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Lauren Canario arrested in New London

Started by Kat Kanning, September 22, 2006, 10:16 AM NHFT

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Quote from: kira_jane on September 24, 2006, 09:42 PM NHFT
Quote from: John on September 22, 2006, 09:47 PM NHFT
In a Prison in New London as the sun moves through the sky
Another sits in a PRISON, and her friends are asking "why"
The giant corporations take homes wich are not their's
And the local polititions help, as if nobody cares

If they keep her there forever - we know she will not speak
My friend she sits in silence as a voice spoke for the meek

In a PRISON in New London as the moon moves throught the sky
That they can do this to us, should make you want to cry . . .

I like that Jonh

Thanks Kira.
It's probably obviously to the tune of "The Peaceful Rebel."  It (and/or some variation) is being added to the song - wich I hope to be playing in New London soon.


Suggestion: Please put this court date on the calendar.


Called shift suprevisor (at 4:15), asked if Lauren Canario is to be arrained today . . . she is . . . I commented that she has hurt no one.

I'm heading down to New London now . . . wearing orange for court (in solidarity with the PRISONER), & tri-corner hat, Gadsen flag, and guitar for before court.

Dave Ridley

I am thinking of going down to New London on thursday the 28th to hold Free Lauren signs and stuff. As of now there's probably about a 40 percent chance I will cancel or postpone this however.   I wont' be in a position to give a ride but gimme a shout if you want to coordinate with me somehow.

Dave Ridley

despite their moving her out of the jail, I called the police again anyway and gave them the line that seemed to work well on Russell's captors:

"Your prisoner of conscience, Lauren Canario, is not forgotten."

The person who answered asked me "is there a question?" I said "no question"  He said "ok great," and hung up.

Dave Ridley

I called the "Administration: Chief's Office" number at 860-447-5261and left the same message for the chief, though not on his voice mail.  The lady who answered and took the message didn't seem to have heard of Lauren

Dave Ridley

More contacts:

Elizabeth Sabilia
City Council
Email: sabilia@sdeslegal.com

Jane L. Glover
Deputy Mayor
City Council
Email: kente219@aol.com 
Kevin J. Cavanagh
City Council
Email: kpcavanagh@msn.com
Margaret Mary Curtin
City Council
Email: pegcurtin@snet.net
William M. Cornish
City Council
Email: none
Charles W. Frink
City Council
Email: chure@usadatanet.net
Robert Pero
City Council
Email: pero6_98@yahoo.co


I'm home.  Lauren is not!
Lauren is in PRISON . . . $20,000 bond . . . Next date is 10/23.

This has been a most distressing day - and all I did was see this shit happen . . .

What an amaizing example Lauren Canario is - of Patriotic Streanth & Courage.


Is there a way to send letters to Lauren?  Where is she being held?

Dave Ridley

<<Has anyone tried Gov. Bell?>>

Give him a ring if you like and let us know what happens!

Tom Sawyer

I think that keeping Lauren for a month is clearly punitive. The evaluation of her mental condition can't possibly take that long. In addition they had her for 16 days previously, plenty of time to determine her mental state.

Do we have the name of the Judge that wields his power this way. The fact that he didn't charge her with contempt of court suggests that perhaps he can't... the right to remain silent and all. Is the docket so full that the next available date is a month away?


New London must be full of people sitting on their front porches who need to be arrested.


They - these dirty, filthy bastards - think they can break Lauren, and they are trying all the ways they know.
They already can not believe her resolve; and they don't know what to do.

Dave Ridley

Just got off the phone with New London Councilor Kevin Cevanaugh.   It was a home number apparently.   He said he was aware of the situation with Lauren and was going to ask police more about it this week.  He said from what he understood it seemed like a justified arrest.

I told him I appreciated the fact that he was aware of the situation and planning to ask questions.  I said we are probably in disagreement but I did appreciate that one thing. I said I was one of the wild eyed New Hampshire folk causing trouble :)  that even tho I am not one of his constituents, I am lauren's friend and I care what happens to her.  I also said The NLDC has hurt us in New Hampshire and that it has hurt the whole country.

I asked if he would mind if I  call back for more info later.   I got what seemed to be a vague "no problem" type answer


I think that someone "at the bench" (i.e. the judge and his lawyer pals at the front of the courtroom) said that the arrest was not nessesary.

It would be VERY interesting to see a transcript of today's proceedings.

These people don't like folks who will not submit.  I think they don't have anything in mind other than to "break" folks.