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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Kelo Report, Part 2

Started by Michael Fisher, September 25, 2005, 09:16 PM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

He backed off from that statement because I told him the press printed it.? He said he felt that way initially but not anymore.? He's not mad anymore, ask him yourself.? Of course the media printed it - uncontrollable anger is a bad thing.

You may think anger is great for a source of motivation because it's natural but I disagree with that maxim in most instances.? Anger manifests itself in terrible ways.? An angry movement is dangerous to everyone, not just to the government.? Your source determines your destination.? Angry actions beget anger.

There's nothing you can do about some emotions because they're spontaneous, but we must not give in to the victim mentality and let our negative emotions control us.? We cannot always choose what happens to us, but we CAN choose how to react.? We have a complete ability to self-govern and I refuse to believe otherwise.

The source of my motivation is hope, love, and nonviolent defiance.? I may be alone on this but that's okay.


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on September 28, 2005, 08:25 PM NHFTWe have a complete ability to self-govern and I refuse to believe otherwise. The source of my motivation is hope, love, and nonviolent defiance.  I may be alone on this but that's okay.

I wish I could say that my motivation was based on hope and love, or better yet that I could choose for it to be based on hope and love. But I certainly don't feel like I have the power to choose. I can still choose my actions of course. The best I think I can do is to channel motivations from my anger and ideals into constructive activities. Are you saying that you think I (and everyone) has the power to choose to be motivated of love instead of anger? I'm not sure I disagree, I just know that I don't see the way to that at the moment. You may just be a better person than I, and I say that in all seriousness. But I am nevertheless a just person and no enemy of other just people, and I believe I still belong and can contribute to the cause of freedom without being a hindrance or liability.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: ethanpooley on September 28, 2005, 09:19 PM NHFT
Are you saying that you think I (and everyone) has the power to choose to be motivated of love instead of anger?
But I am nevertheless a just person and no enemy of other just people, and I believe I still belong and can contribute to the cause of freedom without being a hindrance or liability.

Yes, I believe that stressors are a raw stimulus and we can decide to be stressed by them or feel another emotion at will.? The victim mentality is a world-wide phenomenon whereby individuals or large groups of people choose to feel victimized by their circumstances.? The result of this is anger, hatred, sadness, hopelessness, and blaming others.? You can always choose to take 100% responsibility for every aspect of your life.

For example:? If you're poor, you can sit there, depressed, and choose to be the victim, or instead you can choose to take responsibility for improving your circumstances.? This principle applies in countless situations.? If the government is victimizing us we can choose to be victimized or we can refuse these emotions and take the responsibility to change our circumstances.

I assure you that I am not a "better person" than you are.? All you have to do to eliminate the victim mentality is use a negative energy converter.

???? Here, plug this in...? ?;)

"Welcome every problem as an opportunity.? Each moment is the greatest challenge, the best thing that ever happened to you.? The more difficult the problem, the greater the challenge in working it out."
-Grace Speare

"A victim mentality is one where it is always someone else's fault for bad things happening to you. Further than this, it can be an expectation that things will go wrong, because 'bad things always happen to me'. A victim blames others for their circumstances - when something happens, they don't take responsibility for their actions.

The most effective way to overcome the victim mentality is to start taking responsibility for every action and circumstance in your life - as you seek in every possible way to take responsibility for your life, you will begin to see that: Although I cannot control my circumstances, I can always control my response!

When we embrace this attitude, life's circumstances will no longer control us, because we have been freed to choose how to respond!"
-Nathan Bailey

"Release yourself from this mind-pattern so that you can move into new vistas of growth - ones so vast that you cannot even imagine or comprehend them. You must let go of the old to make room for the new. No one can do it for you. No one can "save" you from yourself."
-Janet Swerdlow

Pat K

So I guess paitance my ass, I'M gonna kill something is not part of your creed ? ;D

Michael Fisher

Michael Fisher

Michael Fisher

Do you believe in miracles?  I do.

Lauren's sacrifice and the result is a miracle.  She alone is responsible for a renewed hope that we'll see play out over the next few days.  :)

Kat Kanning

Did the judge really sentence her to 19 days?  Or is that just how long she'll be in before going to court again?

I wouldn't trust mediators to resolve this.

That was a most excellent news story!  Those guys are heros for sticking in there for so long and holding back the government thugs.  It's great how they've stuck up for Lauren.  Imagine how it'd have been if they did the FSP-leadership routine of trying to denounce Lauren and Jim because they might possibly make the homeowners look bad.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: wholetthedogin? on September 28, 2005, 07:03 PM NHFT
Please continue last post under Endless Debate category.... on the other forum someone felt it was important to mention an Eminent Domain Legal Lecture in Florida...we have an Eminent Domain battlefield in New England...the time for lecture series is past.....

.... reminds me of the scene in "Life of Brian" when the woman bursts into the committee meeting of the JPF (Judean Peoples Front) to tell them that Brian is being crucified ...... "but Reg somethings happening" ..... and they continue with their Rogers Rules. ::)

Russell Kanning

they already have a "save ft trumbull homes" or something like that.

Russell Kanning

I bet u r right about the raise money thing.

Russell Kanning

....but I don't think we should wait for that .... it is right to stand up to the government now ..... as people follow maybe the donations will follow.
Everyone can get involved .... they don't have to send money to others to do civ. dis.


Quote from: russellkanning on September 29, 2005, 01:44 PM NHFT
....but I don't think we should wait for that .... it is right to stand up to the government now ..... as people follow maybe the donations will follow.
Everyone can get involved .... they don't have to send money to others to do civ. dis.

What actually did she do to get thrown in jail? Was she ordered to leave a meeting? Were others ordered? I'm trying to establish a chronological list of what happened.

Kat Kanning

The council claimed the meeting was full with 49 people in a room that's held a hundred.  The people waiting to get in were ordered off the stairs to the  council chambers.  Everyone complied except Lauren.

Michael Fisher

What is The Day's problem? ?Ted Mann did not cover Lauren at all in his story today even though that was part of the press conference and it made Fox 61 news. ? ::)

Mediator Will Attempt To Settle Dispute Over Fort Trumbull Plan

I've been speaking to my contacts at Fort Trumbull and they believe The Day is corrupt. ?At one point, The Day even ran an editorial saying that the residents should give up and leave.