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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Started by Kat Kanning, April 07, 2012, 05:40 PM NHFT

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Free libertarian

Quote from: Pat K on May 23, 2013, 05:25 PM NHFT
There's a cooler in Lloyds van, if the mice haven't eaten it feel free to use it .

I didn't see one, but maybe Jeremy did.  (he spent alot of time cleaning the Lloyd van out in anticipation of scrapping it)

There was much mouse evidence in the van.  Your generosity is much appreciated.

Russell Kanning

Now we are freezing in CO and WY. :-)
Headed to Portland and Seattle.

Russell Kanning

Oregon coast yesterday was fun. :-)

Russell Kanning

Russell Kanning

Working the oil patch around Williston ND. :-)


That's a booming place. I have a cousin working in Dickinson.

Russell Kanning

Kat Kanning

Made a logo for our little trucking company


not very good with graphics though


Russell Kanning

Keene buffet for lunch with Jim and Lauren
For anyone trying to catch us.

Tom Sawyer

Got to have a nice visit with the Kannings.  :)

Keene Buffet with the Keeniacs was nice. Although Johnson insisted on insulting my master cylinder.  :-\

Jim Johnson

Ya see now, this what I have to put up with.
Johnson, you've got 50 years of repair experience, can you take a look a my car?
Why yes, I'd be happy too.  Your clutch master cylinder is bad.
Johnson your an idiot.  Some guy, who couldn't speak English, told me that it was OK.
Why the fuck did you ask me then?
I needed to tell someone that they're an idiot.
Glad I could help...  I'm telling your wife... that you need a new master cylinder.

So now, someone is buying a new master cylinder... and it's all my fault?

Kat Kanning

Oh, I don't know...that's pretty low, insulting someone's master cylinder.  :o

It was great seeing Tom + Becky, Jim + Lauren  :D  I hope Becky feels better!  Thanks for hauling us around  :)

Free libertarian

When you have to get up 3 times  a night to go....it may be time for a new master cylinder. 

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Free libertarian on July 07, 2013, 04:51 AM NHFT
When you have to get up 3 times  a night to go....it may be time for a new master cylinder.

I wish I could get that one replaced as easily as the clutches master cylinder.  ;D :-[ :'(

Of course Johnson is right... I just wish his bedside manner was a little more sensitive... "Ah sorry pal we got to rip that thing out, I know you might think it'll get you by a little longer, but I really don't feeling like having to come rescue you when it lets you down all the way." (I'm talking about the clutch master cylinder here of course... Johnson ain't replacing my prostate... we ain't that kind of good buddies!)  ;D