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9-11 was an inside job

Started by Kat Kanning, September 06, 2005, 04:45 PM NHFT

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Some pre-release stuff from the NIST investigation of WTC7 collapse from the Jones Report:

The report states, "At 4:38 p.m. all of the windows between 13-44A and 13-47C were open, and the fires responsible for opening the windows had died down to the point where they could no longer be observed."

"Just prior to the collapse of the building at 5:20:52 p.m. a jet of flames was pushed from windows in the same area. The event that caused this unusual behavior has not been identified."

ref: http://www.jonesreport.com/article/06_08/25unusual_event.html


This from Les Jamieson, a leader of NY911Truth and a leader of their petition drive for an independent NYC investigative commission:

Hello all,

The radio station for the Gary Null Show is 91.5FM, NOT 99.1FM. I'll be on
the show Monday between noon & 1pm to discuss the NYC 9/11 Ballot


"Celebrating Real Independence - Manifesting Real Democracy"

Wed. July 2nd at 7pm, St. Marks Church, 2nd. Ave. & 10th Street, Manhattan

What better way to declare our independence than to participate in the
creation of a citizen-based campaign that will establish an impartial,
legally empowered Commission to conduct an authentic investigation of
9/11? This evening NYC residents will have an opportunity to do just that.
Bring friends, family, and anyone you know who is committed to progressive
change. They can sign the petition for the NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative, and
learn how they can help create history by making the petition drive a
success. More details coming soon...

Truth will prevail,

NY 911 Truth

Support the NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative


Quote from: jaqeboy on June 29, 2008, 11:17 PM NHFT
This from Les Jamieson, a leader of NY911Truth and a leader of their petition drive for an independent NYC investigative commission:

...The radio station for the Gary Null Show is 91.5FM.... I'll be on the show Monday between noon & 1pm to discuss the NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative.

Gary Null Show online: http://www.prncomm.net/PRNhostbio.php?thishost=gary


Maybe we should just show The Reflecting Pool at the Next Merrimack Valley 911 Truth meetings. Also, maybe we can get the filmmakers to stop in New-Hampshire on their tour.... hmmm....

ON NEW YORK RADIO -  Listen Monday 6/30/08 at 8AM on WBAI 95.5 FM - "Wake-Up Call" with Esther Armah  - Live discussion with filmmakers Joseph Culp and Jarek Kupsc about the upcoming New York premiere of THE REFLECTING POOL - The first investigative drama to challenge the official version of 9/11.     Listen to Wake-Up Call LIVE http://stream.wbai.org/


Dear Friends,

We are proud to announce the much anticipated World Theatrical Premiere of the groundbreaking investigative drama THE REFLECTING POOL at the Pioneer Theater in New York City on July 11, 2008.  This is a historic event. The first time a film challenging the official version of 9/11 has been given a theatrical run in The United States.  Please join us for these landmark shows from 7/11-7/18 and pass this message to all your New York friends.

We will be doing Q&A after every show.

Read about the New York 9/11 Ballot Initiative in The Village Voice.
THE REFLECTING POOL supports this important action to establish a new independent investigation of the most controversial tragedy of our time.

We will follow the New York run with a series of screenings on the North-East and North-West coasts, culminating with Colorado.
In late August and early September, we will be screening in New Zealand and Poland.

Press Release:

Thank you for your continued support!

Joseph Culp, Jarek Kupsc, Jodie Baltazar

The Reflecting Pool Summer 2008 Tour Schedule

July 11-18
(except 17)
7PM, 9PM
Pioneer Theatre
155 East 3rd Street
New York, NY
(212) 591-0434

July 19
Maine Int'l Film Festival
Railroad Square Cinema
17 Railroad Square,
Waterville, ME
(207) 861-8138

July 21
Time TBA
Railroad Square Cinema
17 Railroad Square,
Waterville, ME

July 23
Show 7pm
Meeting 6pm
Media Education Foundation
(Community Meeting Space)
60 Masonic Street
Northampton, MA



Friday July 4, 2008
Charles River Esplanade, Boston

9 am to 5 pm

Truth activists will be gathering at Boston's 4th of July
Celebration on the Esplanade this year to distribute new
Patriots Question 9/11 postcards along with We Are Change info
handouts and maybe some DVDs. A core group of organizers will
be setting up Camp on the lawn adjacent to the Stone Man
Playground near the Harvard (Mass Ave) Bridge. (see map on link
below). From there, we?ll break off into groups and canvas the
entire area, from and including the Longfellow Bridge to the
Harvard Bridge. Even if you can come only for a couple of
hours, there will be someone at the Camp at all times beginning
at 9 am, who will be able to connect you with groups already
out working the crowd.

The best access to the home Camp is via the pedestrian entrance
to the esplanade at the Mass. Ave Bridge. From there it?s just
a short 100 ft. walk to a fork in the sidewalk that surrounds a
strip of lawn where we?re setting up camp. Look for the flag of
New England we?ll be flying ? a red flag with a green Pine tree.

We have a total of 10,000 pieces of literature we want to
distribute among the 500,000-plus people in attendance. We hope
you can join us in this huge distribution effort and for some
celebration after the fireworks.

