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Monadnock Porcupines Meet and Greet

Started by Kat Kanning, February 05, 2005, 07:28 AM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

Thanks to Kat and Russell for organizing. And thanks to Kira for the dog walking service!

Kat Kanning


Well, Porcs...I chickened out. ?My radio-weather alert system went bonkers all night long warning about floods, especially in Cheshire County. ?This morning reports said most of Keene is under water and people are boating up and down Main Street. ?My little Geo probably floats, but I didn't want to take a chance on it because I don't have oars or paddles. ?:-\ ? Hope all are well and safe. ?I hope to meet you all next time - before the blizzard. ?

Regards, from Rima - on higher ground in a NH hill town

Tom Sawyer

Oh thanks Kat, in your picture it looks like I'm singing... "Old Man River..." ^-^

Michael Fisher

Kat Kanning

Kat Kanning

Quote from: rima on October 09, 2005, 03:35 PM NHFT
Well, Porcs...I chickened out.  My radio-weather alert system went bonkers all night long warning about floods, especially in Cheshire County.  This morning reports said most of Keene is under water and people are boating up and down Main Street.  My little Geo probably floats, but I didn't want to take a chance on it because I don't have oars or paddles.  :-\   Hope all are well and safe.  I hope to meet you all next time - before the blizzard. 

Regards, from Rima - on higher ground in a NH hill town

We figured the water kept you away :)   One of our guys is in Peterborough and wanted to meet another resident.  See you next time, I hope!

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: katdillon on October 09, 2005, 03:55 PM NHFT
You were singing, we're you?? ?:P

No... just caught me flappin' my jaws as I often am. ;)

Lloyd Danforth

I've been watching the New England Cable News channel about the flood.  Did FEMA get there yet?


They must have. It took someone two hours to get through the downtown.  ;D

Russell Kanning

In at least 25% of the town there are no problems. We had no trouble driving down court street then west st to eat. We then had no problems on 12 back to our house.
It sounds like beaver creek on the east side of town was really flooded and the low parts of town in the South were bad.

Russell Kanning

They say there are 100 national guardsmen here "guarding" a couple of streets. Whatever happened to bright orange cones or barricades?

Kat Kanning

I didn't see any national guard today.  I saw one policeman come in and get a sandwich or something though.


Does anyone know why our State Guard is called the National Guard? When did this renaming occur?

Pat K

I got up early, but felt very tired, my working extra shifts has screwed up my sleep. I looked outside and it was raining hard so back to bed I went. Glad you guys had a good time.