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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Lauren Canario arrested in New London

Started by Kat Kanning, September 22, 2006, 10:16 AM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

It's not my decision to make, but I say we have more fun and Lauren comes home to a monument fit for her sacrifice. Jim has the toughest job a man can have, standing by as they torture his woman. I'll work hard beside him, keeps you from thinking about the bad stuff.

The inspector guy drives by and Lauren and Jim are standing on top of their nice, new, square and true foundation. With us helping them working on the framing. You can do framing throughout the winter.

I think their house is an important symbol for the whole group. Creation triumphs over destruction, hope over despair.

However, if Jim choses to march into their bayonets I (think I) completely understand. Short of that we can go have fun in New London, but we should make it worthwhile. We need others to help make a good size shindig and get the word out to the media/public ahead of the event.

Pat K

I have been thinking on this, for my own self getting arrested is not a good idea for me or this cause. I am not tempermentaly suited for it. Now that it is established that I'M a wimp, I will help with the house or any thing else as much as I can. I can go up most Sun and Mondays.

Dave Ridley

Here's the flyer I handed out to some of the bad guys I met in New London, such as NLDC folks.


Is it right to participate in the Fort Trumbull Land Grab?

I have the right to remain silent.  You have the right to question your orders.

If you work for any institution, participating directly or indirectly in the seizure of Fort Trumbull neighborhoods, you may be asked to perform actions that trouble your conscience.  For instance, they may request that you help remove homes, or that you arrest individuals who peacefully resist this destruction to the end.   Perhaps you will just push paper.  But compliance with such orders hurts all of America, not just the FT folks who left their homes under duress.  This fiasco, this Land Grab Mania born in New London, has spread across the nation like a virus, endangering hundreds of other neighborhoods.

It's your duty in these circumstances to follow the dictates of your conscience, not those of the authorities.   We will leave it up to you how this might be done, and trust you to do the right thing.  To learn what others are doing, visit the web address below.

If, in the fullness of time, you someday find yourself a victim of government abuse, rather than a perpetrator of it, please contact our organization.

NHfree.com exists to peacefully fight for the rights of individuals against the powers of the State.  Perhaps we will be able to assist you as well, even if we are at odds for the moment.


Your friends (or perhaps your opponents) at NHfree.com

Dave Ridley

Here's the one i did up for cops and prison guards

I have the right to remain silent

*You* have a right to question the imprisonment of property rights activist Lauren Canario.

New London police arrested her Sept. 22nd for refusing to leave one of the infamous Fort Trumbull homes they're trying to help seize.  Since then she's refused to speak.  In revenge, a judge has ordered her imprisoned until late October at York. 

Many NLPD officers are good folks, who've presumably risked their lives at some point to protect you and me.   Many of the guards and court personel involved in Lauren's wrongful incarceration are also good people.  But it's wrong and wasteful for them to treat a prisoner of conscience like a car thief.  Ordering her held for a full month and subjected to psychiatric probing....that's the kind of thing the Soviets used to do.

Lauren hasn't hurt or endangered anyone.  She peacefully stood up for your personal property rights.  Will you stand up for her, or help the system treat her like a criminal?

If you wish, you may stand next to me and help me hand out these flyers.  You can join our forum at NHfree.com, where we are discussing the case.  And maybe you have a better idea how to help Lauren.

For independent info, Google the words "Lauren Canario New London" and refer to your favorite news sources for an objective account.  Thank you for listening to these concerns.

Kat Kanning

Maybe Jim doesn't have to do the silent thing like Lauren is.  If he gets arrested and talks to them, he can likely get out much quicker.


QuoteThis fiasco, this Land Grab Mania born in New London, has spread across the nation like a virus, endangering hundreds of other neighborhoods.

I'd like to know exactly where else the Kelo ruling has allowed other private property owners being forced to give up their land to another private property owners so that the local government would reap higher tax revenue?

Dave Ridley

Made a couple more calls , one to York prison, one to NLPD, one to the state attorney guy Kat just added to the possible perp list.

The York chick who answered just started giggling when I said " your prisoner of conscience lauren canario is not forgotten"

I said well I'm glad somebody gets it!   She hung up.

With the NLPD responder I had a more meaty discussion which ended amicably.

State prosecutor-bureaucrat didn't have a voice mail and it was after hours

Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

Many of the guards were on Lauren's side after a while last year. Maybe some remember her or are learning what is going on. :)

Tom Sawyer

Snoopy card to Lauren, that everyone signed, going out in the mail this morning.

I liked the concrete thumb print... nice touch. :)

Over at their place... prints in the concrete: Whip's foot print, William's foot and hand print, cat foot prints and a nocturnal raccoon's visit are preserved.

Dave Ridley

Some more details from the New London "raids..."

When the NLDC guy asked me to leave their office, I didn't have very far to go.  So I went at a new record-low speed.   When I got out into the hall outside his office I left his door open.   It was very quiet so although I was around the corner he could hear every step.  About one step every five seconds LOL.   So there's just these two people, one practically standing still and the other hearing this creaking going on forever.... finally he peeks around the door and I'm still there aiming the sign at him.  Then he closes it.  Wouldn't it be nice if he had to close it like that every ten minutes!

I left a few flyers around.

Dave Ridley

<<cat foot prints and a nocturnal raccoon's visit are preserved.>>

The racoon is the official symbol of the Free Lunch Project!

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: DadaOrwell on October 02, 2006, 06:44 AM NHFT
<<cat foot prints and a nocturnal raccoon's visit are preserved.>>

The racoon is the official symbol of the Free Lunch Project!

Dog-gone Free Lunchers

Dave Ridley

Hey that southpark character looks just like you mr g

Continuing with the New London report...

York prison was kinda fun because altho I couldn't go inside I  had to trudge way up this entry road to get to the guard shack.  When I got 30 yards away the guard came out and asked me if he could help me, although I dont' think that is what he really meant....  I opened the sign that said "Your war on real crime is appreciated, your war on Lauren Canario is not."    I tried to hand him the flyer that goes with it but he wouldn't get close enough take it.   He told me to leave. 

That's where the long distance came in handy.  It took me a while to back up to the main road at a fifth of a mile per hour!   He got on his radio and said "we have a demonstrator at the entrance."  All kinds of traffic was coming into and out of the prison so I was getting a lot of gawks.  Some people stopped their cars and asked questions.

When I got near the highway a couple cars came out of the prison and stopped near me.  A guard got out and delivered a warning that I'd be arrested if I went onto state property.   I just kept backing up but held out a flyer for him, which he refused to take.   He said the gal you're referring to isn't here because of us she's here becuase of the judicial system.  Thats where you should take your complaint (of course that was where I'd just come from!)

He got agitated and said Do you speak english!!!????

When I got back on the right of way he said arright good luck and seemed to mean it.

Then I went to  my car and got my big Free Lauren Canario / NHfree.com sign and held it on the right of way outside the jail for about 45 minutes as guards came and went.  There were also maybe 500 normal people cars that drove past and saw me during that time.  One guy pulled over to find out more and said hes' heading to NH too!

Lloyd Danforth