principled people hit your karma because of that.  I think your excuse for coming back was pretty weak and not exactly positive.

I don't care too much about my karma.  However, if you care about your karma, perhaps you should word things nicer.  A lot of the things you say online and in person seem rough and/or hostile. 

Lloyd Danforth


ha I think a bunch are getting pinged. . . I was at 180 before the horse theft episode.  Maybe I should endorse theft and aggression for a while maybe it'll go back up.



I'm pretty sure any post in the Brian Travis thread that supports private property rights, or otherwise opposes the notion that you should send in the cops because you don't like how people are treating their animals, gets multiple smites.

Pat K

Quote from: AnarchoJesse on May 21, 2009, 05:57 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 21, 2009, 05:52 PM NHFT
Surprisingly, I haven't hit your karma.

Its okay. That cold, inhuman look you gave me at Andrew Carroll's shindig was aggressive enough to give me the message.

LOL! Oh damn Kat your a terminator!

One smite for Jesse being a wuss.



Quote from: Pat K on May 22, 2009, 12:01 AM NHFT
Quote from: AnarchoJesse on May 21, 2009, 05:57 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 21, 2009, 05:52 PM NHFT
Surprisingly, I haven't hit your karma.

Its okay. That cold, inhuman look you gave me at Andrew Carroll's shindig was aggressive enough to give me the message.

LOL! Oh damn Kat your a terminator!

One smite for Jesse being a wuss.

See, this is exactly what I'm getting at-- people are pinging, which means they have a problem with me. And yet... they never actually bring it up with me. That is some pretty fucking passive aggressive bullshit, and juvenile at that. Moreover, where is the sense in it? How can I better myself as a person if you don't approach me and talk to me?


I've been pinged down at least -20 for responding in the horse thread.

That's really the only place I've posted lately...except for the litter pickup announcement.

Hmm, maybe someone hates clean highways?



I'm going to talk very quietly, and use small words, so that I don't lose any of my precious Karma. I've worked a long time to get all of it, and had to create multiple accounts so I could applaud myself all day.

PS the people who ping you are call down-voters.


Russell Kanning

keith and stuph used to be a crazy and slightly annoying kid .... now he is a thoughtful and generous individual compared to Jesse.
There is hope for you though.
I have to smite you for calling my wife a tyrant.