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Free State Project meets Second Life

Started by Jason Rand, August 19, 2006, 11:38 PM NHFT

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I dropped in to the SL party it was the largest gathering of porcs I have seen outside of porcfest. ;D


Too bad I missed it. If anybody wants to drop by this morning, though... :)


A huge thank you to Jason Rand for his very successful, zany, surreal, and entertaining virtual reality event in Second Life last night!  There was quite a crowd, some of whom I "recognized" and some of whom I didn't.  There were guns, chicks, booze, live music, dancing, flying mini-buses, free T-shirts, and even a streaker or two.  I had an awesome time.  I also took the opportunity to check out Serenity, where I met Jayne and brought him back to the FSP party.  Before the evening was over, he was wearing an FSP T-shirt!  ;D

Thanks also to "Gimme Castro", "Seth Kohl", and the Wishfarmers for their technical expertise.  It was all visually stunning, way too much fun, and I can't wait to get back (hopefully with speakers hooked up next time, so I can hear the music).  Thanks to the Free Talk Live crew for broadcasting live from the party, and to the Japanese boogieman for live musical entertainment.


We had a rocking good time at the Tall Pines Center in Amherst and, of course, in Second Life. Everybody was learning here, so we had some grief and a lot of laffs workin it out. SL really rocks! I wanta know how Klaus did that thing with smoking a cigarette in Second Life - that was amazing!

I had technical difficulties, too, with the video card - actually had to borrow a computer as it got down to the wire and I got tired of dinking with my old machine trying to make it work. For us fossils: spring for the video card and get a Second Life!

Thanks to those that attended here and thanks for the delicious sandwiches! We're working the bugs our of our new plfacility and it looks like it'll be a great place for meetings and gatherings like this in the future. I've just got to figure out how to build in 2nd life, so we can build a center there, too.


I was there with Jason last night... unfortunately I had to leave at 7:50 for a meeting at 8 but I enjoyed what I did.

People seemed to like my avatar (piloted by my friend) and his antics

Jason Rand

More pics from our party last night will be posted on the gimmeliberty.com website.  Here's a good picture taken by Gary Bukowski, from the Wish Farmers, who provided support for the event.  Thanks to everyone who turned out for this event, and helped make it so sucessful.  On the stage you can see a white avatar, Komuso Tokugawa, controlled by the musician who played live music from Japan.  I talked (via SL chat) with him after the show.  He's Australian, living in Tokyo.

The Free State Project group has over 70 members now, and still growing.  If you missed this event, don't worry, as  I'm sure we will be doing more in the future.  Join us at the Gimme Liberty Bar any time.  There are often avatars milling around there, and especially Mon-Sat during the Free Talk Live show (7-10 ET).  Also, I have copies of all the shwag we had at the party (t-shirts, shoulder porcupines, porcupine avatars, flying First 1000 busses, etc) for anyone that missed the event, or couldn't figure out how to get it at the party.

I would be interested to hear what people's experiences were, and the things that they saw or got to do in SL that was especially fun.   


You should put the swag into vending machines at the Gimme Liberty Bar. :)

Jason Rand

Some pics from the party are now up on the gimmeliberty.com website.  I took a few days off from Second Life, but dropped into the Gimme Liberty Bar this evening to listen to Free Talk Live.
As the show got going, we also had a lively and thoroughly enjoyable discussion about epistemology, the scientific method, Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason", Bertrand Russell, Objectivism, Mormonism, and philosophic axioms.  Whew! 

Jason Rand

Jason has graciously let me use his account to post here, since I dont have my own yet.

Tonight I will be venturing out for the first time into the 3D virtual world called "real life" or "first life" to meet avatars, er, "people", at a party with some in-coming Free Staters.  So, I won't be in Second Life tonight.   I just hope I don't get mixed up and try to wear my beer, or right click to sit down, as I've heard that "people" do not do it that way.

As hard as it is to admit, I'm sure the SL gathering will go on without me, at the usual bat-time (7 -10 ET) and on the usual bat-channel (Gimme Liberty Bar).  Curious avatars should meet at the bar tomorrow night, and I will answer questions about this much rumored but possibly over-hyped 3D virtual world called "real life".  I will try and learn the basics of walking, drinking beer, and flying.

Ray Bock


Quote from: Jason Rand on September 23, 2006, 01:43 PM NHFT
drinking beer, and flying.
Dude, no matter how much beer and acid you take.... you still can't fly

Jason Rand

Can't fly?  Then how do people get up to the bars?  Also, if I walk off a cliff with the acid animation enabled, will I be teleported home?   I suppose I'll just have to learn these things by trial and error like I did when I was a noob here in SL.  Well, I'm heading in now.  Wish me luck.  I might even try and "drive" to the party instead of just teleporting.  Seems pointless, but hey, when in Rome...

Ray Bock


Good luck, Jason!  Next time you venture into First Life, let us know so we can show up and buy you a beer.

Jason Rand

I hope to be at the Gimme Liberty Bar tonight to report to any other avatars about my experience at the "first life" party in Deering NH.  It was a really good time, although the interface was a little clunky, and I seemed to have a problem with my conversation animation where my avatar, er "person", was talking too much.  I might submit a bug report if I have the same problem next time.  Luckily the other party goers were gracious and accepting of this noob.   

Thanks for the offer, 9thmoon.  That's cute the way you called me by my "person" name.  I'd love to kick back a few virtual beers with you in "first life" some time.  I was amazed at how advanced the beer script was in "first life", as it seemed to trigger my conversation animation.  I will certainly be telling some of my friends about "first life" and encourage them to try it out some time.  It could be the next big thing.

Ray Bock

Jason Rand

I just created a profile in Facebook.com, which recently opened up to allow non-students like myself.  I found the Free State Project group there, which I was amazed to see had 908 members!   Of course, I invited them to come explore Second Life and hang out at the Gimme Liberty Bar.  So, I hope to get another boost of new members as word spreads through this new audience.  Next stop... Myspace.  If you haven't checked us out yet, please do.  We have a good crowd here every night, with people scattered all over that have questions about NH and the FSP.  It would be good to have more people here on the ground in NH to help answer questions.


I was in the Gimme Liberty bar last night... first time I'd ever been there while FTL was on.
It was cool; I wish I could do that more often (but my schedule typically precludes it)

Mark and Ian were talking about whether video games like "Grand Theft Auto" make people violent.
Meanwhile, at the Gimme Liberty:
* we were throwing GRENADES, shooting automatic weapons, and slashing people with "Wolverine" clawblades
* GANJA smoke was pervasive in the room
* there was a GAY guy, in leather tighties with whips, dancing among the mayhem

GRENADES, GANJA and GAYS.... how cool is that?!?