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NH Seatbelt Law

Started by Kat Kanning, January 11, 2005, 03:58 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Rodinia on January 17, 2005, 01:10 PM NHFT
I agree. There is one rep who is on the fence but I think she'll jump on the bandwagon with the rest of her girls. I was told by the first rep I spoke with that there was a clan of women reps for rochester who are way left. He told me that the libs and dems will vote for this issue with a couple of "weak knee'd" repubs also.

As a Libertarian who refers to Libertarians as libs, I was confused when you used it to define liberals. LOL Just call them Satanists LOL


Russell Kanning

Quote from: Rodinia on January 17, 2005, 01:10 PM NHFT
I agree. There is one rep who is on the fence but I think she'll jump on the bandwagon with the rest of her girls. I was told by the first rep I spoke with that there was a clan of women reps for rochester who are way left. He told me that the libs and dems will vote for this issue with a couple of "weak knee'd" repubs also.
So should we use women to do the testimonies?

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Rodinia on January 17, 2005, 01:11 PM NHFT
anyone on interested in chatting right now?

Sorry we didn't connect....maybe if you want to set up a chat on a issue, you could set up a time to meet and see who shows up. :)


Quote from: Rodinia on January 17, 2005, 01:03 PM NHFT
I have called several of my local reps after having wrote to them last week. I wanted them to read the letter, have a few days to think about it and call them today to find out where they stand. The first guy I called was a riot. He gave me the rundown on every single rep in my area!!!
I got the feeling that about half felt inclined to support liberty. One lady in particular I spoke to told me that she thinks that if a person doesn't buckle up, the whole society pays for it. Their job, their families, the community. She told me that insurance rates skyrocket and that driving is a privilege, not a right.....Any thoughts???

That's insanity.  I wear my seat belt, but I wear it wrong because, being a woman, certain anatomy gets in the way and it is very uncomfortable.  Were are the feminists on this one?  Can't people see how we women are disadvantaged by these things?  We should have the right to choose to wear them or not!  Men obviously made the things as torture devices for us! </sarcasm>   Where are the feminazis when you need them?

On a serious note, the idea that this is for our own safety is to utterly insult our intelligence.  If that were truly the case, cigeretts (sp) would have been outlawed long ago along with fat, sodium, soda, junk food, and lawn darts.  It's an obvious ploy to raise funds.  The logic of this is so faulty as to be beyond foolish.  Try to reason with a Liberal and their ploy at emotional manipulation melts like ice in a spring rain. 

Russell Kanning

Hey now that you mention it....we should outlaw smoking


There ought to be a law against laws!!!

Lloyd Danforth

I think Lawn Darts were outlawed.

Dave Ridley

Inter wrote (about cops):

<<Please have some respect for them.  They do a lot to keep us all safe >>

I tend to agree with this to a large extent, though much of what police do is Nanny Govt. now I usually find them to be nice folks. 

But my suggestion is we set this argument aside and concentrate on what we agree on:  reducing Nanny Govt.    Kat maybe you can move some of these off-topic debate posts to the debate area....

Dave Ridley

What if some of us were to follow the sponsor to his car after a House session, to make sure he puts on his seatbelt?  We could invite the media to cover this so it's all out in the open...I don't want it to seem like some kind of mass stalking LOL.  But more of a fun thing. 

Dave Ridley

OK what precisely is the goal of the petition...do we need to get a certain number of sigs to accomplish something?  Is there some legal hurdle the petition must jump over to have some effect? 

What are the key dates that are coming up... times and places where we might need to show up and speak out in the House...good days and places to protest.....

Dave Ridley

1/26 WED 1pm the NH state house meets

Don't know what's on their agenda that day, but they'll be in Concord.

Anyone who wants to can simply make a sign and stand at the following location to be seen by half the reps as they go in.  I may do this if my schedule stays open that day, but don't let that stop you from trying to do it either the same day or another day. 

Head to Louden and Main, right in front of the bank....


It's best to be there an hour or so before they meet and most of the legislators will drive past you in the left hand turn lane on Louden.     Unfortunately since they are turning not all of them will see you but this still seems to be the best spot and you will be seen by thousands of others besides the reps.    Protesting at the capitol itself can be effective too but I'm no expert on that and I think you need a permit.   I think you can get that in the legislature building.

Dave Ridley

Rodinia yes I'm the guy you heard on the Goldsmith show...great that you are here!   Actually I got you and Inter confused at first but anyway thanks for your leadership on this issue!


Quote from: DadaOrwell on January 18, 2005, 02:22 AM NHFT
Rodinia yes I'm the guy you heard on the Goldsmith show...great that you are here!   Actually I got you and Inter confused at first but anyway thanks for your leadership on this issue!

I'm sure you got more then just the two of us to check this out. :)

Dave Ridley

Very good to have you here Inter and honored you responded to my chit chat with Gardner.  I hope you'll stick with us even though we don't all agree on everything... When I don't  agree with these folks on some issue I just mostly set that aside and concentrate on the 90% of stuff I think they are right about.  It seems to work.   

Michael Fisher

Hey I'm just wondering if anyone knows of a good response to the "theoretical increase in insurance premiums" garbage that they've been touting all along.

We MUST have a legitimate, reasonable, clear, true, and logical response to this argument.

I can't really think of anything off the top of my head except for the fact that insurance companies only increase premiums for everyone when they are not allowed to "discriminate" against risky people because the government bans them from such "discrimination".

Any better responses?