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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Coherent strategy

Started by muni, December 25, 2009, 03:22 PM NHFT

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George Donnelly

Any act of civil disobedience throws a cog in the works and constitutes disruption of the statist system. This is one of the principles of open source insurgency. See my long post early on in the thread for more info on that.

If you want something more organized, I encourage you to organize it. That's a market activity and you will rise or fall based on the value you provide. I personally think the market for resistance could use a little more organization and would love to work with like-minded folks towards the end of greater liberty and freedom from aggression.


Quote from: muni on December 27, 2009, 06:52 AM NHFT
This is coherent strategy: Everyone contributes to one common goal and their activities are coordinated by leaders. In the case ofLinux, the goal is World Domination, a goal that was an undisputed leader.  :)

What are our "open source model" goals? Who are our "open source model" project coordinators?

In the case of linux there is no "leader". everyone is encouraged to do it better than it's currently being done. There are different camps, Redhat, Ubuntu, Debian, etc, etc, etc, they all FREE  to use linux to achieve different goals.

Redhat does not tell Ubuntu not to make software that they are making, because it will undermine Redhat's strategy.

Redhat does not tell ubuntu that they are attention whores and that Ubuntu needs to do it the Redhat way.

Anyone can take everything that redhat has and repackage it as their own, like centOS has. Redhat does not cry about it and try to stop them,  because redhat understands and supports freedom. (freedom for everyone, not just themselves.)


I'm not against a more organized effort toward non-cooperation, and the topic has been discussed at the PorcMafia meetings.

I do think there can be a tendency to "over plan" where more talking happens and less action occurs, and that frustrates me.

I have made some goals, maybe benchmarks is a better term, that focus on the bigger picture. I plan on letting some of the politicos know what I'm up to before I do it, maybe even focus some of my activism on becoming more retaliatory to compliment their efforts if the legislators fail to comply with their demands.

One thing's certain, this is going to be an interesting year for the folks that do business as the City of Manchester.


Thanks to thinkliberty for expressing exactly what I meant when I brought up open source: that there are plenty of ideas, and people will reject or join onto those ideas based on their merit. There is no need for a central planner (which is anathema to liberty); spontaneous order arises and coalesces around the better ideas.

And, which ideas are "better" can be flexible and change with time.

Just because they don't achieve (and may even conflict with) your goals or ideas, doesn't invalidate them.

Kat Kanning

Are you still in MA, muni, or did you move?


Quote from: error on December 26, 2009, 02:07 AM NHFT
My personal strategy is to undermine and destroy people's belief in government. I do this by calling out government as stupid. Some people who hear my message move closer to freedom in their own minds, and I make enough money to live on. It seems to be working so far.

Let me fill in the blanks - please correct me if I'm wrong. So what you're saying is:

After showing people how stupid government is, they will realize that they should oppose it and will, I don't know, stop paying income tax. When 500,000 people do that, the federal government will stop functioning.

If this is what you're saying, we certainly have a goal and a strategy to achieve it.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on December 27, 2009, 09:16 AM NHFT
My vision:  millions of people resisting government tyranny in whatever way is most important to them/bearing however much pain they can stand from it.

This is certainly a goal. How do we get there from here? As a ...  hmmm..  I don't want to use the word 'leader' so people won't flame me - as a long time active member of the movement, what do you suggest other people do to achieve this goal? Do you care at all what other people do? If yes, how do you convince us that your goal and strategy is the most effective?

After all, if you're on your way to convince millions of people, I'd assume that you start with us, the low hanging fruits, the members of the FSP.

Also - and this is less important now - if we're talking about millions of people, we're talking about a national movement. Why NH?


Quote from: muni on December 30, 2009, 03:25 AM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on December 27, 2009, 09:16 AM NHFT
My vision:  millions of people resisting government tyranny

After all, if you're on your way to convince millions of people
She didn't say anything about convincing anyone.

Tom Sawyer

I have been one to be critical... sometimes feeling that some of the random acts have been less than productive...

However, I am convinced of the effectiveness of the path of Kat, Russell and others here.

The criteria is not "have these efforts brought government to it's knees." (Which by the way it has in some limited ways)

The effectiveness is measured by the people that have moved, have adopted the strategies, have banded together in support of each other. I am not using hyperbola when I say that the participants of this movement have acheived many firsts, and perhaps we are too close to it to actually "see" it.

Action speaks much louder than words... especially in the "libertarian" talk everything to death world...  not leaving much energy to actually do anything.

The "ripples" that have been created have effects that are hard to map, but are there none the less. Ripples that have changed my family's lives and most everyone that actively participates.

