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Started by Kat Kanning, April 07, 2012, 05:40 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

firecracker joe

whites good too but not as good as blue. I want to go cross country and at first ill work for anyone  who will hire a nasty felon like me. with me having to deal with probation i will most likely stay working where i am until feds let me go  hopefully  december not too far away . then its on the road for a couple years to save some bank and buy some land and do it again, same thing only different. im not online much anymore so it takes awile to respond. I hope to see you kannings when you get back east.                 firecracker

Russell Kanning

we will let you know when we come

Kat Kanning

Well, we finally have the truck home. 

Pat K


Russell Kanning

First day of landstar orientation in the books.


Russell Kanning

Will get plates and decals today.

Free libertarian

                                  We interrupt this thread with a special news bulletin!

Rumor has it your old blue van at HOYT wants to have the plates removed so it can move on and become one with the scrap pile and help your Burning Porc Homies out.   We've tried telepathic and e-mail communication, but couldn't find the right frequency.   

Can you confirm that 'tis okay to send the van to the great scrap yard in the sky?

(Lloyd already told us to scrap his and donate the proceeds to Burning Porc expenses....you don't want to be one upped by a curmudgeon do ya?)

Kat Kanning


i have stuff in the van. 4X4s, some tools, etc.

Pat K

There's a cooler in Lloyds van, if the mice haven't eaten it feel free to use it .

Free libertarian

Thanks Kat / Russell.  Thanks Lloyd.    :thanks:

We now return to our regularly scheduled thread. 

Russell Kanning

I was afraid my email back to jerry never got through.