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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Toadstool on November 14, 2008, 05:20 PM NHFT

Why is this not being seeked out upon?
Why is Bush not in jail?

Bush himself is just a figurehead after all. When the truthers get to close to the real "button pushers" the figurehead will take the fall.

I've seen two good movies lately. "W" that touches on some of Bush's buffoonery. (I loved Thandie Newton as Condoleeza Rice, more ticks than a crack ho)
And Astronaut Farmer. The panel of inquiry asked Farmer how they could be assured that the rocket he was building in his barn was not a WMD. His reply was priceless. "Because if I was building a WMD you wouldn't be able to find it".


Quote from: coffeeseven on November 18, 2008, 11:38 AM NHFT
Quote from: Toadstool on November 14, 2008, 05:20 PM NHFT

Why is this not being seeked out upon?
Why is Bush not in jail?

Bush himself is just a figurehead after all. When the truthers get to close to the real "button pushers" the figurehead will take the fall.

I've seen two good movies lately. "W" that touches on some of Bush's buffoonery. (I loved Thandie Newton as Condoleeza Rice, more ticks than a crack ho)
And Astronaut Farmer. The panel of inquiry asked Farmer how they could be assured that the rocket he was building in his barn was not a WMD. His reply was priceless. "Because if I was building a WMD you wouldn't be able to find it".

Astronaut Farmer was a real hoot. About a man and his dream!


Good short vid:

The Red Pill

Comments on 911 Blogger:

The movie focuses on the history of the secret government and its illegal covert activities throughout the world. It then shows how all of this history led up to the greatest covert-op of all time, 9/11, and encourages viewers to push for a new investigation into 9/11.


Quote from: Toadstool on November 14, 2008, 05:20 PM NHFT
I have a simple question, I hope it care be answered simple,  I am I simple man is all.

If We have some much proof, well I seen alot 911 stuff and I being a simple man can figure out its a set up.

Why is this not being seeked out upon?
Why is Bush not in jail?

I remember Clinton getting head and getting the I word dropped... but why not Bush?

I cant believe there is nothing we can do!?
I looked into bush's brothers...WOW!
Its so clear but not a thing has been done or will???

Some are trying to bring the perpetrators to justice...
For example, Alfred Webre, J.D., who proposes an international war crimes tribunal:


Another great movie is the Dixie Chicks "Shut Up and Sing". Natalie Mains had the guts to speak out against Bush when his popularity was at it's peak. Great story.


Way cool of the Chicks: http://www.myspace.com/shutupandsing

Theatrical release soon (or is this an old promo?)


Quote from: jaqeboy on November 19, 2008, 08:14 AM NHFT
Way cool of the Chicks: http://www.myspace.com/shutupandsing

Theatrical release soon (or is this an old promo?)

Blockbuster has it. This is one of the very few movies that I'm actually going to buy AFTER I rent it.


I'll see if those folks over at Merrimack Valley 911 Truth can show it! Maybe work with the Red River Cinema in downtown Concord.


FEMA report: World Trade Center Building Performance Study, Chapter 5 (World Trade Center 7) for you researchers:


This study is old and is disputed by NIST reports on the towers and now on WTC7.

This link will be filed with all the other reseach material catalogued on the Merrimack Valley 911 Truth site.


Able Danger - New trailer - hope a decent-sized theater here will pick it up.


Loosely based on Sander Hicks or Brooklyn, owner of VoxPop, an activist café, and publisher of the New York Megaphone. Sander was to be a presenter at the last Alternatives Expo, but got called away 2 days before.

Russell Kanning

Mark Cuban is getting hassled by the feds for helping support Loose Change


Thanks for that link, Russell. Just shows how the thumbscrews can be applied, eh? Many whistleblowers have come forward and been fired from their jobs, etc. Many more have reported what they know to various people in the Truth movement (The Jersey Girls report dozens have called them) and have asked to remain anonymous, so they could keep their jobs, pensions, etc. When they come home to being brave, we may come closer to being the land of the free again.


Well, we have one more report of the collapse of WTC7 before it happened.

So far it's a "man on the street fleeing collapse" at 10:45 AM
CNN (Aaron Brown) at approx. 4:20 PM
BBC (Jane Standley & anchorman) at approx 4:57 PM
BBC 24 at approx: ?
and now this Fox 5 (DC) report has surfaced - don't have time stamp on this one
Building collapsed at 5:20 PM

Things that make you go hmmmm...

We know that BBC reported the collapse of WTC Building Seven 23
minutes before it happened. (When questioned later, BBC claimed that
it "lost the tapes" of this footage :)


[edited to add other occurences)



Bill Woodward's article in the local paper:


9/11: 'the new Pearl Harbor'

December 07, 2008 6:00 AM

Editor's note: The author is a UNH professor who sparked a controversy in September 2006 when he was quoted in a newspaper story as saying "government elites orchestrated 9/11" while summarizing literature on the subject. The university defended his academic freedom and he chose to let the firestorm subside. Now, he breaks the silence with his first opinion piece on the topic.

By William R. Woodward

On Dec. 7, 1941, our country was attacked by Japan. What do our children know of the economic and political reasons for this tragic event?

Robert Stinnet's book "Day of Deceit. The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor" reveals that Franklin Roosevelt not only let the attack on Pearl Harbor happen, but provoked it over a period of 14 months. At the time, the public was only 17 percent in favor of intervention against Germany. Roosevelt secretly had an eight-point plan drawn up to lure Japan into an act of war. The fleet was left exposed, and Japan's oil supplies were cut off. Roosevelt even conspired to prevent the available intelligence from reaching the admiral in charge. In historical hindsight, it turns out to have been a PsyOp, a psychological operation to turn the public into support of a World War against the Axis powers Germany, Japan, and Italy. Two days after Pearl Harbor, the U.S. Congress declared war.

This book flies in the face of a complacent ideology that the U.S. leaders occupy the moral high ground. In fact, false flag operations, have repeatedly used staged attacks to justify our invasions. This occurred with Operation Northwoods in 1962 (not executed by Kennedy), and the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964.

Theologian David Ray Griffin has suggested that we view Sept. 11, 2001, as "the new Pearl Harbor." The Sept. 11, 2001, false flag attack preceded our entry into a pre-emptive war with two nations and led to a vast shift in public opinion, from isolationism to war fever, and to restrictions in civil liberties (The New Pearl Harbor, 2004; The New Pearl Harbor Revisited, 2008).