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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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another tidbit from the same 911blogger article:

The New York Times, Sept. 20, 2001, pgs. B1, B8
Engineers Say Buildings Near Trade Center Held Up Well
by Eric Lipton and James Glanz

...the twin towers had collapsed almost straight downward, a circumstance that the engineers said might have reduced the death toll from the terrorist attack.

"It's like controlled demolition," said Matthys Levy, a founding partner at Weidlinger Associates, a structural engineering firm in New York. Mr. Levy, the co-author of "Why Buildings Fall Down" (Norton, 1992), said the collapse of the towers was "an uncontrolled demolition project but it acted like a controlled demolition project."


WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall (Part II)

What I found is that there is no motion of the roofline for at least 20-30 video frames after the point identified by John Gross. In other words, the measurement is a complete fabrication with the goal of producing a "measurement" to agree with the result predicted by NIST's collapse model.


6 January 2009 - First Tuesday of the month: Nashua screening:

Severe Visibility

a film by Paul Cross

The Unthinkable
     The Unimaginable
          The Unexplained

A drama about the mental anguish of a military man in the Pentagon having to come to the realization that he may have been lied to and "programmed" to believe he saw something that he didn't.

United States Army Major Stanley Kruter (Paul Cross) is forced to face the demons of his past when he discovers compelling information contradicting the American government's official version that a commercial 757 jet airliner crashed into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Major Kruter's discovery ignites an inner struggle between moral indignation and patriotism catapulting him into a labyrinth of intrigue, madness and suspense, ultimately setting him on a collision course with his destiny in which he will find no return.
We may also have time for some short subjects, possibly including the latest version of a local filmmakers developing work, now entitled: "9-11 Cinema Before The Fact." We'll see what other shorts we have time to view.
We have screenings every Tuesday somewhere in the Merrimack Valley: 1st Tuesday-Nashua; 2nd Tuesday-Manchester; 3rd Tuesday-Concord; 4th Tuesday- Bristol (our new northern location). If there's a 5th Tuesday in a month, maybe we'll have a Truth Party somewhere!
    Balanced Health Center - Suite 135
    155 Main Dunstable Road
    Nashua, NH 03060
Please arrive by 7:00 PM, since this meeting is on a tight schedule. We'll start a brief business meeting at 7 and the video will begin promptly at 7:30.
Please bring healthy snacks and/or drinks for sharing, since some may have come to our meeting directly from work.
Parking is in the lot in front of the building. Please enter the right entry doorway and suite 135 will be directly ahead of you. After entering the office, turn left to go to the video viewing room.
Newspaper - For an interesting paper which covers 9/11 Truth issues and other topics of concern, visit the Rock Creek Free Press out of Washington, D.C.
We have set up a "carpooling group" online at eRideShare.com. Ride-sharing arrangements can now be made by clicking on http://mv911t.erideshare.com to go to the online ridesharing group. Our group nickname is "mv911t" and our password is "truth". You can post if you are driving to one of our events and have extra seats - if you're looking for a ride to an event just logon and post that you're seeking a ride.

As always, donations to the driver for the ride-sharing are appreciated to cover gas costs.
Bring your friends! - remember to forward our email announcements to others you think will be interested in this important topic.

Please write to us at MerrimackValley911Truth@gmail.com with your video suggestions for the next month.


Interesting new photo-essay regarding visuals recorded photographically at the WTC site that are similar to thermite visuals:

What Destroyed The WTC?

Aidan Monaghan
Associate Member, Scholars For 9/11 Truth


We have an aromatic president coming into office!! Sounds like he may have trained under Rumsfeld for his ability to blather nonsensically.

I heard a sound bite from a Katie Couric / Barack Obama the interview on the way home on the radio. Sure enough CBS has it on it's website.

I had to listen to it three times to make sure I got the full aroma. Here's the text.

Couric: How important do you think it is Mr. President-elect to apprehend Osama Bin Laden?

Obama: I think that we have to so weaken his infrastructure that whether he is technically, ah, alive or not he is so pinned down that he cannot function. Ah, my preference obviously would be to capture or kill him. Ah, but if we have, ah, so tightened the noose that he's in a cave somewhere and can't even communicate with his operatives, ah, then, ah, we will meet our goal of protecting, ah. America.

So Whether he is alive or dead we pin him down??? He prefers to capture or kill him but the third option is to keep him in a cave with a metaphoric noose around his neck??? THIS is meeting the goal of protecting America??? I'm calling stinker! This is really bad theater and he's not even in office yet.




