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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

that makes sense .... it was probably after 9/11 after people brought it up .... that they let them have guns

Pat McCotter

Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 17, 2008, 07:32 PM NHFT
This also says it happened after 9/11


This article also states that the pilots have only been allowed to be armed "for the past 20 years" so that would make it 1981 not 1961 as in the Mises article.

Thank you Kat.

Kat Kanning

No problemo.  I think there are other reasons to question 9/11 though.

Pat McCotter

Yes, I've read many of the reasons and, like I said, put my head in the sand cause I didn't want to think our gov't could do that to its own citizens.

Well, my head is out in the open now - even though the straw that broke the camel's back may be non-existent.

Kat Kanning

Yeah, I heard about that opening in your head  :o

Pat McCotter


Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 17, 2008, 07:14 AM NHFT
Quote from: Tunga on May 16, 2008, 08:57 PM NHFT

I deleted the political boards.  Your lost posts were probably there.

How very democratic.

The meaning of the entire universe trivialized via the interpretation of a single moderator who is so tired of listening to the whining of the Cabel of politically correct shit shovelers that she bends to polite interface in light of her exposer as an agent of the Homeland Security Apparatus.

You know what we are talkn' bout don't cha ms. Kitty?

Your minion is danger close to pullin the plug on the Tunga.

Pour whittel minion can't even throw a hatchet. The mighty electron will save him. Sha.

Russell Kanning

For me it was one of the books by Griffin

Kat Kanning


The symposium Saturday was really good. Sander Hicks was certainly a ball of fire (I think he must have had too much coffee). I think I've got him convinced to come up from Brooklyn to the AltExpo at PorcFest and present on a topic of interest to him. He has a 3 year old son who loves the outdoors, so camping for them would be a cool deal.

Sander has written 3 books (I think), started a rag in NYC called the New York Megaphone, opened an all-activism coffeehouse in Brooklyn called VoxPop and a publishing on demand business called Publish Yourself! that is run out of the back of the coffeehouse. Now, there's a man of action!

Kat Kanning

It was good.  My favorite speaker was the FL guy who'd done the investigations on the flight schools.  The guy from the State Department was interesting too.  The people who'd lost family members on 9/11 were heart-wrenching.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 19, 2008, 08:37 AM NHFT
It was good.  My favorite speaker was the FL guy who'd done the investigations on the flight schools.

Yeah, that was Daniel Hopsicker. I haven't read his book, Barry and the Boys about Barry Seal and the CIA drug-smuggling operation to Mena, Arkansas, but I've seen his video about it all - quality was iffy, but the information was AMAZING!

We'll have to show that at the Merrimack Valley 911 Truth meetings when they start up - a lot of people don't know about the way the drug biz really works behind the scenes and how that money goes into play.


Richard Greene is doing a series of interviews on his Air America show, Clout, about the Pentagon 9/11 "crash" for his 3rd show during his Month of Truth. He is doing a "truth" show every Thursday this month. Show #3, was on the air last Thursday, 15 May.


Interviewed during this show were:

Barbara Honegger, author of "The Pentagon Attack Papers"
Survivor April Gallop's story will be featured...

Rob Balsamo, co-founder of Pilots for 9/11 Truth re the Black Box data,

Craig Ranke of a Citizen Investigation Team re videotaped interviews with eyewitnesses at the nearby Citgo gas station,

Prof. David Ray Griffin, re evidence from the FBI that Barbara Olson's famous calls from doomed Flight 77 never occurred,

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a most powerful 9/11 Truth advocate now running for Congress on the Libertarian Party ticket,

Col.George Nelson, aviation expert,

Ronald Weick, host of Hardfire TV.


Daniel Hopsicker.

His website is called

Madcowmorningnews.com or somthing similar.


I've got http://madcowprod.com/ from my notes. Then it's called the Mad Cow Morning News.

His new book is Welcome to Terrorland