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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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Welcome Biff!  ;)
Of course you realize that by the time you finish Law School, we expect to have a lot of the laws you will be studying repealed.  ;D
We need fewer laws.  >:D


Quote from: BiffTannen on May 26, 2005, 09:21 PM NHFT
     -finding a medical marijuana patient (a person with multiple sclerosis or cancer) taking a hit of marijuana in public.

No, what we need is a mass smoke out on the capitol steps.  Medical users, recreational users, first timers...  ;D

Michael Fisher

Quote from: BiffTannen on May 26, 2005, 09:21 PM NHFT
Here are some ideas:
? ? ?-handing out novelty IDs to kids who are 20.? Encourage them to purchase alcohol with it.
? ? ?-finding a medical marijuana patient (a person with multiple sclerosis or cancer) taking a hit of marijuana in public.
? ? ?-have your son or daughter take a butter knife to school to butter the rolls you pack in her lunch.? I think many zero-tolerance policies prohibit all knives.
? ? ?-convicing a city council to declare the entire city a "free speech zone"

It'll be a few years before I can move to NH.? I've got law school first.? All this activity has got me excited though.? I'd really like to be in on it today.? Keep it up.? Activity like this is what will ensure members will be enthusiastic enough to actually make the move.

These are all great ideas!? It's too bad you won't be here for a while.? Do not be afraid to take action in your own community before you move to New Hampshire.? You are definitely creative and enthusiastic enough to do it.? :)

Others who are not yet in New Hampshire are planning an event of civil disobedience in their community.  The time is definitely now for us to light the fires of liberty around the country while we have some momentum!


Ian might be on to something there....
I bet NORML and other groups might join  and also I am sure that must be at least one or two reps who might sponsor a bill in the House..

Michael Fisher

The Newmarket Business Association's (NBA) Newsletter Committee meeting tonight was interesting. ?We talked a lot about town ordinances, licensing laws, planning and zoning laws, signage regulations, and more.

I proposed the idea that it is our unique responsibility, as the town's only form of representation for businesses, to take a strong stand and oppose these laws. ?This was well-received by the committee, which is great considering that everyone now knows I'm an FSP member and they probably know my "agenda" now.

The NBA Newsletter is the only form of local media in town. ?There is no other local publication, and it is a wonder how anyone knows anything about what's going on in Town Hall.

The NBA does not normally take a strong stand on anything other than a few minor issues. ?However, the committee tonight agreed with the concept of taking votes from member businesses in town in order to take a strong stand on the issues we care about.

This is how it will work. ?We will contact each member business and ask their position on a few issues, like planning and zoning, signage regulations, the new "heritage advisory commission", the upcoming "historic district", and various ordinances. ?Proposed ordinances include noise restrictions after 4:30pm, signage restrictions, trash "licensing", dog laws, and more.

We ask for each member's position on the issues, then we adopt that position as our own and fight for it with everything we've got. ?Because our members are businesses, they will most likely oppose most or all of these laws. ?Thus, we may soon be opposing most of what the town is doing and planning to do in the future, and we'll have significant credibility to do so because we will represent most Newmarket businesses.

Now all we have to do is get this approved by the rest of the Board. ?I'll write my civil disobedience article for the newsletter and try to attach its message to these ordinances, or I may end up separating the two issues in the newsletter. ?Either way, the fight should begin during the next month or two.

If not enough businesses oppose these laws then I'll simply withdraw my support. ?If most oppose these laws, then I'll support the effort to have them repealed immediately.

As it stands now, most members I've spoken to support my act of civil disobedience, wish for all of these ordinances to be eliminated, and want to prevent the "historic district" from being implemented. ?That's pretty good for a "liberal" town. ?;)


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on May 26, 2005, 10:55 PM NHFT
The Newmarket Business Association's (NBA) Newsletter Committee meeting tonight was interesting.



Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

Biff it would be a shame to waste your efforts on law school.......I agree with Alan.....why not just help us dump our present laws. :)

Dave Ridley

Welcome Biff good to have you here!  Can't wait till you're here in person.  Those are good ideas, keep em coming.

Also if you want to pitch in from where you are you can always keep an eye on


and then broadcast the press releases there to your favorite forums, mailing lists or media outlets. 

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: FTL_Ian on May 26, 2005, 09:58 PM NHFT
Quote from: BiffTannen on May 26, 2005, 09:21 PM NHFT
? ? ?-finding a medical marijuana patient (a person with multiple sclerosis or cancer) taking a hit of marijuana in public.

No, what we need is a mass smoke out on the capitol steps.? Medical users, recreational users, first timers...? ;D

I haven't smoked pot for 4 years, but, I would get on board for this!

Russell Kanning

I could just be in the crowd ....maybe upwind :)


Quote from: BiffTannen on May 26, 2005, 09:21 PM NHFTIt'll be a few years before I can move to NH.

Dude, you've got to make like a tree and get out of there!

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: russellkanning on May 27, 2005, 10:54 AM NHFT
I could just be in the crowd ....maybe upwind :)

Hey!  If I can make the sacrifice, you can!

Kat Kanning

I can't imagine Russell stoned.  Maybe he'd get talkative.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: katdillon on May 27, 2005, 04:49 PM NHFT
I can't imagine Russell stoned.? Maybe he'd get talkative.

OH SHIT!  I retract my dare!