Boy, do I want to see the other 22 (or however many other CCTV's there were) video tracks....


Quote from: jaqeboy on January 16, 2009, 10:18 PM NHFT
Boy, do I want to see the other 22 (or however many other CCTV's there were) video tracks....

Makes you wonder just WHY the videotape records were "confiscated". Black Ops got something to hide?????


Quote from: coffeeseven on January 17, 2009, 06:58 AM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on January 16, 2009, 10:18 PM NHFT
Boy, do I want to see the other 22 (or however many other CCTV's there were) video tracks....

Makes you wonder just WHY the videotape records were "confiscated". Black Ops got something to hide?????



I somehow missed this from last summer (I think):

Officer Jack McLamb confirms 911 conspiracy. McLamb is the founder of Police against the New World Order:

I love the Sam Adams quote he refers to:

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!"



Movie, snacks, discussion tonight at Liberty Books in Concord!
75 Allison Street, Concord, tel: 223-0335

This month in Concord, we'll be showing Clear and Present Danger, by Michael Ruppert. Ruppert is the former Los Angeles drug enforcement detective who discovered the CIA connection to drug-running in LA and exposed it to the PD, the Congress, and the world. He has since formed the From The Wilderness web site and research operation. He very early on revealed, in his articles and videos, the connections between the drug business, the financial/banking interests and the war machine's intent to start another oil/resource/drug war in Afganistan/Middle East. Given the difficulty of pursuing this course, Mike has had some difficulties, but is now getting back into action and the From the Wilderness operation is back and running.

Having concluded that the US government and markets will be useless in preparing American citizens for the coming crisis, Mike's current focus is on individual and community preparedness for the coming challenges and the development of a reliable news service to quickly identify and track breaking developments around the world. These are in consonance with what a lot of New-Hampshire folks have seen as their interest.

Short Subjects: We may also have time for some shorts, including the latest version of a local filmmakers developing work: "9-11 Cinema Before The Fact." Be sure to bring your favorite shorts and bring blank DVDs if you'd like copies of anything from our library.

We have screenings every Tuesday somewhere in the Merrimack Valley: 1st Tuesday-Nashua; 2nd Tuesday-Manchester; 3rd Tuesday-Concord; 4th Tuesday- Bristol (our new northern location). If there's a 5th Tuesday in a month, maybe we'll have a Truth Party somewhere!

Please arrive at 6:30 if you can, in order to help set up the healthy snacks and beverages (that you bring to share with others) and enjoy the pre-meeting networking. We'll start a brief business meeting at 7 and then on to the video showing right after that.

Newspaper - For an interesting paper which covers 9/11 Truth issues and other topics of concern, visit the Rock Creek Free Press out of Washington, D.C.

We have set up a "carpooling group" online at eRideShare.com. Ride-sharing arrangements can now be made by clicking on the link above (or this: http://mv911t.erideshire.com) to go to the online ridesharing group. Our group nickname is "mv911t" and our password is "truth". You can post if you are driving to one of our events and have extra seats - if you're looking for a ride to an event just logon and post that you're seeking a ride. (Donations to the driver for the ride-sharing are appreciated.)

Bring your friends! - Forward this invitation to everyone!

Write us at MerrimackValley911Truth@gmail.com with suggestions for next month.


Well, it was actually called Fear and Present Danger - no wonder I couldn't find the links to this. If you want to know more about the video: http://tvnewslies.org/donate/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=290 I can't seem to find info on the video on Ruppert's official site, From the Wilderness (http://www.fromthewilderness.com/). We learned that Mike Ruppert has a blog at: http://www.mikeruppert.blogspot.com/

The great lesson of this video was empowerment to take actions ourselves to protect our communities and survive. The example brought up by our host was how individuals were seeking to help the people of New Orleans after Katrina and the levee break. When FEMA tried to obstruct them, they eventually just found their way around FEMA and went to help the people anyway.

"...we must realize and honor those who have had the courage throughout history to make change so that we all can live in the hope of a better future. And we must remember that one day our lives will be considered 'history', and how important it is for us to also take some action to impact the future for the better, and not to rely solely on others to shape it for us."

It's time



I don't know, I think it's a little difficult to make conclusive statements about what Carter does or doesn't know or believe from a question that caught him completely by surprise.

Carter is a difficult egg to crack. In many ways he is clearly off their reservation and out of their loop. Yet he has to know certain stuff, and you wonder why he doesn't tell all that he knows.