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Lauren Canario arrested in New London

Started by Kat Kanning, September 22, 2006, 10:16 AM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

Those bastards are always acting like they are in charge!

Russell Kanning

They said he was much worse than my judge. :)


Quote from: lildog on September 27, 2006, 08:38 AM NHFT
... now you all need to actually take advantage of that.

And maybe you?  Have you protested localy?  Have you written a letter about Lauren Ann Canario to the editor?  (If not, why not?)
Stand up and speak!
The time for being afraid has ended.  You can stand and speak, or stand in silence; but I don't want to hear about "you all."
"You all" is not winning Freedom back.  If you care, DO SOMETHING.

I'm thinking of just 10 words/just 20 letters: "If it is to be, it is up to me."
"You all" doesn't work anymore.

Dave Ridley

spoken by a man who has earned the right to say it.   

less yacktion, more action.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 27, 2006, 08:13 PM NHFT
Jim told us that the judge was acting like a jerk in the courtroom.

I was there, and the word I would use is "clown."  I think Jim is too kind in his description.  This clown talked over-and-over - while Lauren was not in the room - about the "right to remain silent" - and then he put Lauren in PRISON for remaining silent.
That CLOWN is mentaly questionable.  I would love to see a trascrip of that day in that CLOWN's courtroom . . . He sucks!


Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on September 27, 2006, 06:51 PM NHFT

This is, probably, less a decision and more like acting off a set of instructions, one of which says: 'When the prisoner fails to communicate in any way, a mental competence examination is required'.

Asking people I know who have experience with the legal system, none have heard of mental competency requiring more than a hand-full of days to determine.

From the descriptions I've heard of the court scene and the little reading I've done on this judge suggests he is a cowboy who likes to break people's balls.

A month in a gray room with no window, no reading material, no visitors... that's called sensory deprivation. Legalized torture... 'you know you can end it all today if you just play the game.'

No, in this case it is a man (and a system) wielding unreasonable power against a passive victim.


I am reminded of that scene from Bridge on the River Kwai... where Alec Guiness (aka "Obi-Wan") is in the cramped "hot box", being tortured by his captor, for refusing to ignore the Geneva conventions. One of his men is able to bring him some water a a few scraps of food, and suggests they get him out of the box... by playing along with the captor.

Guiness' character replies:
"No. Here. Here is here we must win through."
... and he returns to the hot box.

Tom Sawyer

Kevin posted this article by Wendy McElroy
Another out of control judge

I'm not the wordsmith, could someone more capable send the key information regarding Lauren's situation to Wendy McElroy. I've been impressed with her writings, Elizabeth used to get her ifeminists e-newsletter.

Wendy McElroy e-mail addies from article
wendy at ifeminists.net
views at foxnews.com

Some pertinent links.
New Hampshire Underground activist Lauren Canatio info on NHfree.com

Lauren has been held over till Oct 23 and her bail raised to $20,000.
Court Orders Competency Exam for Eminent Domain Protester

She is not cooperating... "You have the right to remain silent" the judge doesn't like that.

Past articles about Lauren Canario at The Day newspaper


Quote from: ljoss on September 27, 2006, 09:11 AM NHFT
Terrible news   >:(
Also, has that guy John posted the lyrics to the song he wrote about Lauren? He should definitely make an album, I know I would buy it!!!

For now just please "buy" more Freedom.  Do what you can!
I'm just learning guitar and working towards taking these songs to the street.
Albums may happen later, and if you are with us in Freedom your spirit will be on the "albums."  Please, DO SOMETHING.
Please take a stand.  Do it loudly - or do it silently.  But, please do something.

Russell Kanning

People like Lauren are moving mountains ..... and people.

Kat Kanning

John's call in to FTL was worth listening to (not that the rest wasn't worth listening to):


It's about 26.5 minutes into the show.

Kat Kanning

If you wish to send a letter to the editor to the New London paper, here's the info:


Kat Kanning

Here's the info to write to Governor Rell

Governor M. Jodi Rell
Executive Office of the Governor
State Capitol
210 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, Connecticut 06106


Greater Hartford Area: 860-566-4840
Toll Free: 800-406-1527
TDD: 860-524-7397 



Kat Kanning

Nice article from Doug Schwartz:


I've only got the first half of it up so far, though.  I'll finish reformatting the rest this afternoon.