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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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That would be a great way to get young people interested in our movement... if we could abolish the drinking age, it would likely become less popular amongst teens...

Michael Fisher

Quote from: katdillon on May 12, 2005, 10:36 AM NHFT
I'm thinking like Dada and the follow-up should be something different.? Since my brief brush with the police and seeing how Mike was treated, I've also been thinking that I could go to jail for a while.? Also thinking more along the lines of just doing what we want as long as we're not hurting anyone and ignoring the law....as opposed to staging something.?

When I was contemplating moving to NH, one of the things I was thinking of doing was opening a massage business (just that, not a sex business).? When I looked into the licensing laws, I got totally turned off of doing it.? It cost way too much money to complete the training courses required.? So one of the things I've been contemplating is opening up this business without the license.

I like it! ?You a quite a brave woman, I have to say.

My only problem with this is the public perception of secretly running an unlicensed massage business. ?The public perception would be extremely negative unless you inform everyone beforehand and perhaps make everyone sign something before their massage stating they understand that you are NOT licensed with the state. ?That way, there would be no victims.

You would be extremely vulerable to lawsuits if you sell massages to people you do not know. ?Even people you think you know sometimes turn against you for personal gain, or even for no reason whatsoever. ?That happened to my wife only yesterday. ?A woman we THOUGHT we could trust told my wife's employer that my wife was looking around for a new job. ?We have no idea why she did it, but she was one of those people who whine and complain about everything, so we should have seen that coming. ? ::)

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 12, 2005, 06:55 AM NHFT
Mike, you mentioned interacting with other prisoners. What did they ( The Guys on the Group W bench) say when you told them what you were?

Are you kidding?  They loved it!!!  lol

The prisoners were laughing their butts off when I told them that we did this on purpose right in front of the government Board that enforces the law.  Paul O'Conner, who was in jail for the 15th time, this time on $50,000 bail for failure to pay child support, said I'll probably be known as a "legend" there.  They loved it even more when I told them how much media attention it received and how it made the system look tyrannical.

Every time a new prisoner was put in the room with us, we'd ask him what he's in for, and when he asked me why I'm there, everyone would start laughing and we couldn't stop.  There was a group of people, probably convicted of DUIs, receiving a tour of the jail to scare them into submission, but we were laughing so much we joked that they probably want to join us.  LOL

Oh man, it was hilarious!

Michael Fisher

They asked what my bail was and laughed even more when I told them I was only in jail because I refused to pay $30 bail.  LOL

Kat Kanning

Quote from: LeRuineur6 on May 12, 2005, 11:53 AM NHFT

My only problem with this is the public perception of secretly running an unlicensed massage business.  The public perception would be extremely negative unless you inform everyone beforehand and perhaps make everyone sign something before their massage stating they understand that you are NOT licensed with the state.  That way, there would be no victims.

Yes.  I was also thinking that there was a problem with actually making a profit.  Wrong or not, I think the perception would be more negative.


(Speaking of the group W bench) Can anyone else TOTALLY picture this story to the tune of "Alice's Restaurant"? ?;D


Michael Fisher

Fellow Prisoners

Moses Yen - Driving without license. ?Brought to the USA by the United Nations. ?A "UN Citizen" brought here by Michael O'Keefe. ?Has been jailed for many, many months, transferred between jails, and did not know why he's still in jail. ?Hardly speaks any English. ?After I talked to him about independent living and freedom, he just wants to return to Sudan to live a simple life and live off the land, if he ever gets out.

Paul O'Conner - Failure to pay child support, $50,000 bail. ?Has been in jail 15 times, from when the prison opened to this very day as the jail is about to close down. ?Has stopped breaking the law, but they keep jailing him repeatedly for child support even though his children are grown adults. ?He can only be free if he has a job and a place to live, but they won't free him long enough to get a job. ?The only reason he found a place to live is because he kept running from the government long enough to find an apartment, but not a job yet.

Joshua ? - Petty theft, repeat offense, $250 bail. ?Stole $4 worth of beer. ?Wants to get out of jail and change his life. ?May contact the NH Underground when he gets out.

John ? - Driving a snowmobile without registration, 7-10 days in jail. ?Helped friend repair the spark plugs on his snowmobile, tested it out for 5 minutes, and was jailed for driving it with no registration.

Brian ? - Violating restraining order, $2,500 bail. ?Called police on his drunk girlfriend for breaking into his house, then sent to jail when she claimed he invited her in.

? Sergeant - Violated the community service conditions of "The Academy". ?Was tested for drugs. ?May be imprisoned for 2-5 years.

? Harvey - A homeless man that turned himself in to save his own life from his drinking habit. ?Stool was black. ?Was sick all night. ?COs refused to give him his medications during his detoxification period. ?Almost died from drinking too much. ?Was doing well after 1 day of detoxification.

? ? - Jailed on many drug charges. ?Violated parole. ?Pulled over for something simple, his friend bailed out of the truck and got away, but left his drugs in the truck. ?This story was verified by another prisoner who heard it on the police radio on the way to jail.

? ? - Violated the requirements of "The Academy" by going to a hospital for a week. ?"Dead Meat" tattoo on his fingers.

? ? - Violated the community service requirements of "The Academy".

? ? - Violated probation? ?Showed up for a scheduled breathalizer test but could not breathe hard enough because of his smoking habit. ?The guy testing him was being really mean to him, so he said he couldn't do it and called his attorney, but the tester called the police faster and he was jailed immediately.


? ? - Arrested for unknown reason but was extremely drunk. ?Was screaming, yelling, slamming things around, and tearing up the front office because the government took her child away. ?Was strapped to "The Chair" and taken to "The Hole" for 12 hours to calm her down. ?After her video arraignment, she wiped her tears away and laughed her butt off when I told her why I was in jail.

Russell Kanning

At least you brought amusement to some people's lives. 8)

Russell Kanning

I thought they "starved off the land" in Sudan.


Good stories, Mike.  Those cops are really "protecting" the community.   ::)

Was there anyone there who was in for committing a violent act?

Michael Fisher

Quote from: FTL_Ian on May 12, 2005, 12:51 PM NHFT
Was there anyone there who was in for committing a violent act?


All the experienced prisoners agreed on one point.  The purpose of jail and prison are to keep the "undesirables" out of society.  The more stuck up this country becomes, the more people are caged, and the longer their sentences.


Quote from: mvpel on May 12, 2005, 08:31 AM NHFT
A big thank you to Varrin for providing the fodder for my letter to the editor published in today's Union-Leader!

...wich was the First One on the opinion page. ?The UL titeled it "Cosmetology board doesn't make any sense".


Quote from: russellkanning on May 12, 2005, 10:40 AM NHFT
I like the massage idea. You could just move forward with it and see what the state does. :D
You could have a ready made clientele of anti-government regulation liberty lovers.

I know I need a massage.
I've only had one in NH  >:( (while at a fundraiseing event  :)) . . .but, I "FORGOT" to ask if we had government permision.  Can I get in trouble for that? 

Michael Fisher

I somehow managed to extract the video from WMUR's website for archiving purposes.  Everyone please feel free to send copies of any pictures, videos, or anything else related to my arrest.  I'd like to have copies of it if possible.



Mike Fisher
7 Lamprey River Park
Newmarket, NH  03857

Kat Kanning