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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

I sent the Union Leader editorial to Dvorak and he put it up on his blog today :)


He's got a huge geeky following.


You know, if the next person who does something like this pleads not guilty, more press coverage at trial time!

Michael Fisher

Okay, guys and girls, I've figured out what I'm going to do if my 30-day sentence is triggered by a minor traffic violation.

I'm going to fast if my 30-day jail sentence is triggered.? However, it will NOT be a fast against anyone or any system, it will be a fast of solace and hope.? I blame no one but myself for getting into this position, so I would have no choice but to fast as a solace for my own soul.

Gandhi would pray and fast as a solace for his own soul.? He would never fast against almost anyone or any system or law because it would be an act of violence in his eyes.? He would fast against loved ones for their sins in order to melt their hearts, but for no other reason, because only loved ones would react in this way.

A few Gandhi quotes on this subject:

"This is purely as a solace for my own soul, and for no other reason."

"My religion teaches me that whenever there is distress which one cannot remove, one must fast and pray."

"True nonviolence should mean a complete freedom from ill-will and anger and hate and an overflowing love for all."

"I little knew then that the remedy was to be this prolonged fast. And yet I know that the fast is not prolonged enough for quenching the agony of my soul."

"I should be deeply hurt if my fast made either community surrender on a matter of principle. My fast is a matter between God and myself."

"Friends would deem it their duty to prevent me from undertaking the fast. Such things are not matters for consultation or argument."

"There is no other way... I launched non-co-operation. Today I find that people are non-co-operating against one another, without any regard for nonviolence. What is the reason? Only this, that I myself am not completely nonviolent. If I were practicing nonviolence to perfection, I should not have the violence I see around me today. My fast is therefore a penance. I blame no one. I blame only myself. I have lost the power where-with to appeal to people. Defeated and helpless I must submit petition in His Court. Only He will listen, no one else."


Quote from: JonM on May 12, 2005, 08:57 PM NHFT
You know, if the next person who does something like this pleads not guilty, more press coverage at trial time!


Kat Kanning

I don't think that he'd get a jury trial even if he pled not guilty.

Russell Kanning

When did Mike call his wife a third party?......his wife just joked about it.....that to me is a sign of a good marriage......at least that is what I keep telling myself every time my wife zings me with a good one. ;)

It is easier for a single guy to do this....or if the couple can agree that this is a good idea.....that is why Kat and I have been talking about it for a couple of months. :)

I like your fasting idea Mike.....if they threw you in for 30 days.....it would not be a starvation fast or anything. :)

Michael Fisher

My wife is not a third party.  We have been married for 6 years as of July 24th.  She is the best part of my life.  :)

Michael Fisher

Quote from: russellkanning on May 13, 2005, 07:32 AM NHFT
I like your fasting idea Mike.....if they threw you in for 30 days.....it would not be a starvation fast or anything. :)

Unfortunately, a person that weighs 110 pounds like I do cannot fast for more than 2 or 3 weeks without dying.

Kat Kanning

I suspect that was Russell's sick humor.

Russell Kanning

You are going to drink water right?
Gandhi was even smaller than you and he went for quite a long time.
Don't Muslims fast for like 40 days each year?

Dave Ridley

Well I'm reluctant to get too deep into advice-giving when i'm not the one fasting but....if you're probably not going to fast all 30 days it would presumably be best to say that before the fast starts (so you don't appear to be backing off when you stop. )

the fast is a great idea though....notice how some of the media reported how you refused the first meal you were offered.   

Dave Ridley

Mike just your plan to do this "in the event of arrest" could be newsworthy:

Outlaw Manicurist Vows Fast if Jailed

Michael Fisher

I do not want to announce this to the media.  If they find out on their own, that's fine, but "Outlaw Manicurist Vows Fast if Jailed" sounds like a threat, and would probably feel like a threat to many people.

I would not fast to prove a point or to be freed.  I would fast because of the enormous distress that I could not remove.  My wife and business may be gone if I'm jailed for a month, and I could not handle that, so I would be extremely distressed by it, and I would only blame myself.  I would only fast for as long as it takes to relieve that distress.  The object of this fast would be limited by the extent of the pain.  It could be a fast of up to two weeks.

Let's just wait and see what happens rather than making a big deal out of it when nothing has happened yet.  At least I now know how to relieve the sorrow I would feel if jailed for so long because of my own actions.

Michael Fisher

Woohoo, I've received two $50 donations so far!  :)

Russell Kanning

Are you trying to tell Dada to not make a big deal about something?........I think he waits poised over a keyboard to send all good news out to 40 websites at a moments notice. ;D