Built houses, created video, graphic and photographic content, helped and been helped in our day to day lives... hundreds of "connection" have been generated... because, in my case, it started with Russell going to the airport to challenge the TSA... Lauren refusing to leave a hallway in New London... the list goes on.

Reading a biography of Sitting Bull... I noticed many parallels to our situation.

The young braves would often jump the gun and raid without a coherent strategy... although many times the older chiefs would have sat on their hands and not done anything. The "energy" and enthusiasm needs to be encouraged and proactively directed, from the front... directed by example, not by a top down hierarchy... When a respected "leader" (who filled the role by example) speaks the braves will listen...


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on December 30, 2009, 08:19 AM NHFT

However, I am convinced of the effectiveness of the path of Kat, Russell and others here.

What is that path? Please assume that I'm slow and below average when it comes to grasping complex concepts (which is not far from the truth). Please explain to me, in simple terms, what is that path and what is the final destination?


Quote from: KBCraig on December 30, 2009, 04:22 AM NHFT
She didn't say anything about convincing anyone.

Aha. I think I can see something in your short and simple post. I saw it in other posts here but yours made it clear. Thank you.

For some people in the CD circles, telling other people what to do is almost immoral and they just can't do it.

Not that it is, we're not talking about forcing anyone to do anything, just recommending, persuading and convincing - there's nothing un-libertarian in that - but for some reason they just won't say "This is my goal, I do such and such to achieve it and I urge everyone to do the same thing so together we can get there faster."

Gandhi did that, Jefferson did that, Rothbard did that. The whole FSP movement is based on the assumption that there's strength in numbers and on convincing people to do something (move to NH), but for some reason I can't get from the CD people a straight answer to the question "We're in NH now - what next?"


Quote from: muni on December 30, 2009, 11:34 AM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on December 30, 2009, 04:22 AM NHFT
She didn't say anything about convincing anyone.

Aha. I think I can see something in your short and simple post. I saw it in other posts here but yours made it clear. Thank you.

For some people in the CD circles, telling other people what to do is almost immoral and they just can't do it.

Not that it is, we're not talking about forcing anyone to do anything, just recommending, persuading and convincing - there's nothing un-libertarian in that - but for some reason they just won't say "This is my goal, I do such and such to achieve it and I urge everyone to do the same thing so together we can get there faster."

As a Christian, I have seen two distinct approaches to evangelism. One is the hard sell: the emotion-laden revival service where the music, the crowd, and the preaching all combine to compel someone forward to the altar. The other is just the opposite: someone simply goes about his or her life trying to emulate Christ, striving to love everyone, help those who need it, and not shunning anyone because of their lifestyle choices.

The former certainly gets big numbers to the altar, but the 2/5/10 year rate is horrible. When it comes to lasting commitments, more people are persuaded by someone who lives the life of Christ, than by someone who thunders fire and brimstone from the pulpit.

I hope the analogy doesn't need further explanation.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: muni on December 30, 2009, 11:16 AM NHFT
Quote from: Tom Sawyer on December 30, 2009, 08:19 AM NHFT

However, I am convinced of the effectiveness of the path of Kat, Russell and others here.

What is that path? Please assume that I'm slow and below average when it comes to grasping complex concepts (which is not far from the truth). Please explain to me, in simple terms, what is that path and what is the final destination?

No... I am not in the business of educating anyone on the path... Are you here to only ask questions... cuz Kat asked one of you.

If you are interested there are many more accomplished people to teach you.



Quote from: muni on December 30, 2009, 11:16 AM NHFT
Please assume that I'm slow and below average when it comes to grasping complex concepts (which is not far from the truth). Please explain to me, in simple terms, what is that path and what is the final destination?

If you feel like other people are doing it the "wrong way" you should lead by example on how to do it the "right way".

If you feel like your way is the only right way to do things, then you are doing it the wrong way.

I will assume that you are slow and below average when it come to grasping complex concepts, So I won't waste my time trying to explain them to you. 

Liberty is the final destination. That means freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression or religion or government.


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on December 30, 2009, 01:19 PM NHFT

No... I am not in the business of educating anyone on the path... Are you here to only ask questions... cuz Kat asked one of you.

Yes, I am here to ask questions about CD in NH - is there a better place? Kat asked a question that was off topic, but if it stands in the way, I live in NH since 2002.


If you are interested there are many more accomplished people to teach you.

Great, I don't need many, just one, maybe two. Could you send me their names and phone number? If they want to keep their phone number private, could you please have them to call me at 670-2022 ?

Thanks !