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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Tuesday in Nashua - Truth Rising
Videos every Tuesday night, somewhere in the Merrimack Valley: 1st Tuesday-Nashua, 2nd Tuesday-Manchester, 3rd Tuesday-Concord, 4th Tuesday-Plymouth - details at the meetup site: http://merrimackvalley911truth.org.

Our video showings in Nashua are at The Balanced Health Center at 155 Main Dunstable Road, Suite 135. We'll gather at 7 - we'll have a brief business meeting and start the video promptly at 7:30.


This month in Nashua we will see Truth Rising, by Alex Jones.

9/11 Chronicles: Part One, Truth Rising is a testament to free speech, an endangered commodity in post September 11, 2001 America. Alex Jones' latest documentary is a vivid testament standing in complete and defiant opposition to former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer's admonishment that "nowadays you have to be careful what you say and do," as if the orchestrated events of that horrible day have nullified the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In Jones' latest documentary, filmed in cinéma-vérité style — an appropriate technique, as the phrase translates from the French as "cinema of truth" — we witness repeated instances of police insisting the First Amendment is a dead letter and citizens no longer have the right to speak their minds in public, especially citizens going up against the imposed political orthodoxy and Fleischer's counsel.

Truth Rising also reveals that it is not only New York City's militarized police who believe the First Amendment is moribund, but many citizens do as well. "You ain't American," insists one such fine specimen at Ground Zero, angry over the possibility that somebody would actually dare contest the official version of events and ask questions and demand answers. Others fling mindless and obscene epithets and swipe at the camera, as if incapable of tolerating, let alone understanding and respecting the First Amendment, an absolute freedom that occupies a preferred position in the pantheon of our liberties. In post-9/11 America, the exercise of free speech is relegated to government mandated "free speech zones" and to insist the whole of the country is a free speech zone casts one in dark suspicion along with the likes Osama and the manufactured enemies of America.


We'll also go over how each attender can become more involved and spread the workload of running a meetup like this.

We'll have free DVD's and DVD's and books for sale. Everyone should bring their collection for trading, viewing, copying, etc. Bring your favorite books, too. We've developed a collection of books for sale at these various meetings.


A donation of $5 will help us build a fund for new materials, but if you can't afford that, please come anyway.


Merrimack Valley 911 Truth has set up a "carpooling group" online at eRideShare.com. Carpooling arrangements can now be made by clicking on http://mv911t.erideshare.com to go to the online ridesharing group. Now that gas has gone up to around $4.00/gal, carpooling is starting to get a lot more interesting.

What you'll have to do is set up an individual username & password on eRideShare.com. Then, our group nickname is "mv911t" and our password is "truth". You can post if you are driving to one of our events and have extra seats - or if you're looking for a ride to an event just logon and post that you're seeking a ride.

As always, donations to the driver for the ride-sharing are always appreciated to cover gas costs.


We encourage donations to the Feal Good Foundation, organized by John Feal, one of the firemen who survived 9/11, but lost most of one of his feet to a falling beam. John organized the foundation to help and support the workers who bravely got down to business on 9/11 and afterwards, but are now suffering without much support from government agencies that, in fact, deceived them.


We hope you'll join us for snacks and beverages (bring something to share), a movie and discussion. We will have free DVDs that you can take home and view later, as well as a selection of DVDs, books and other materials for sale.

To truth -- to FREEDOM
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth - http://merrimackvalley911truth.org, and

write us with suggestions for future showings at:


21 August 2008 Press Release from National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland:

NIST WTC 7 Investigation Finds Building Fires Caused Collapse


Jason Bermas discusses the latest greatest NIST explanation for the free fall speed collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 with Kevin Ryan:



The 7th anniversary of the attacks is coming up - anyone want to ride-share down to the City for the events in the Big Apple?

Here's a listing of 2008 - Now or Never events and speakers: http://2008nowornever.com/


Quote from: jaqeboy on August 30, 2008, 10:27 PM NHFT
The 7th anniversary of the attacks is coming up - anyone want to ride-share down to the City for the events in the Big Apple?

Here's a listing of 2008 - Now or Never events and speakers: http://2008nowornever.com/

To post interest in ride-sharing to NYC, go to http://mv911t.erideshare.com, password is "truth"


MV911T got its copy of Zero: an investigation into 9/11 - we'll need to work that into the schedule soon.


Some discussion of the NIST report on WTC7 coming up in Keene:

This Thursday at 9am, WKNH's "Empire Watch" will feature guest Mike Berger.  Berger is the filmaker who produced "Improbable Collapse",  a documentary fully exploring the collapse of the World Trade Centers.  Berger also serves as 911truth.org's Media Coordinator, and has appeared frequently on network television and other media.

On Thursday's show, hosts George Corrette and Patriot will focus with Berger on the recently released NIST report on the collapse of WTC 7, and consider what this and other factors might mean to the larger 9/11 Truth movement.

WKNH (91.3FM) can be live streamed at http://wknh.org.

Russell Kanning

Warning .... we will be printing musings about 9/11 in our next edition of the NH Free Press ... look away if it bothers you ....

oh btw ... even worse ... it is one of our fellow freestaters Brian Wright.


Looking for other folks who would like to go to NYC on a shoestring for events on September 11th and network.

One event:


For posting ride-sharing possibilities to NYC, go to http://mv911t.erideshare.com, use password: truth


Russell Kanning

they blow up buildings and collapse them on people there ... don't they?



Berlin, September 6, 2008

In Berlin, Germany a 9/11 event took place on Thursday and Friday this week.

Speakers were:
Giulietto Chiesa, an italian member of the EU Parliament
Jürgen Elsässer, journalist and author - Link
Andreas von Bülow, former Minister of Research and Technology in Germany
Jochen Scholz, former Lt Col Airforce
Mathias Bröckers, Journalist
Ekkehard Sieker, TV-Journalist
Eckart Spoo Editor of the magazine "Ossietzky"

The Italian documentary "Zero" was screened at the conference.

On Friday a press conference was held at the Government Press Conference
building in Berlin.

Subject was the push for a new international investigation of the 9/11
attacks. Mr.Giulietto Chiesa announced that the documentary "Zero" will be
aired on Russia´s main TV-channel on September 11
, followed by an discussion
with two US-journalists and two journalists from Russia.