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Lauren Canario arrested in New London

Started by Kat Kanning, September 22, 2006, 10:16 AM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: John on September 27, 2006, 10:29 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 27, 2006, 08:13 PM NHFT
Jim told us that the judge was acting like a jerk in the courtroom.

I was there, and the word I would use is "clown."  I think Jim is too kind in his description.  This clown talked over-and-over - while Lauren was not in the room - about the "right to remain silent" - and then he put Lauren in PRISON for remaining silent.
That CLOWN is mentaly questionable.  I would love to see a trascrip of that day in that CLOWN's courtroom . . . He sucks!

Some clowns called......they want a retraction.

Pat K

Kat Kanning

Kat Kanning

Logan Darrow Clements just called wanting to use Jim/Sean's video, and also Roger's.   ;D  He said he saw our press release. Did Michael send it to him?

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 28, 2006, 05:16 PM NHFT
Logan Darrow Clements just called wanting to use Jim/Sean's video, and also Roger's.   ;D  He said he saw our press release. Did Michael send it to him?

No, but I sent the press release to people that I'm pretty sure will read it. I do not broadcast out press releases to hundreds of addresses like so much spam; that is highly ineffective and even damaging to one's reputation.

He must have found it on his own.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: John on September 27, 2006, 09:56 PM NHFT
The time for being afraid has ended.  You can stand and speak, or stand in silence; but I don't want to hear about "you all."
"You all" is not winning Freedom back.  If you care, DO SOMETHING.

I'm thinking of just 10 words/just 20 letters: "If it is to be, it is up to me."
"You all" doesn't work anymore.

I could not agree more.

Michael Fisher


I salute Jim as another quiet hero in this battle. He's shown a quiet strength every bit as strong as Lauren's, but I don't think he's getting enough recognition in that regard.

Being married to a woman for whom I would lay down my life, I can't imagine the resolve that it took for Jim to stand quietly by and videotape while Lauren was being dragged (literally!) off the porch, down the street, and into the police car.

I am not a pacifist, although I do admire pacifists who adhere strictly to their principles. I confess that I am more aligned with the late Jeff Cooper than with Gandhi, when it comes to responding to force. Like both men, I will not start a fight; but unlike Gandhi, I will do my utmost to finish it.

But this isn't about me. It's about Lauren's resolve, and Jim's bravery. Cheers to both of you!



Kat Kanning

Sent this off to The Day:

They say Lauren Canario is a criminal because she was sitting on a porch reading at the Cristafaro house.  They say she should be locked up for a month for this.  They say she needs psychiatric evaluation.  What would the attibutes of a crazy criminal be?  A criminal hurts other people.  A criminal steals what doesn't belong to him.  A criminal lies to make people think he's innocent and only here to help.

Lauren:  Hurt someone?  No.  Stole something?  No.  Lies?  No.
City of New London:  Hurt someone?  Yes.  Lauren.  Stole something?  Yes:  Fort Trumble neighborhood homes.  Lies?  Yes:  They say they did this to help people, but all they did was wreck people's homes/lives.

It's clear to me who needs to be locked up.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 29, 2006, 05:03 AM NHFT
Lauren:  Hurt someone?  No.  Stole something?  No.  Lies?  No.
City of New London:  Hurt someone?  Yes.  Lauren.  Stole something?  Yes:  Fort Trumble neighborhood homes.  Lies?  Yes:  They say they did this to help people, but all they did was wreck people's homes/lives.

Kat Kanning: master of the LTE!!

Tom Sawyer

William picked out the perfect card to send Lauren... Snoopy is one of his heroes. :)

I'll bring it tomorrow for folks to sign.

"Curse you NLDC!"

[attachment deleted by admin]

Kat Kanning

Oh, thank you Denis.  :)

Roger, tell William that looks like a perfect card!

Kat Kanning

Bizarre.  I got a thank you message from CT. Gov. Rell for my email, but I didn't write to her.  I wonder what horrible thing someone had me saying to her?

Pat K