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Help and Ideas For Marijuana Protest

Started by JAC, December 04, 2008, 12:12 PM NHFT

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If this is still on, anyone want to do a single file parade (wouldn't want to 'obstuct the flow of pedestrians") down wincester st or main?  Maybe right before JAC shows up. 


Mike got an interview with Andrew Carroll about his plans for January 10th. The interview is on Episode 91 of Free Minds TV which just came out today (January 2, 2009)


I will be there "covering the event" as well  >:D


I'll be spreading videos/stories about the event far and wide when it goes down  ;D


Is there a version of that video with just the interview that we can share? I'm afraid many will be discouraged by the length.


Toby's a busy dude.  May I suggest using http://keepvid.com to download the FMTV episode and just cutting out and promoting the segment yourself?  I doubt FMTV would mind, especially if you add a title crediting them.

Mike Barskey

I have it, because I made it. With Toby's permission, I'll post just the interview video to my YouTube channel. And I'll call Toby now for permission.


Thanx Mike! I was going to share it on Facebook.


Kat Kanning

The press release said 1:00 on the 10th. 


Quote from: Kat Kanning on January 09, 2009, 04:32 AM NHFT
The press release said 1:00 on the 10th. 

Thanks. Too bad the calendar thingy doesn't display time as well.

Mike Barskey

Well, neither Nick nor Toby responded to my voicemails or emails. I decided to post the interview anyway. It credits FMTV, and if they tell me they don't want it up, I'll take it down.

The YouTube video is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRnFNep5mW4

Please feel free to Digg it.

I'm also posting it to Andrew's Facebook event right now; feel free to share it.


I called and plugged and discussed Andrew's protest on WKBK's morning show today.  I will call Talkback tomorrow morning.


In his recent Ridley Report, Dave mentions Andrew is doing the protest outside City Hall.  The press release said 82 Main St., which is Railroad Sq.  Did Dave get his fact wrong or has the location been changed?


Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on January 09, 2009, 09:17 AM NHFT
In his recent Ridley Report, Dave mentions Andrew is doing the protest outside City Hall.  The press release said 82 Main St., which is Railroad Sq.  Did Dave get his fact wrong or has the location been changed?
No, I am still doing it at 82 Main St.  The location has not changed.  Ridley must have mentioned the wrong place by accident.