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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Concord School Teachers

Started by ravelkinbow, February 16, 2006, 06:29 AM NHFT

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Quote from: KBCraig on February 23, 2006, 08:59 PM NHFT
Tunga, please come back when you've mastered sixth grade English. Rhetoric is beyond you at your current skill level.

I don't ordinarily comment on grammar or spelling (other than Lloyd's comma addiction). I don't mind debating someone whose views differ from mine. But I'll be damned if I'm going to spend more time trying to figure out what the hell you're saying, than you spent typing it.


Kev, sorry about my grammer skills. I know they suck. Tell me something I don't know.

You said you were in a Union. Did you join by choice?

If you had not joined the union, do you think you would be persecuted by your co workers that had joined?


Ok  forcing people to join a union sucks.
THen if the people don't join they still have to pay union dues?  That sucks.

Not being allowed to fire bad teachers?  that sucks.

Having Unions money going to political (and other) campaigns?  That sucks.
If a union were 100% optional and people joined by choice... sure no problems from me.


I can tell the people bashing unions have never been in one or the one that they  were in didn't satisfy them or their tunnel vision. I am simply stating, before you say unions suck "A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF SOMEONES NARROW-MINDED GENERALIZATION, IMPLEMENTING THEIR IGNORANCE"  choose your words before you attack a group I stand proud to be a part of. Seems though some of you lack the knowledge and facts about some unions "like mine" which has helped me attain Life, Liberty, and the pursuit if Happiness. Who ever made the analogy about unions and the goverment.........Atleast I can say the union has done something for me for 10 dollars a week, the goverment has done nothing for me for 5,000 dollars a year!
A group that stands together in the fight against the oppression of the lower and middle class should be honered!

"Live free or Die"


Kat Kanning

Anyone who has the misfortune to do business with a union shop can verify that they SUCK.


wholey tunnel vision batman,  I think if this whole movement was a little more open-minded, you would have a greater backing and support. With comments like that from the moderater/administrator......your cause and fight for freedom just slapped you in the face.  I know I am off topic but, saying Unions suck is assanine. just my two cents. A just cause and fight for Freedom and Liberty can never be won with narrow minded views. I respect peoples  opininion, but very strongly disagree when someone says,"unions suck" guess they have been a member of every union ever established to formulate an opinion like that.

Lloyd Danforth

You're still avoiding the questions. 
I worked for a while in a factory and had to join a union.  The shop had two different unions! I could not believe the time wasted by idiots going around the factory discussing union business instead of working.
I was in charge of installing safety devises on machines that were primarily punch presses.  Every day when I came in I found the devises removed by the previous shifts.  When the foremen complained about it the production worker threatened to go to the shop stewards.
All of the punch presses had some sort of flywheel, and the flywheels on the heavier machines weighed quite a bit, so, it was neccessary to call in Millwrights with a lift to remove them so I could change a clutch. Some of those flywheels weighed 10-15 pounds, but, I still had to wait for the millwrights as I was not allowed to touch them.  Machine were held up for hours sometimes waiting for them.
I have many more union stories.  I see no difference between unions and gangs, particurly government unions.


Quote from: katdillon on February 24, 2006, 08:21 AM NHFT
Anyone who has the misfortune to do business with a union shop can verify that they SUCK.

And in the case of the Concord teachers, the union has caused them to break the law. They will be served with that soon.
I have sent the procedure and RSAs to some Concord parents if they wish to go forward with it.
Unfortunately it's only a misdemeanor...

Russell Kanning

Quote from: lildog on February 21, 2006, 03:38 PM NHFT
Isn't it sad that whenevery you question anything going on with a school you have to fear whether or not they'll take it out on your kids.  And since most of us are taxed to the point of poverty there aren't many among us who can afford to pay taxes and pay for a private school on top of it, we're left having to either have a stay at home parent who can home school or having to rely on public schools.
And they want enough money so that they can send their kids to private schools.

Russell Kanning

Is this a good time to get your child out of the public school so they are safe from the politics of government employees who are part of a union?
I would not trust my child with these teachers.


Quote from: russellkanning on February 24, 2006, 12:21 PM NHFT
Is this a good time to get your child out of the public school so they are safe from the politics of government employees who are part of a union?
I would not trust my child with these teachers.

What they did was morally wrong as well, as it would be like telling the people in the checkout line in the market that you, the checker, needed them to go tell your boss to give you a raise! Tacky!



Quote from: dawn on February 25, 2006, 02:18 PM NHFT
Don't feed trolls.

Trolls? Who's a troll? Why he's just a happy union member is all.

WELL LISTEN UP, I was an unhappy one, FOR 35 YEARS. They gave my dues money to support Bill Klinton!


I have been doing some thinking on the topic of unions.

I have been writing to all of the reps regarding smoking laws.
They statist argument is that the workers have a right to a smoke free environment.
Many of us argue then they should quit and get a new job.

I think that is the argument that I will now take with unions.
If you think that unions are bad, and the job requires that you join (or not join and still pay) then you should not take that job and you should get a new one.

The exception would be that if the job turned into a union shop and you already worked there.

Does this theory make sense?


Quote from: Dreepa on March 02, 2006, 11:12 AM NHFT
I have been doing some thinking on the topic of unions.

I have been writing to all of the reps regarding smoking laws.
They statist argument is that the workers have a right to a smoke free environment.
Many of us argue then they should quit and get a new job.

I think that is the argument that I will now take with unions.
If you think that unions are bad, and the job requires that you join (or not join and still pay) then you should not take that job and you should get a new one.

The exception would be that if the job turned into a union shop and you already worked there.

Does this theory make sense?

I just wish someone would follow up on the compelled speech thing. The school board is just looking for stuff like that.
Those teachers should get a letter in their folders if not charged with misdemeanor as a whole.