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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Lauren Canario arrested in New London

Started by Kat Kanning, September 22, 2006, 10:16 AM NHFT

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Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 25, 2006, 09:39 PM NHFT
John, THANK YOU SO MUCH for going down there today.  I know how upset Jim is, and how you're being there must have been a comfort to him.

I'm a bit upset to.  CT. was realy ugly.
I like to think that I MIGHT sometimes act as a shock-absorber by being there for a friend.  And I think that for a few moments today I was.
Do to my nutty schedual, I was fortuate enough to be there on the corner of WHATEVER streets when Jim arived at 7:30ish . . . We visited the DAY paper, the Police station, protested outside 70 Huntington - and all before time for court . . .

Court realy, realy sucked.

I hung with Jim for some time after court, and he took me to see "The Fort."  The fort is very sad - but it aint f---ing court.  We hung out for a while . . . I met Bill . . . They started working & I headed HOME.


Dave Ridley

70 Huntington  what's that?

I've got two postal letters written for lauren and will send them in the next day or so.

Dave Ridley

Increm, give me a shout if and when you need help with viable NH political stuff, and I will likely give you a lot  more help on that than you're giving us on this. 


To those not comfortable with the 'illiegal' civil disobiediance.
The goal is not imho to get arrested, but rather to use the arrest as a means to garner attention.  It works on those who don't really want the gov't to hurt others, and who don't see the victim-perp connection with gov't.
That is also why the protest to be effective needs to be intensly peacefull.  It fails, and in fact will generate opposition if there is a whiff of violence.  The reason I think is that most will see the police as the underdog defending themself from the 'violent' protesters. 
In this, Lauren excels. 


Quote from: Incrementalist on September 25, 2006, 09:40 PM NHFT
Denis, I agree with you.  Lauren's actions have had some impact, but the impact is negligable.

Talk is cheap, Lauren is doing what she thinks is right.

QuoteMaybe Lauren's actions will cause one or two porcs on the fence to swing to her side.

Wrong.  Lauren's actions will bring more Liberty lovers to NH.  I'm seeing to that personally.   ;)

QuoteBut there are more cost effective ways to do this.

"Cost effective"?  Lauren considers her actions effective and so do a lot of others.  I talk about her actions on my radio show.  What political incremental things have you done recently?  Do they deserve international radio coverage?


Quote from: DadaOrwell on September 25, 2006, 11:53 PM NHFT
70 Huntington  what's that?

70 Huntington St. is "the" Superior Court in NL (not that the "nice" police would let us know that or anything) . . . Turns out that they have a Superior Court A & B.
Jim and I walked up the street to B after our protest . . . Just as well that we did not know in advance: A has much better traffic . . . .  ;D

That's when the fun ended.   :(

Michael Fisher

Incrementalist does not see the F side of the world -- it's as though it does not exist to him -- but that should be acceptable to us. He can focus on the T side of things and still be an asset to us.

Some of us work to affect logic, and some of us to affect emotion. Lauren is focusing on the latter goal. She is using very important collaborative tools to reach our goals. From the book, Organizing Genius, The Secrets of Creative Collaboration, Warren Bennis explains the keys to a highly-successful collaborative effort:

1. Greatness starts with superb people. (people who can achieve the truly unprecedented)
2. Great groups and great leaders create each other. (we created her, and she's creating us)
3. Every great group has a strong leader. (one who must warrant our respect)
4. The leaders of great groups love talent and know where to find it. (the more diverse, the more the group's potential for greatness)
5. Great groups are full of talented people who can work together. (she is advancing our common cause)
6. Great groups think they are on a mission "from God." (she believes she is doing something vitally important)
7. Every great group is an island -- but an island with a bridge to the mainland. (nonviolence has become its own major movement within the greater pro-liberty movement)
8. Great groups see themselves as winning underdogs. (she is showing that we can win this through a more agile strategy than the government can handle)
9. Great groups always have an enemy. (she is fighting against the system as the enemy, and not resisting against the individuals brainwashed into that system)
10. People in great groups have blinders on. (liberty is all she knows. she would obviously give her own life for our liberty, setting an example to all to believe in liberty)
11. Great groups are optimistic, not realistic. (she proves to us that it is better to suffer than to allow the tyrannical government to go unchallenged, and again, she promotes the belief that we CAN win this battle)
12. In great groups the right person has the right job. (she is filling her niche)
13. The leaders of great groups give them what they need and free them from the rest. (she has given us the opportunity to use her suffering for good, and our own methods of follow-through are up to us)
14. Great groups ship. (she's living her message, not just talking about it)
15. Great work is its own reward. (trust me, she has received her reward)

It's an excellent book, and I definitely recommend it to anyone here. Business principles can apply to many situations.


Quote from: Incrementalist on September 25, 2006, 09:24 PM NHFT
Dada, I find it more likely that there was a lot of eye rolling among the police and groans at having to put down their coffees and arrest somebody else.  I'm not depreciating what Lauren is doing, it's really nice and shows that she has a good heart.  But having a good heart and doing what's right doesn't stop evil.  I've seen many protesters arrested by police, and many continuing to harass police.  It's not demoralizing for them.  It doesn't cause them to question their morality or their cause.  They see it as an additional pain in the ass, but a pain in the ass that they are very well paid to have.

How many pains in the ass does it take to stop cops from changing the lightbulbs?



Quote from: d_goddard on September 25, 2006, 09:44 PM NHFT
Quote from: Incrementalist on September 25, 2006, 09:40 PM NHFT
there are more cost effective ways to do this.
Here's the crux -- only LAUREN can decide what the cost is. She's the one doing the paying.

Exactly. Can we be a little Austrian Economicist about how the liberty movement values liberty? The subjective valuations of each individual liberty person is the most important thing in determining whether that individual values one thing over another.


Kat Kanning

I love it when the mafia-government guys get so much crap from us they don't even want to talk to us.

Kat Kanning

For Jim

Cats don't know
About nice little pink houses
Stolen from nice little old ladies

Cats don't know
About a delicate woman in chains
Proud, defiant, and serene

Cats don't know
About iron bars and bright lights
Yelling, anger in the face of silence

Cats don't know
About men in robes of black and white
Who think they should control fate

Cats don't know
About quiet heroism, protecting the victims
Nor of tilting at windmills

Cats only know
Of a warm lap on a cold autum morning
Of scrunching claws, rubbing faces, a nap

--Kat Kanning

Lloyd Danforth

Does Jim need a cat?  I know where there are some spares.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 26, 2006, 07:57 AM NHFT
For Jim

Cats don't know
About nice little pink houses
Stolen from nice little old ladies

Cats don't know
About a delicate woman in chains
Proud, defiant, and serene

Cats don't know
About iron bars and bright lights
Yelling, anger in the face of silence

Cats don't know
About men in robes of black and white
Who think they should control fate

Cats don't know
About quiet heroism, protecting the victims
Nor of tilting at windmills

Cats only know
Of a warm lap on a cold autum morning
Of scrunching claws, rubbing faces, a nap

--Kat Kanning

Wow. :)

Michael Fisher

There must be a way to get into that jail and get her out, but, then again, I don't think that's what she wants. The more we push the issue on the outside while she is inside, the more liberty wins because of her imprisonment.