FYI This is a great vantage point to watch the fireworks, so
come help us hog our space.

Hope to see you there.

For more info and updates, visit

http://boston911truth.org/site/4th/newengflag3.gif <http:



Announcement Doc

WAC Flyer


Merrimack Valley 911 Truth is pleased to announce our long-awaited series of video showings in the Merrimack Valley of New-Hampshire.

Every Tuesday night, somewhere in the Merrimack Valley, we'll be meeting and showing videos about what really has been going on in America, not the fluff news from the mainstream media, but the hard, wrenching truth. Some of this information will be hard to watch, some hard-to-believe, some will make you squirm and feel worse than when you walked in, but we're banking on "the Truth will set you free!" and we're dedicated to that truth and that freedom.

Join us on the first Tuesday (starting tonight, July 1st) in Nashua, the 2nd Tuesday in Manchester, the 3rd Tuesday in Concord and the 4th Tuesday up north (final location t.b.d.) - you can get all the details at the meetup group: http://merrimackvalley911truth.org.

If you're just curious and not convinced, this is your opportunity to view some of the latest efforts of the independent investigators who are trying to get to the bottom of the events of September 11th and the justice seekers who are attempting to right the wrongs being done to Americans in pursuit of the 9/11 wars. We hope you'll join us for dinner at 6:30PM (most venues) or snacks, drinks, videos and discussion. We will have free DVDs that you can take home and view later, as well as a selection of DVDs, books and other materials for sale.

To truth -- to FREEDOM

Merrimack Valley 911 Truth

write us with suggestions for future showings at: MerrimackValley911Truth@gmail.com


Tonight the videos will be at the 603 Lounge at 14 West Hollis Street, Nashua, next door to Chicken 'N Chips and across from the side of Nashua City Hall.

The owner is totally into what we're doing and has offered a 10% discount on all food and drinks to the MV911T crowd. His circle of friends will be younger and eager to absorb ideas, so great prospects for "this movement of ours."

We may show The Reflecting Pool, which is due to have a theatrical tour soon and the filmmakers could probably be convinced to stop in one of our Merrimack Valley towns, if we can draw a crowd.

Quote from: jaqeboy on July 01, 2008, 07:22 AM NHFT
Merrimack Valley 911 Truth is pleased to announce our long-awaited series of video showings in the Merrimack Valley of New-Hampshire.

...the first Tuesday (starting tonight, July 1st) in Nashua ... all the details at the meetup group: http://merrimackvalley911truth.org.

... join us for dinner at 6:30PM ... We will have free DVDs that you can take home and view later, as well as a selection of DVDs, books and other materials for sale.

Jim Johnson

This was in the BBC today...   http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/theeditors/

I thought their video was interesting... plus reporting that the building had fallen before it did.

Russell Kanning

that is great reporting .... maybe they could feel the building weakening


We had 9 people attending with a couple of others in and out from the front of the 603. Attenders included a former member of the Nashua Board of Aldermen and a couple of younger folk. We did show The Reflecting Pool, after watching a little of Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator. The filmmakers are touring around with a first showing in NYC on 11July. Later, on 14 July they'll be at the Maine Film Festival at the Railroad Square Cinema in Waterville (cool theater - I saw The World's Fastest Indian there). One of our guys will contact them to see if they can stop in New-Hampshire if we can get them a decent-sized venue, like the Wilton Town Hall, the Colonial in Keene or the Red River in Concord. Can anyone else jump in to help support the effort to bring them here?

Be sure to register at the MV911T Meetup site to get announcements.

Quote from: jaqeboy on July 01, 2008, 04:11 PM NHFT
Tonight the videos will be at the 603 Lounge at 14 West Hollis Street, Nashua, next door to Chicken 'N Chips and across from the side of Nashua City Hall.

The owner is totally into what we're doing and has offered a 10% discount on all food and drinks to the MV911T crowd. His circle of friends will be younger and eager to absorb ideas, so great prospects for "this movement of ours."

We may show The Reflecting Pool, which is due to have a theatrical tour soon and the filmmakers could probably be convinced to stop in one of our Merrimack Valley towns, if we can draw a crowd.

Russell Kanning

the college kids can sometimes get the nice theater at Keene State

Kat Kanning

First part of Alex Jones' new movie:
The 9/11 Chronicles
The other 10 parts are in the related videos.



Quote from: Kat Kanning on July 04, 2008, 08:24 PM NHFT
First part of Alex Jones' new movie:
The 9/11 Chronicles
The other 10 parts are in the related videos.

Good find, Kat. Are you going to buy the DVD? If not, I'll see if someone at the MV911T meeting in Manchester on Tuesday will purchase it. We can put that in the queue for viewing at our upcoming meetings.

1st Tuesday of every month: Nashua video viewing at the 603 Lounge
2nd Tuesday: Manchester at the Great Buffet
3rd Tuesday: Concord at Liberty Books
4th Tuesday: up north, location T.B.D.
see http://merrimackvalley911truth.org for details and carpooling info.


Kat, btw, video viewing up at Burning Porcupine? Electricity? - I have a generator.

I'll transfer the infrastructure question over to one of the Burning Porc lists.