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Lauren Canario arrested in New London

Started by Kat Kanning, September 22, 2006, 10:16 AM NHFT

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In a Prison in New London as the sun moves through the sky
Another sits in a PRISON, and her friends are asking "why"
The giant corporations take homes wich are not their's
And the local polititions help, as if nobody cares

If they keep her there forever - we know she will not speak
My friend she sits in silence as a voice spoke for the meek

In a PRISON in New London as the moon moves throught the sky
That they can do this to us, should make you want to cry . . .


Still no prints from the PRISONER  ;) when I called to remind her captors that "SHE HAS HARMED NO ONE!"

They are looking for $5000 to free her - but then ONLY if she submits.
Methinks Lauren is not going to submit to TYRANY!



Well, I called the New London Police office, and spoke with a civilian dispatcher.  He said she's being charged with

a) criminal trespass
b) interfering with a police officer
c) refusal to be fingerprinted

I chuckled at the last one, which irritated the dispatcher a little.  I asked him if he thought they might just go ahead and let her go.  He said no, she'd have to go before a judge.  I told him that I might come and visit her tomorrow, but he said, "No, we don't have the facilities to accomodate visitors.  We're just a lockup."  The dispatcher tried to extort $5000 from me to free her.  I guess that's the ransom price at the moment. 

He gave me a number for a Lt. Ackley 860-447-5281.

Pat K

We should tell them that for a 5000 donation to the LSF we would take her off their hands. :)


This Ackley character is a real piece of work.  He says Lauren victimized him.  I told him, "Oh, that's awful!  How did she victimize you?"  He said, "I hurt my back when I had to drag her off the floor."  ;D  I said, "Well, you could have just left her alone."  Under this guy's demented reasoning, the torturers at Guantanamo are victims if they accidentally shock themselves while applying electroshock "therapy".

I also told him that I wanted to be like Human Rights Watch and come to inspect the facilities and make sure Lauren is being treated well.  That got to him a little, "Why wouldn't she be treated well?" he asked.  "I don't know if she is or isn't being treated well," I said, "that's why I need to come see her to make sure."  No go ... but it got him fumbling for words a little.



Anyone got an address for either the PRISON or the court?


Wow, the people of Connecticut are essentially slaves; while I was looking for the Interfering with a Police Officer statute, I found the following:

Sec. 53a-167b. Failure to assist a peace officer or firefighter: Class A misdemeanor.

(a) A person is guilty of failure to assist a peace officer or firefighter when, commanded by a peace officer or firefighter authorized to command assistance, such person refuses to assist such peace officer or firefighter in the execution of such peace officer's or firefighter's duties.

(b) Failure to assist a peace officer or firefighter is a class A misdemeanor.

The refusing to be fingerprinted thing is apparently a violation with a maximum fine of $100.

Maybe we should do a PledgeBank petition to collect the $100 to take care of one of the charges.

Way to go Lauren!  You're giving Russell a serious run for his money.

Dave Ridley

I made a couple calls this afternoon but they may have been " too early " also.   i was kinda tied up on all the silent demos.   will try to do more for lauren tomorrow.

Kat Kanning

Pat K

Squatters evicted from Fort Trumbull neighborhood
Squatters evicted from Fort Trumbull neighborhood - story by Tina Detelj

(New London-WTNH, Sept. 22, 2006 4:50 PM) _ The Fort Trumbull neighborhood probably thought all the drama ended when the owners of some disputed homes left this summer. Not so. It seems several homeless people moved in on their heels, and Friday some demonstrators were carried away.

by News Channel Eight's Tina Detelj
In a show of defiance activist Lauren Canario refused to leave the porch of an abandoned home being boarded up in New London's Fort Trumbull neighborhood to keep homeless people out.

The former Las Vegas woman moved here to join the fight against eminent domain which went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Today Canario kept silent and let her body go limp as her husband videotaped her arrest.

The city began boarding up these homes right after homeless people set up camp here. Before her arrest Canario told us what she had seen in recent days.

"I've just seen a tent in the yard and some lights on in the building," Canario said.

A patch of yellowed flattened grass shows where one tent was set up.

There is also evidence in a nearby home that someone had forced their way in. Part of a door jam where the deadbolt goes in has been ripped out.

"I would actually welcome any homeless people to head on down here even though the accommodations are less than luxurious," Canario said.

Canario, who herself is living rent free in a vacant Fort Trumbull building, claims the homeless people were homesteading, not squatting.

"Squatting is being on someone else's land. Homesteading is taking land that no one has. It's pretty much abandoned is not being used."

But this land is going to be used as part of the city's economic development plan. John Brooks, the waterfront development manager, says boarding up these houses was already scheduled, not just a reaction to reports of squatters.

Developers plan to tear down these homes by the end of the year, but first they have to make sure all the asbestos in them has been removed.



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It seems to me that WTNH interviewed Lauren BEFORE her arrest... Did the news media know this was coming?

Kat Kanning

Yes very possibly.  Jim mentioned a TV crew was there.

Russell Kanning

Kat Kanning

Is today or tomorrow a better time to go protest down there?